Starting by discussing the important stuff. And then some shit about gender.
Yeah, the common trope "Samus is a Girl".
Orc player wants to do orc things.
If some rando calls someone an MPK, there's a 50/50 that person is the MPK.
Attacking through your own allies is perfectly legitimate in a game. In real life, not so much.
If they're using their bench's bench to reach the finals, it means they've got that many top players in the guild. Which means there's few other guilds that reach even that level. Which is a bit weird, since there's usually a bit more of competition at the top when there are that many guilds total.
"Let's stop talking about this girl/guy. Instead, let's talk about this unrelated monster."
The monster she killed.
Getting salty about being asked how prelims went? You've got way too much pride for the little punch you pack.
A raid player might not be one who enjoys tournaments. But also might enjoy them just as much. Early boss killers are more often explorers, though.
Can you really drown your sorrows in a game?
A bit weird that both Lily Garden and Maid Gang for so close. Feels like one of those, "Let's group them together even when it might not be plausible," kinda storytelling moments.
Yeah, that leaderboard is just weird. You just don't get three times as many points as anyone else. Especially since you get more points the higher the team you're fighting is, and you don't fight even close to all guilds. The only way I can see it happening is if those two guilds were the only ones who fought all day long, and didn't take breaks for sleeping and stuff. And that's not even taking into account they didn't use their A-team.
A boss just dropping some basic materials? Okay, something's up with that.
A guild system where you can oust the GM. Player guilds are pretty much always top-led, and you'd have to specifically set it to be democratic for that to work.
This Xiao person looks insane with those wide open eyes. And sure, just "kindness".
This is like the FLFO forum chapters. Kinda neat once in a while.
Balance is the last thing to worry about when writing a VRMMO manga
Story > game balance.
What really annoys me in all the mmo manga is how people somehow see doing open world pvp as a bad thing when they're playing a game with open world pvp enabled and supported by the game systems
It's because they're buying into the kayfabe.
Legit top raid bosses all have enrage timer and/or dps/player number checks, or other solo impeding mechanics.
Just checking player numbers is a BS way of doing it. If you can't make the boss too difficult for solo players, you suck. Anti-cheese is one thing, but anti-solo is a sign of incompetence.