The strongest magic in these settings will always be how the female swordsman manages to move around the battlefield swift as lighting with two breasts each bigger than most people's head seemingly without an equalivalent to a sports bra.
The naked apron scene was actually perfect until she realized how embarrassing it was. Confidence is Sexy.
I feel like the mom deffo knew what she was doing though. Like in the worst case scenario where she died, she not only secured a guardian for her son but planted seeds for him to end up with the most powerful woman in their world (as far as we currently know). I do wonder who the heck is his dad though (if he's more like him and not her) and she hinted at having powerful friends before going off to war and hinted at everyone expected her. Plus obviously not just anyone becomes friends with the sword saint. I wonder who she was before the MC was born. Depending on ages, did she perhaps train the sword saint before? It'd be a cool cyclical thing.