Episode v5: A New Hope

Power Uploader
Jan 8, 2023
17 de março de 2021. Um dia que viverá para sempre na infâmia. Tem sido uma jornada e tanto para todos nós desde aquele dia escuro, muito escuro. Somos gratos pelas incontáveis horas e montanhas de esforço que nossa equipe de desenvolvimento colocou não apenas para restaurar o MangaDex à sua antiga glória, mas também para levá-lo a novos patamares! Toneladas de recursos, novos e aprimorados, foram lançados, pois a equipe de desenvolvimento teve tempo e energia para se concentrar neles.

Mas havia uma coisa com a qual tanto a equipe quanto os usuários sonhavam. Um grande recurso que todos nós perdemos muito.

MangaDex alegre-se, pois seus sonhos se tornaram realidade. Os fóruns voltaram! Ninguém realmente se importava em ler mangá, certo? Estávamos todos esperando para postar nosso waifu favorito.

Nas semanas imediatamente após o início do trabalho na v5, a equipe começou a discutir como substituir os fóruns, vendo isso como uma oportunidade de estabelecer um fórum "adequado". Embora os antigos fóruns caseiros ocupassem um lugar especial em nosso coração, não há como negar que ele não tinha muitos recursos úteis que são padrão em muitos fóruns.

Por fim, a equipe decidiu usar o Xenforo, um software de fórum muito poderoso e robusto com várias opções de personalização prontas para uso e a capacidade de adicionar mais personalizações e complementos, se assim o desejarmos. O que você vê agora é o estoque XF, o que é muito bom se você nos perguntar.

O melhor de tudo é que, por meio da magia, a equipe de desenvolvimento conseguiu SSO trabalhando para MD e fóruns. Faça login em um, você está logado no outro.

Para os usuários do OG, você notará que o Stock XF tem muitos recursos brilhantes, como notificações, respostas (lembra quando você tinha que inserir bbcode para responder a alguém?), troféus, títulos e um sistema de pontuação que permitirá aos usuários ou reagir negativamente a uma postagem.

No espírito de todas as novidades, as regras referentes aos fóruns foram reformuladas para serem mais fáceis de entender e mais justas. Queremos que todos se lembrem de que estamos sempre abertos a comentários e sugestões.

Você pode encontrar as regras reformuladas aqui: Termos e Regras

Falando em novidades, embora estejamos muito felizes com o estoque XF, temos muitos planos para adicionar melhorias de qualidade de vida para tornar sua experiência de postagem mais divertida. Isso inclui temas, possíveis novos complementos e possivelmente uma reorganização de subfóruns, dependendo da relevância e popularidade. Como sempre, não há ETAs. É sempre em breve ™️.

Além disso, fique de olho no fórum de concursos. Para comemorar o retorno dos fóruns, comentários e nosso próximo aniversário de 5 anos, teremos um concurso incrível com alguns prêmios fabulosos!

Por fim, gostaria de agradecer novamente à nossa equipe de desenvolvimento. Eles trabalharam duro para oferecer a você fóruns e a capacidade de comentar sobre seus títulos favoritos. Confira a postagem de @rdn aqui para obter mais detalhes sobre os fóruns. Mostre um pouco de amor à equipe de desenvolvimento!

Quanto a mim, não posso dizer o quanto estou feliz em ver que a comunidade finalmente tem uma forma de interagir fora do nosso Discord. Sempre houve algo mais satisfatório e envolvente em se comunicar por meio de postagens que simplesmente não existem no Discord, onde uma única mensagem pode se perder na enxurrada de bate-papo.

Já faz muito tempo, mas de todos os funcionários da MD para você: feliz postagem.
Mar 14, 2018
This is no joke.

Ever since then I condemned, and then was just generally sad about the comments being gone.
It seemed to me that you guys would never even bring them back.

But not only you did just that, you also preserved all the comments made.

This is no joke, I repeat. If only you knew how happy you made the people that loved the comments to the point of seeing them as an inseparable experience about reading new chapters.

We joked, we exchanged opinions, we posted memes, and we also communicated directly with scanlators, be it praise, gratitude, or calling out for sniping.

I can't believe it's all back.
Thank you, MD. Thank you to all the staff, both current and retired.

A belated Happy New Year to y'all. What a wonderful present you unveiled.

Indeed, Episode IV – A New Hope.
Jan 8, 2023
March 17th, 2021. A day that will live forever in infamy. It has been quite a journey for us all since that dark, dark day. We are thankful for the countless hours and mountains of effort our development team has put into not only restoring MangaDex to its former glory, but pushing it to new heights! Tons of features, both new and improved, have been rolled out as the dev team have had time and energy to focus on them.

But there was one thing that both staff and users have been dreaming about. One huge feature that all of us have missed dearly.

MangaDex rejoice, for your dreams have come true. The forums have returned! No one actually cared about reading manga, right? We were all just waiting to post our favorite waifu.

