They really made Hippo a Saberface smh.
Seeing Archer Herc was cool for a bit. His life was tragic but at least Jason was a cool bro. Alcides in this bitch now
"I shall protect the king of the future, the great hero!" Wouldn't that be 'You shall protect'? I assume Jason's talking about Herk having meaning as his bodyguard, especially since Herk was never a king.
@schnichiz Nasu said that Herc is at his peak under the Archer class, peak being completely trashing the fourth war and some F/GO dialogue also hints at his Saber version being busted as fuck. People try to give him Madness Enhancement thinking that if he's already strong, then he'll become even stronger like that wihtout realizing they're just nerfing him.
There's gotta be at least one in every series, it's basically a tradition at this point I don't really know, so I'm just chalking it up to Fate being Fate
@Tahuantinsuyo They didn't really do this to make him stronger, but because his Archer self wouldn't stand for either Einzberns' child experimentation shit, and same goes for Cordelion. Ironically, his mad self is easier to control for people like them.