Domestic na Kanojo

May 19, 2019
do not read save yourself the trouble of such a shitty ending like jesus

idc what ship you favor, idk how anyone can even call that a good conclusion

the beginning had a good start tbh, even towards the middle it was still enjoyable but the later half..
Jun 8, 2018
after reading this until the end I can finally say that Good Ending still the best manga that Sasuga Kei created. I still enjoying this series though but not as much as Good Ending
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2019
Reading comments on some sites shows, that there are two camps:
Camp one: Ending is awfully written, rushed, Sasuga ruin all developments and story pulling out this coma shit and almost 9 years time gap, erasing all progress and just doing whatever she wants just bcs she wants this, F logic, F realistic, F readers, F you all.
Even Hina doesn't deserve this marriage out of misery, where they literally talked her to marry him, lmao, WTF, how you even have guts to force this SO hard Sasuga, it's your own child, why do you crippling it with your own hands?!..

Camp two: whos, you just whining bcs your girl didn't win, Hina best girl, suck it losers, if you upvote my comment - you are sucker Rui fanboy, go cry on mommy's shoulder.

I'm glad that at least there are (and here two) more people, who understand, how forced and awfully written this ending is. No matter who was you favorite - this is just crap from all sides.
May 19, 2018
@Jmann I'm from Camp one - whoever wins is totally okay since this is still a harem manga, only one will end up with the main guy. Problem is, how it ended. Heartbreaking I tell you especially to fans (me) who followed the manga for years, seeing all the growth of your beloved characters thrown out of the window at the very last minute to create Drama and all you get is... "FATE"
I don't even know why some Hina fans like the ending. Sasuga literally made Hina suffered and ended up in such a state just to make her the final girl then shorten her screening time (awoke) for the last 3 chapters. They should be mad too.
Sep 18, 2018
Glad it's finally over. Never imagined how an ending could ruin the whole story like GOT did, but here we are. No matter how hard of a shipper/Hina fanboy/fangirl you are I can't see how anyone could be happy with this ending. Oh well.
Mar 10, 2018
Dropped months ago because i'm not much into these kind of drama stories, i just read recently that the author got harassed and life threated for the last chapters, well, i can't judge the story and i don't care about it because is still fiction, but the people who attack the author are a bunch of twisted lowlife garbage forms that need mental help, i mean, such offensive and violent behaviour for a mere fake story? For unrealistic characters? Life threats and insults? Eh? This should never be tolerated, expecially from western fake fans that illegally download her work.
On a side note, the existence of some people in the anime and manga community with this sick and bad personality can be an issue, will not be surprised if some of these people can harm people in the real life too using a story that didn't go how they want as an excuse. There is a line that shouldn't never be crossed. =_=
Dex-chan lover
Dec 7, 2018
Just pretend that after chapter 216, Rui dies in a plane crash on the way back to America, Hina consoles him and they fall in love again and Hina has a stroke. Now just read 276 as though Haruka is Natsuo and Hina's kid several years later, Rui is a ghost or delusion Miyabi is having, and then this story ends much happier and logically consistent. What a fucking dumpster fire this turned out to be - gigguk has never been so right as he is now
Dec 28, 2018
Avoiding Sasuga Kei works like the plague from now on. Also the editor for this probably has weird fetishes for allowing this kind of shit to happen.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 13, 2018
There's reddit posts that put it better than I could.

This ending was screwed for a while. I want to make it clear before I say this that it is not intended as a personal attack on the author: I don't think she has been in a long term romantic relationship or has children. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's the only way I can see someone portraying love and children like this.
Apr 2, 2020
It was honestly a great story but the last 30 chapters were kinda bad and it dragged a bit. Great character development and plot. 8/10
Apr 10, 2020
Finally. Now i know with which author i must be careful.
Basically my opinion is: Good manga at the beginning but at some point in/after middle school all the story and development went in decline (except things related to Rui), and all saw what happened with the ending.
Mar 26, 2019
Im actually glad the ending was released here prior to the missing chapters... bc now i won’t waste my time with them.
i was happy with him being with rui,....why does he still end up with doesn’t make sense at all. Unless you’re one hell of an indecisive author and want the protagonist to have it/them all.
Sep 25, 2019
I have a fleeting suspicion that the publication got axed for whatever reason of some other force majeure happened, because i swear to every fucking meaningful thing in the universe, i couldn't have made more of a lame, butchered ending even if i bled my brains out.
And i didn't even fucking try.
So i couldn't possibly know.
But i'm still confident that i couldn't.
You REALLY need talent to write that level of trash.
Sep 23, 2018
Gotta love the japanese's obsession with unhealthy behavior just to make someone learn a lesson.
Why'd they have to do the entire series so dirty with such an out of place ending, considering the time given to each character. Like cmon man, that's just in poor taste.
Hina should've gotten over it, and Rui should've gotten over herself. After that it should've been smooth sailing considering the literal god damn child thrown into the mix, but nah, gotta make her just a consolation prize. Fuckin' hell.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 23, 2018
So folks decided to tweet at the author about their dislikes for the ending. The hate culture that twitter breed is insanely disgusting.
I mean we express dislikes in forums and have discussions about it.
There is absolutely no need to go directly to the author and spew hateful nonsense. Most of these fking readers have not spent a dime, yet feels so entitled to @ the author. Smfh faith in humanity lost. Ps. I thought it ended shitty also.

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