Dou ka Ore wo Houtte Oitekure - Vol. 3 Ch. 15 - That Isn't the Face I Want to See on Hanamitsuji, Right?

Dex-chan lover
Oct 1, 2018
At his core the mc is someone who doesn't -want- to be alone, but he is so used to being alone that he's convinced himself that things are better off that way. This chapter has him starting to realize that hanging out with her kinda rekindled in him a desire to not be alone anymore, but reflexively he still has his walls up, putting him in the mindset that things are better if he's by himself.
Now that he's becoming aware that this was just a lie he told himself until he started to believe it, he is feeling regret for pushing her away and hurting her in the process.

I guess the ending is in sight for this one, but the thoughts of the mc are something I've gone through myself. Dude needs to develop some self esteem and realize it's okay for him to be around others instead of assuming they'd be better off without him.


Active member
Jul 31, 2018
At his core the mc is someone who doesn't -want- to be alone, but he is so used to being alone that he's convinced himself that things are better off that way. This chapter has him starting to realize that hanging out with her kinda rekindled in him a desire to not be alone anymore, but reflexively he still has his walls up, putting him in the mindset that things are better if he's by himself.
Now that he's becoming aware that this was just a lie he told himself until he started to believe it, he is feeling regret for pushing her away and hurting her in the process.

I guess the ending is in sight for this one, but the thoughts of the mc are something I've gone through myself. Dude needs to develop some self esteem and realize it's okay for him to be around others instead of assuming they'd be better off without him.
Hello. You analyzed this very well. He was unable to obtain the meaningful relationships he wished for, eventually leading him to give up and hide behind a facade of pride and acceptance of his current state, making it a part of his personality. It is a very common phenomenon and is seen more and more often in various scenarios. Thank you for your perspective and your willingness to embrace the changes he is going through. I see it is not a recurring train of thought in this comment section. I hope you're feeling much better now than you did in the past.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2023
I get it, tldr is he thinks he doesn't need anyone and is fine alone but by cutting off connection he had he gets shocked and realize he doesnt want to be alone, and thats fine but message could have been missed so easily,

cutting off bad relationships is a good life skill to have and relationships with two completely different mindsets can work but it's really hard and needs two really mature people which in today's day and age its hard two find, especially cause one side forces their mindset on the other party instead of trying to understand them and be on an even playing field,

also not wanting to hurt the other person is really really bad for both and goes downhill easily hurting the other person more in the process, character development is nice but it couldve been worded and done better
Aggregator gang
Apr 21, 2020
Breaking off a relationship that you know is not going well is a healthy skill to have, while it may not be good for the story, I would see it as the most logical if we continue with the two not meeting again,and the argument that breaking a relationship with a freind hurts is simply not one good enough to warant to stay together.

The only way I can see them back together without losing repsect for the plot, is if either MC or the FL have a strong change in ideology, allowing for a realtionship where they are not of harm to the other.
On this one i don't agree, i know having different ideologies and fighting can be toxic and sometimes it is important to know when to end a relationship, but what they are fighting for can be resolved and unlike many before have said i think he was right and he is still right he has said that he doesn't like being with people but she forced him to do that when it wasn't needed what he needs and he understood right now is the little group of people that do care for you in this case her even if she did try something he didn't want she still did it out of caring for him.

I really want to see what this decision will lead to if they are gonna try to have him understand that he doesn't need to let everyone go to continue being a "loner" or if they will go the route that he gives to her ideology and ends up having a lot of friends thus ruining the whole concept but alas
Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
He said the thing, folks. Que the credits.

Ok I mean compared to last chapter I say quite a bit happened this chapter. Even if it was mostly in the space of MC's internal turmoil. After reading a few of the comments here, I feel like I can somewhat sympathize with him. It's just kinda irritating how he can be so contradictory at times, often without realizing he is. And even now after telling Hinamatsuji to leave him alone (ha), he doesn't have the resolve to stay a lone wolf without her being what introduces doubt and uncertainty in the face of his "convictions."

I get it to an extent; people can be a bundle of contradictions while maintaining some underlying consistency. But I can't help but feel this is more a matter of MC just vehemently refusing to be honest with what he really wants. Especially in this chapter when he essentially gets what he's been saying he wants but clearly isn't fully satisfied.

Thanks for the translation.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2023
"leave me alone"
bro got bird brain
Well, if it was really just blunt "ok" he won't be feeling so conflicted

Her "ok" was filled with pain, regrets and frustration. Did you read the chapter? Technically the separation is logical and good way to avoid interfering with each others morals. It's ok as long as we live in world ruled by logical and with no feelings whatsoever. MC called himself "lone wolf" for idiotic long period of times and you still can't get what's inside his head. Lone people are usually apathetic and exclude "emotions" when interacting with someone. They're trying to compensate for their lack of social skills by relying on logic which is ok when you are dealing with some stranger but it turns upsidedown when you are dealing with someone close because your "logical" conclusion is lack feelings in it and very cold to a person who was considering you his/her friend and even more bad if this "someone" loves you (FMC seems like someone in love but still very unclear)
Aggregator gang
May 4, 2020
I just want him to make up his mind, whether it's go being full lone wolf or start to be friends and care with people he cared about (in this case, Hanamitsuji)

Needs this much progress to make him actually make up his mind, but it's okay

Then I checked novelupdates page
The novel is axed, sadge, I guess that's why the manga suddenly become much more serious than before, because the ending is near
The news about the novel hurt, i read this novel last year just when they were translating volume 2.
Thet ended without cliffhanger so that is not the worst. But still wished i could learn more about their future. Hope I can see more work from this author
It is one of my favourite novel.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2018
Idk why everyone is going against the mc when the girl basically said that the mc remained dead if she knew things will be this way. And that only because the mc is not living his life the way she wants him to live.
Double-page supporter
Jul 4, 2023
Because MC is a loser in disguise hiding behind his "lone wolf" "ideals". HS didn't go well the first time around so now he hides behind this charade because he's scared of getting hurt (because, hint for the lone wolves, relationships take effort) and has given up on life. Probably depressed and lashing out. Still is a loser that has given up and is pretending he hasn't by calling it being a lone wolf. And then bats away at the hands reaching out to him. Hard to root for a MC like that tbfh.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 19, 2020
that the mc remained dead if she knew things will be this way.
But she did not say that? She said that she wouldn't have gone back in time if she had knew it would turn out this way. This could mean that him being ressurected and her going back in time are two separate matters, which in turn would imply that she got transported by her own choice and not because of some godly whims according to her initial explanation
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
As someone who has been alone for nearly a decade, letting people go is okay. To start a relationship with someone very different usually means that someone has to change, and in my experience, it's the extrovert who wants to change the introvert, not the other way around.

Seems like the author wants us to see the MC's actions as wrong and I can't agree with that at all.
Eh, that’s only if he were an introvert to begin with. I don’t think he is, he’s just suppressing his pretty obvious desire to have friends due to past social trauma.

Also letting people go/cutting off people is okay, but the reason he did it is basically wrong. He’s doing it “for her sake” as much as his when in reality he’s just hurting a friend because he’s too afraid to experience failure.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 30, 2018
This is good but mc needs to Stop mentioning himself as lone wolf all the time whenever I read that I feel gross like man ik right you don't need to say that in each and every sentence
I feel like that's one of his ways to diss himself. Calling himself a lone wolf and shit. That's how he copes with being alone (even if he enjoys it, being alone all the time is tiring too).

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