In the immediate weeks after work on v5 began, staff began discussion on how to replace the forums, viewing it as an opportunity to put in place a "proper" forum. While the old, homebrew forums held a special place in our heart, there's no denying that it did not have a great deal of useful features that are standard on a lot of forums.

Ultimately, staff decided to go with Xenforo, a very powerful and robust forum software with tons of customization options right out of the box and the ability to add further customizations and add-ons if we so desire. What you see now is stock XF, which is pretty great if you ask us.

The best thing of all is that through wizardry, the dev team has gotten SSO working for MD and forums. Log into one, you're logged into the other.

For our OG users, you'll notice that stock XF has lots of shiny features like notifications, replies (remember when you had to insert bbcode to reply to someone?), trophies, titles, and a scoring system that will allow users to positively or negatively react to a post.

In the spirit of all things new, the rules pertaining to the forums have been revamped to be easier to understand and fairer. We do want you all to remember that we are always open to feedback and suggestions.

You can find the revamped rules here: Terms and Rules

Speaking of new, while we are pretty darn happy with stock XF, we have plenty of plans to add QoL improvements to make your posting experience more fun. This includes theming, potential new add-ons, and possibly a re-organization of sub-forums depending on relevance and popularity. As always, there are no ETAs. It is always Soon ™️.

Also, keep an eye on the contests forum. To celebrate the return of the forums, comments, and our impending 5th year anniversary, we're going to have an amazing contest with some fabulous prizes!

Lastly, I want to again take a moment to thank our development team. They worked hard to bring you forums and the ability to comment on your favorite titles. Check out @rdn 's post here for more details about the forums. Show the dev team some love!

As for me, I can’t tell you how happy I am to see that the community finally has a way to interact outside of our Discord. There has always been something more satisfying and engaging about communicating through posts that just isn’t there on Discord, where a single message might get lost in the flood of chatting.

It has been a long time coming, but from all of MD staff to you: Happy Posting.
March 17th, 2021. A day that will live forever in infamy. It has been quite a journey for us all since that dark, dark day. We are thankful for the countless hours and mountains of effort our development team has put into not only restoring MangaDex to its former glory, but pushing it to new heights! Tons of features, both new and improved, have been rolled out as the dev team have had time and energy to focus on them.

But there was one thing that both staff and users have been dreaming about. One huge feature that all of us have missed dearly.

MangaDex rejoice, for your dreams have come true. The forums have returned! No one actually cared about reading manga, right? We were all just waiting to post our favorite waifu.

In the immediate weeks after work on v5 began, staff began discussion on how to replace the forums, viewing it as an opportunity to put in place a "proper" forum. While the old, homebrew forums held a special place in our heart, there's no denying that it did not have a great deal of useful features that are standard on a lot of forums.

Ultimately, staff decided to go with Xenforo, a very powerful and robust forum software with tons of customization options right out of the box and the ability to add further customizations and add-ons if we so desire. What you see now is stock XF, which is pretty great if you ask us.

The best thing of all is that through wizardry, the dev team has gotten SSO working for MD and forums. Log into one, you're logged into the other.

For our OG users, you'll notice that stock XF has lots of shiny features like notifications, replies (remember when you had to insert bbcode to reply to someone?), trophies, titles, and a scoring system that will allow users to positively or negatively react to a post.

In the spirit of all things new, the rules pertaining to the forums have been revamped to be easier to understand and fairer. We do want you all to remember that we are always open to feedback and suggestions.

You can find the revamped rules here: Terms and Rules

Speaking of new, while we are pretty darn happy with stock XF, we have plenty of plans to add QoL improvements to make your posting experience more fun. This includes theming, potential new add-ons, and possibly a re-organization of sub-forums depending on relevance and popularity. As always, there are no ETAs. It is always Soon ™️.

Also, keep an eye on the contests forum. To celebrate the return of the forums, comments, and our impending 5th year anniversary, we're going to have an amazing contest with some fabulous prizes!

Lastly, I want to again take a moment to thank our development team. They worked hard to bring you forums and the ability to comment on your favorite titles. Check out @rdn 's post here for more details about the forums. Show the dev team some love!

As for me, I can’t tell you how happy I am to see that the community finally has a way to interact outside of our Discord. There has always been something more satisfying and engaging about communicating through posts that just isn’t there on Discord, where a single message might get lost in the flood of chatting.

It has been a long time coming, but from all of MD staff to you: Happy Posting.
Thank you for all the hardwork!!
Dex-chan lover
Aug 4, 2018
man this is like f95zone in that my ram is so low that giving a comment with a link or ctrl+a a comment would take forever to process lmao
ig that's just how the current build of forums worked
Jan 8, 2023
Thx for the forums... a nice place to finally comment the lastest chapters developments... :)
Dec 2, 2018
For this milestone, I want to contribute something to MD teams, is there any way to support u guys?
Nov 3, 2019
super thankyuus for all your hard work~~
I missed the comments section so much. soo happy to see it's back (๑>ᴗ<๑)
Double-page supporter
May 8, 2019
Very happy to see nothing has been lost. Long live Mangadex

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