fcking diamond armor.
*I hate using my brain on this kind of shit.
"I hate using my brain for this kind of shit" a joke, really? sounds to me like you really thought you were right because of playing Minecraft for five minutes after PewDiePie started playing it.
Everyone would've known it was a Minecraft reference. It's not hard to tell considering that Minecraft is the only game that uses diamond armour. I was trying to help you out with understanding his abilities and the world he's in, however if I misunderstood something due to the lack of ability to convey sarcasm and comedy in text then it would've been better to let me know that rather than attempting a bad insult, due to your use of language I doubt that it was really a joke, then again I could be wrong. After all what dumbass would really think diamonds could be used as legitimate armour. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