First digit on cards is the power, the second is the toughness/health. This will hopefully clear confusion.
This is a fat Magic the gathering reference. And I love it. Haven’t read it yet, but I’m giving it at least a 7.edit: the more I read the more reference I find. First of all the Leo Forest elf which give 1 mana, is obviously the lanweir elves (or something) from first edition and onwards. Oh my, a land that doesn’t tap. He has hit gold. Anyways as you can tell I am a complete Magic the gathering nerd. I’ll continue to edit this with new references I have found!
. Okay literally almost every card is just a repainted, renamed version of another card,
I personally cant wait for the futa to fight a Sliver or Eldrazi deck. The eldrazi would just be a bunch of world rendering tentacle monsters. Just consider the ecchi elements. Or even Phyrexians! Oh the possibilities!p are endless.
Side note: the Leo forest elf also is a really cool reference, it still brings up the issue the Lanweir elf had (the name Lanweir is completely incorrect on my part, I am just to lazy to google it.) where it would say a individual elf, but the image would show multiple elves.
Yes the elf lord has finally appeared. I have been awaiting for the “Leo Forest Master” or whatever. Now we just name forestwalk and some cards that swap lands or changes lands then the deck is a ok. Minus the whole power issue,
This is literally Magic the gathering the anime. I am not complaining. It’s just a elf deck versus a mono black deck. Which the mono black deck.
Also I can explain the rules, it’s quite simple each turn you can play cards for their mana cost, land (think of acres of lands) gives you mana. You dual against your opponent using those creatures until one Planeswalker (the player) takes 20 damage. Each turn you draw a card and you can play a land from your hand. It goes a bit more in depth than that, but that’s the basics.