Dansei Kyoufushou datta Watashi ga AV Jouyu ni Naru made no Hanashi

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Mar 11, 2020
@jongyon7192p Not really, there is a much better material to jack off to. I simply wanted it to be a proper rape story that does not shy away from anything. And when you have a good rape story instead of jacking off you can open up expensive wine bottle and make a toast for rape, like a cultured man would.
Mar 14, 2019
-this manga is based off the mangakas personal experience
that's uh...pretty brutal and honestly shes really strong for being able to express herself like this, I respect it a lot and feel really bad for her


Jan 18, 2018
Sometimes I’m baffled by people not knowing time and place. I’m also guilty of it sometimes, but this is really not the place to talk about your sexual urges.

This is mostly a space to talk about this manga. I don’t think people should hold back their criticism, but please crit with some decency. Especially when the author writes that’s it’s based on personal experience.
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Mar 11, 2020
People saying this is brutal pffft. You can clearly see someone who has never experienced what is everyday school bullying is like.
Jan 27, 2020
> sexually assaulted by multiple members of her family
> full-on raped by her brother
" People saying this is brutal pffft. You can clearly see someone who has never experienced what is everyday school bullying is like."
f**k out of here unless your teacher was taking you from the back like you were in a prison cell I don't know what the fuck you're talkin about the level of abuse this girl has faced cannot be related to your BS bullying @CuddleStruggle
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Mar 11, 2020
Sexual assault = being kissed by a father and having her chest touched by brother. Cry me a river. And yes, I would rather have teacher legit rape me (not just kissing or fondling), than facing every day school bullying. Some kids end their lives over this shit.
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Mar 11, 2020
I also find it funny that right in the beginning when nobody told her that the way father kissed her was wrong she never even considered that she was abused and thought it was just normal. That is the level of suffering we are talking about - the one that you don't even notice, unless someone explained it to you.
Mar 28, 2020
No need to belittle the severity being raped because you think bullying is worse. Btw, her not realizing makes it worse because it will hit hard when she does. She will probably get bullied if she hasn't yet, if you get one, you probably get the other.
Also, How can you say you would rather be raped by a teacher than "be bullied".
Well, honestly, none of the two are good at all so fuck both concepts.
Edit: What the heck? This is a true story?
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Mar 11, 2020
Because being raped by a teacher is a short-time thing and it's only 1 person. And it is also very easy to combat this - like literally go to any other adult and tell them about it and they will bury that teacher under the prison. It is kinda different when you are getting bullied by the same person as her brother, except there are like 5 of them, and anyone who tries to be on your side is automatically ostracized, so they pretend to don't see it or they even take part in it. And by bullying I don't mean just saying mean words, it also beatings, getting your stuff stolen, placing sharp object in your shoes/seat, being ordered around to do stuff, being striped naked, et.c.. And you have to deal with that like for 4+ years. The thing is that when you are being harassed by a collective you start to question you sanity. When you have a problem only with a single person nothing of that happens. It is their sheer length of it and the number of people that gets you.
Apr 22, 2020
@CuddleStruggle Why would you even make a comparison on the severity of different things? It's still wrong and someone is suffering, let's suspend our disbelief for a moment and say that yes, bullying is even worse than what mc is facing. So what exactly? What's the point of saying so? Just because someone got hit by a speeding car we should all of a sudden not care for someone who broke their wrist? They are suffering and somehow you made someone else's suffering as an excuse to ridicule them. I honestly shouldn't have even bothered typing, I won't say that you're a horrible person from this instance alone but you're saying some horrible things, I got bullied because of my name early on and even got physically bullied for it, my self-esteem got so bad I became anti-social but thinking that someone out there is using my suffering to disregard someone else's is sickening, you're acting like a bully you seem to use so much.
Sep 9, 2018
Gonna be a bit crude with this but
sit down, shut up, stop trying to make light of or distract people from the suffering the author is trying to express here. This isn't the manga for you to be belittling rape or harassment or anything. This isn't about cliched classroom bullying. This is about a girl who was abused and raped. This is HER life story, not open house for you to stir up pointless fucking drama. Stop wasting everyone's time trolling and acting like the sort of privileged scumbag that wouldnt know what to do with yourself if you ever actually had to suffer through any of the things this girl suffered through.
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Mar 11, 2020
@lolikoki This whole manga belittle it by itself. Like the worst act she has experienced up till now is being punched by a brother (or so it implies by a closed fist). And you can clearly see that, because she decided to tell her mother about it only after that punch. Her line was crossed. And punching is more akin to school bullying than sexual harassment.
Apr 19, 2020
@cuddlestruggle I usually don’t join in these sad comment threads, but you have to be slow to think that was a punch

The routine happens
She’s clearly says ouch where it starts, but states she’s doesn’t say it out loud, panel lower is pure confusion
The fist is 100% hers, gripping with her might to not let out a sound
“Something went inside”
Pants off
She doesn’t know what but it hurts
And her brother took a picture
Clearly finger or some kinda object was placed inside her, I hope no one has to tell you where and the brother took a picture

You should reflect on yourself more and think instead of starting online arguments by sharing Your experience and trivializing others
Apr 19, 2020
This is fucking depressing, I didn’t know this shit was based on real experience until the end of chapter 4(I read based on covers I like skipping the synopsis, it’s dumb I know but that’s how it is), I was expecting your average edgy manga where this kinda stuff is fetishized, now I’m sitting here feeling worse than when I woke up, she’s only 21 now for Pete’s sake, I’ll wish for her successful career moving forward, def buying these
Active member
Mar 11, 2020
@Wafu_Dump regardless, it was physical pain that was crossing the line for her, not the kissing and touching. And if something was inserted into her wet pussy she will feel that pain like once in her lifetime.

Edit: if you are depressed after this, I recommend watching her AV video right after reading this manga. They were made to be viewed together.

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