It’ll be weirder if he doesn’t. Imagine this for a second, if you remove her tendency to turn psychotic when she get little bit too excited with the prospect of fear, she’s basically perfect.How can he like Eiko? The woman is completely batshit insane.
Man are we reading the same manga? Did you somehow missed all of her good part and only read the part where she switched when she get too excited?God PLEASE give me strength to skip the romance part, that bitch is giving me creeps each time she switch. that flag is glaring RED.
i just want to follow yayoi's story of saving her mom's ghost and the guy curse to be lifted. i DO hope kei and that girl wont be together but who am I to judge people preference.
I mean, if she didn't put him in life threatening situations for her own sick kicks to begin with, whe wouldn't NEED to save him. She's beautiful, yes. You can't just 'remove' the psychotic tendencies, that's like a huge part of who she is as a person, and the positives don't undo that at all. Heck, in my opinion, the fact that she willfully and happily and irresponsibly puts his life on the line for the sake of her own fetish kinda makes all the rest basically irrelevant in my opinion. She can't love him that much if she is willing to risk his life regardless of any protests he makes because of her own sick mind, and I don't think any woman, no matter how nice or loving they act, is worth putting up with that bullshit.It’ll be weirder if he doesn’t. Imagine this for a second, if you remove her tendency to turn psychotic when she get little bit too excited with the prospect of fear, she’s basically perfect.
1. She stayed with him when he’s on his lowest.
2. She stayed and helped him recover from his trauma in which she basically get cursed BECAUSE OF HIM.
3. She saved his life countless time.
4. She always there when he needs her.
5. She always excited to help him to be the better version of himself.
On top of all that
6. She’s adorable and beam of sunshine.
7. She absolutely love him.
8. She’s honest, assertive with what she wants, and wear her heart on her sleeve.
9. She cares about people around her (like the case with yayoi. Which mind you, before the accident yayoi is basically nobody for her) So she care soo much about weird and borderline terrifying kid she barely know, who’s one day just suddenly arrived on her doorstep. It takes special kind of person for that, it shows how good natured she actually is deep inside.
So yeah, it’s weird if he doesn’t fall for her.
Are you sure about that? First of all he attracts ghost and spiritual phenomena and that is a big part of who he is as character. Which means regardless of what he’s doing or where he’s going, he will always end up in that situation if he come across with the ghost/spirits. The only differences is, he’s gonna be alone and die without yayoi and eiko. With your line of thinking eiko actually doing the wrong thing when she actively trying to help him recover from his trauma and get out of his room, because being hikikomori is apparently the best bet for him to stay alive.I mean, if she didn't put him in life threatening situations for her own sick kicks to begin with, whe wouldn't NEED to save him. She's beautiful, yes. You can't just 'remove' the psychotic tendencies, that's like a huge part of who she is as a person, and the positives don't undo that at all. Heck, in my opinion, the fact that she willfully and happily and irresponsibly puts his life on the line for the sake of her own fetish kinda makes all the rest basically irrelevant in my opinion. She can't love him that much if she is willing to risk his life regardless of any protests he makes because of her own sick mind, and I don't think any woman, no matter how nice or loving they act, is worth putting up with that bullshit.
I realized that you keep going on and on about eiko “put his life on the line” and “risk his life regardless any protest he makes”. You do realize that the whole ordeal about fighting ghost and gathering graduates is actually his idea right? Or are you skipping all that chapter as soon as you saw eiko in the picture?I mean, if she didn't put him in life threatening situations for her own sick kicks to begin with, whe wouldn't NEED to save him. She's beautiful, yes. You can't just 'remove' the psychotic tendencies, that's like a huge part of who she is as a person, and the positives don't undo that at all. Heck, in my opinion, the fact that she willfully and happily and irresponsibly puts his life on the line for the sake of her own fetish kinda makes all the rest basically irrelevant in my opinion. She can't love him that much if she is willing to risk his life regardless of any protests he makes because of her own sick mind, and I don't think any woman, no matter how nice or loving they act, is worth putting up with that bullshit.
I mean, I HAVE been in love before. So thanks for your assumptions. Neither of them loved me, but that's irrelevant. Even so, I'm not going to die for someone else because of a situation either she put me in or we put ourselves in, especially if she is the biggest reason we are there at all. I'm not stupid enough to kill myself for someone else. Even so, remember that from chapter one SHE is the one who introduced him to this kid with a very obvious agenda and pushed HIM into all this from the start while he was resistant. Even after he expressed that and made it very clear that he is terrified and really doesn't like this, she continued to push him into it. He only started getting on board later and to me it kinda reads like a similar situation to stockholme syndrome. She pushed him so far into it that he simply decided he had no choice but to go all the way. I also remember that one moment where she did a bit of projection to think he was just as crazy about danger as he is, and also that time she encouraged a kid to be that way too.I realized that you keep going on and on about eiko “put his life on the line” and “risk his life regardless any protest he makes”. You do realize that the whole ordeal about fighting ghost and gathering graduates is actually his idea right? Or are you skipping all that chapter as soon as you saw eiko in the picture?
Just in case you actually did that I’m gonna tell you this. He wants to protect and save eiko from her curse. That’s the reason why he’s risking and putting his own life on the line.
Unfortunately by the way you worded your last point i can tell that you never been in love before. Don’t get me wrong this is not personal attack, most people don’t get to experience genuine love in their lifetime, and you still have a lot of chance to experience love later. My point is, from people in love perspective, what he’s doing is very much understandable and very worth it. It is however objectively not worth it, if you’re looking at this from logic standpoint and with no love involved. Human are very emotionally driven creatures, their feelings on that matter can change the whole dynamic of their situations. That’s why human would be happy to put their own life on the line to save their loved one. Objectively? It’s not worth it, but from people in love perspective? Worth every penny and more.
Death to the entire clan, Yayoi editionWhere did Yayoi learn to go straight for the nuts?💀Small hand + Superhuman strength. Surprised dude can still stand up soon later instead of passing out.