E-Rank Healer - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2019

Charm magic lasts a very short time and depending on the exposure, can become semi-permanent. Since it was over the course of several months, with some off and ons, shes on a recovery process to over come her side-effects of long-termed charmed.

But you have to admit, them leaving her behind? Any of us that play MMOs, and see a nice herb that can be made into a good recovery potion or a buffer, stop and gather. If your on a team that really did care about you, they too would stop. That should of been her first sign. But being an Apothecary stuck in town, you experience is limited.

Forget gigolo, he was a Pimp.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
kek.. so basically the hero party leech her off.. kek..

and they are pretty stupid too.. they dont know how important her kind is.. kek..
Double-page supporter
Dec 1, 2018
There is nothing special about this...

So typical yet I'm still gonna follow because of whatever reason there might be that I don't even know
Group Leader
Jan 19, 2018


Dex-chan lover
Sep 21, 2018
Even in RPG games, I have always hated charm. I hate getting hit by it and I hate using it.

I guess that is why I am so unlovable in real life 🤣
Dex-chan lover
Nov 16, 2018
how OP is that charm ability that it keeps working even if you act like a jerk to them
Feb 16, 2018
What an asshole. If you're gonna abandon someone at least remove the charm you casted on them. Poor Carol is missing her abusers, I can't bear to watch.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 6, 2019
so the "hero" most likely has some charm skill, really no explanation for it otherwise
Active member
Dec 18, 2018
Hey, does anyone know the name for the series shown on the last credit page? It looks familiar but I can't place it. Please and thank you!
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2019
Thanks for the chapter!
LN explains things better. The thing about crossing North Mountains being impossible is because it's currently Autumn which is when monkey type monsters group up and actively hunt for their favorite prey, humans, to stock up for the winter. So waiting for winter would be safer because could run into a group of monsters numbering anywhere from ten to one hundred. Also, all that "We can if you're not with us" garbage from the party is to avoid their responsibility to her. In LN current location would take a few months to return her to her home town and group would be obligated to escort her there if fire her or kick her out of party or risk getting in trouble with the guild or the party losing its prestiege. However, if she leaves of her own volition then the party not responsible and could just say fare thee well with no other actions and she'd have to make her own way back without their help.
As for the whammy Gran is putting on her don't know much about it since from her POV and hasn't realized being mentally manipulated. Usual pros and cons of ability like that, (whether a skill, charm, mental manipulation magic, etc.) is that the stronger the person's will and more resistant toward orders they are the weaker the hold. Hence why they're always putting her down so she'd be more susceptible. Since others seem to know about it likely not being influenced or it might have restriction of only working on the opposite gender so Gran might only be able to enspell her. Not enough info to determine whether Lize has been bespelled also or able to resist it due to protection of spirits. Also, whatever Gran doing to MC usually only lasts a short time unless stacked up and recast within a certain time limit along with the effect getting stronger and able to grab a tighter hold of victim's mind the longer and more often it was cast without any breaks. For MC, sounds like the party emotionally abused and Gran always whammied her without breaks for about 2 years.
Kind of wonder why picked her rather than someone from a guild based off of rumors that may or may not have been true. Although probably figured it'd be a a windfall in that if as skilled as rumors said she'd be a benefit, was in Gran's strike zone so could be charmed, village would hardly be able to make much of a protest of her leaving as opposed to someone with connections in a big city guild, and could work her hard while keeping her share of experience and income for themselves. Personally, think the talk about subjugating monsters near the village was a sham to lower village's guard, make them seem good natured, and able to grab MC with little trouble. Hope the party gets what's coming to them with interest. Although don't have enough info on Lize to tell if she's been charmed too, cut from the same soiled cloth as Gran and rest of party, or a bit of both. Guess will just have to keep reading.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
What a pushover MC. Though shoujo has many good sides, this is one of the common bad sides.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
@Kaarme no no no, its not that shes a pushover, he hypnotized her (go back and reread) he used some kinda mindcontrol on her which is why she was saying she was feeling sleepy
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
I agree, a regular ass citizen who's essentially Villager A should totally be able to shrug off mind control powers from a high ranked adventurer/"hero." Shame on her.

The fuck?
Double-page supporter
Jan 20, 2020
That's some kind of mind control/charm hypnotism for sure
Apr 14, 2020
Was she drugged..? To make her like that "hero" a lot? Also, why does he hate her so much? Is there a deeper history why or hes just a douche in general? 😂 I mean, he already got that weird smile plastered on his face so i wont be surprised if he really is an ass

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