E-Rank Healer - Ch. 17

Dex-chan lover
Oct 23, 2019
Have some self confidence please. A million people tell her she's awesome, then one super suspicious guy tell her she's not...
Dex-chan lover
Feb 6, 2018
Wow, some of these comments.
She spent most of her teenage/young adult life being told she was garbage, worthless, etc. Did ya'll really think psychosis goes away because someone finally just started treating her the way she deserves? Maybe you think the cure to depression is to "be happy"?

I'm not saying this author is 5d chess character building, but damn.
Jan 8, 2020
Bae hes acting sus pls believe in urself god .. DIE STUPID ARC DIE IM SO PISSED
Double-page supporter
Jan 17, 2019
Pshhhhh. "Being happy" isn't the cure to depression
Not being depressed is the cure. Duh.
Just be a chad and get dont be a Woman.
Just get rich and don't be poor. And be white.
Gawd, why don't people understand to do well in life you just have to be 5000 iq like me.
This author is so garbage at writing stories and the art sucks.
I could have drawn this when I was 2 years old and come up with a better story.
At the age of 3 I ascended to god hood and had the whole universe worshipping me.
That's why I spend my days going through manga and shitting on them and everyone who likes them even when I'm already 17 CHAPTERS IN!

Well I'm done with my sarcasm. But yea, it's just normal idiots talking nonsense.
Jan 1, 2021
This story had ended in 10 chapters ago and what we are seeing now is just useless padding with useless characters that are only here to repeat the same characters arcs from the past chapters. She, her boyfriend and the mage already know that her father is the most genius and talented healer/doctor/alchemist of the kingdom and that she inherited all of his skills, so if they disclose this fact all the people that are spiting shit out of their mouths would have to shut up and let she do her job, all this conflict is totally unnecessary so this chapters feel like a waste of time.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2018
Thank you for your hard work and for the time you spent on this story.
Double-page supporter
Jan 18, 2018
Why does she believe the more than obvious villain like a fucking retarded dumbass? Like come the fuck on! Even a newborn baby who's blind would be able to see that the old man is the villain, don't give us this utter crap!
Apr 8, 2020
I effing thought so that it has kodama fruit. Color me crazy, that director might also be the one distributing the drug.
Apr 25, 2020

But she has no proof of any of that; all she has are suspicions. She can call him out on it all she wants, but he's obviously not going to admit anything nor give her proof that he was the one doing something wrong, so she'd only be putting herself in a worse position. If she doesn't know or understand what exactly is causing them such pain, she can't do anything about it. Her reaction is completely understandable.

No. Her reaction to completely break down because the one, she is suspicious of, accuses her of bullshit is absolutely not understandable. Especially not with her knowledge she has about drugs and also about poisons. She cant put herself in a worse position because she is supported by some of the most influential people that support her at everything she does...
Aug 15, 2020

Without proof, she doesn't have a leg to stand on. All she can do is accuse him of what she suspects, but he isn't obligated to admit anything even if she's correct. "Falsely" accusing someone of such a horrible misdeed, especially someone well-known and respected as this guy, would do nothing but harm her own reputation. She needs to find proof first before she can do anything. We as readers know he's an asshole, but nobody in the story does yet (Except maybe his assistant?)

She's reacting panicked and confused because she knows there's nothing she can do right now, while also being accused herself that her own medicine could be the cause, or at least making it worse. That's why her reaction is understandable. Once she finds the actual cause, then she'll have her proof and can actually do something about it.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2018
@Beardy_foxbear considering the duration and intensity of how much her self-confidence has been obliterated, destroyed, and shat on, for me it's more of a heart-wrenching feeling of pity, but i agree. this tangent of self-recovery is too beat up
Nov 5, 2019
Obviously compared an elder who's considered the highest authority on medicine in their kingdom, she feels like his knowledge is superior to hers. She doesn't have any proof that he did something wrong, and no one would believe her regardless as he completely outranks her. Plus, he has the position that her dad used to hold, so it's hard for her to see him as a corrupt individual and not someone who performs their moral duty like her dad did. To have someone like that and his disciple shitting on you the whole journey, along with your own existing insecurities, it's no wonder she's so lost.
Apr 25, 2020

She doesnt have to do anything. She doesnt have to accuse him, she doesnt have to confront him.
She just has to not be affected by his shit talking.
Sep 15, 2020
@evolutionxbox "lies" eh? You're free to beleive what you want but... You know how much effect that shutting down restraunts had according to the CDC? Less than %2... can you guess how much suicide has gone up since most businesses and schools were locked down over the last year?

2% frankly is well within standard deviation for data collection as well. I don't believe in "anti-covid" lies, I beleive in science. But that doesn't mean that it's been handled properly. For Fauci, just look at how often he's flip-flopped on his own information: "don't wear a mask" "wear a mask" "wear two masks" and "don't open schools" "open schools" or "stay 6 feet apart" "no, actually 3 feet is fine" or "HCQ is dangerous and no one should take it" to "HCQ is actually an effective treatment" I know some of it is based on "new information" but all that really tells us is that these policies are based on bad/incomplete information. If you're going to upend everyone's life, ruin businesses, etc. and shame people to "believe the science" you need to have actual science to back up those policies.

If you don't, all you're doing is telling others what to do based on a percieved "authority" and "expertise" exactly like Mr. Badguy here in this manga is doing.
Sep 15, 2020
What confuses me though... is didn't they discard the tea once MC told them she was suspicious? So how is it they had enough to be going through severe withdrawal symptoms now? It's not like they had any before... maybe I misread that chapter from back on the road though.

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