Hey everyone! Flame/vale scans here. I'm here to explain why we ended our 3-way collab with devmax.
1 day the owner of vale scans was removed from the dungeon reset group without any notice. When he found out, he assumed it was a mistake and contacted gravity about it to figure out what's going on. He was told that the tl is no longer needed and that they're being removed from the collab. He also found out that they were working on clrding dungeon reset, and when he was confused he decided to contact flame scans and ask them why they're no longer clrding. Well, it seems like they weren't told. They were also planning on removing them without saying anything.
They told us that this was their plan from the beginning after we realized what's going on, it was temporary which was not something we agreed to at all. We were confused. Mangadods dropped this series and both flame and vale had interested in picking it up, and when we agreed to, we decided to add devmax since gravity reached out to vale. It was a gesture of friendship and a way to help a scan group continue and grow. We told them we will continue it and they warned us how the community would view us to stop us.
Fast forward they suddenly mass release all 3 chapters without notifying as well as suddenly banning us from their staff discord and their main discord. Here is something important. We ended the collab @ chapter 54 and the collab was a 3-way collab. After they banned us, they stole our tl which was in the drive and pushed 55 and 56. They also removed flame scans and used their ts/clrd.
They also decided to steal flame scans credit page and decided to keep the fonts they brought for the collab.
gravity told us he wants no drama
Gravity then begins attacking us on mangadex and their discord server with his fellow staff members. They began saying its low quality work of their reupload. We were both hard to work with and they were claiming we did stuff to break the collab. we only added 1 role each to the group etc. All of that is a lie and here is why. Gravity asked for a collab with vale scans on another series since their current collab is ending. That's right, they wanted to collab with the low quality hard to work with scan group???????? Regarding vale and flame bringing in 1 role each, that is a lie, while Vale scans only brought in a tl, it was because that was all that was requested. Flame scans brought a ts and a clrd.
Gravity and his fellow members already admitted they used it, but they also lied to the community, lied to us, and began attacking us for the last 4 days even though we've stayed quiet. 1 of the last messages gravity sent was this "overall, I'm 30 years old. I have a job, a wife, and kids. my job is being the director of rehab at a nursing home. I do this for fun. I get no income from this. I don't want drama. I just want to log in, have fun chats, and work on some manga.". That was determined to be a lie
We can assume that's why they dint affiliate with us or give us a shoutout when we did that for them.
The last thing we would like to mention is the fact that DEV MAX ONLY CARES ABOUT MAKING MONEY FROM YOUTUBE. This is all it is about. them making money from youtube.
Sadly since we were banned from their discord we lack the most important screenshots. that being said, if needed, we have some!