I already did. You called them "bullshit".
And I am sorry for that, it was not my intent to hurt you. However when I ask for a citation I mean the chapter and page where the event took place, as you did when you wrote “In chapter 19, he is ready to let Lanuvel and his porter die, but chooses not to do so cause there is a slight chance he might fail once again.” I appreciated the effort you made in citing that even if it was only the chapter. I did not reply to it because I felt it was not relevant to my core points, but I did appreciate the effort you put fourth in doing so. Again I am sorry for not conveying my appreciation of your improved effort. Not only do I appreciate the effort in general but in your attempts to support your points and your effort to satisfy my demands for citation.
The elf princess was a tsundere, so of course she was violent, but that comes from her character not rage or madness. You have special skill to make eating meat sounds like it's a bad thing." Factually wrong and ignorant. It's mentioned in the story how she's, and I'll say it again, Impulsive violent eat's meat when other elves don't because it upsets the elf elemental spirits or whatever.
Chapter 19: Elf Princess while defending hero from a dragon: "Dragons are siblings of the elementals! Do you think I'll allow such meaningless slaughter for the sake of humans?"
That narration from the hero is certainly a bizzare contrast with the later statement from the prince in chapter 32 who said “Silvia used to enjoy cooking and hunting herself. That’s why she often made the elements angry” followed by the MC narrating that “I knew that she loved meat unlike the other elves.” suggesting “maybe she was able to enjoy meat because she didn’t care about the anger of the elements.” I’m not certain what to attribute that to but I would expect it was some sort of adaptation error or something bizzare about her behavior but I could not say for certain. However I don’t see how this established her as a tsundere, maybe we’ll see in the third round if she is encountered again, or another round if there is one. Anyway would you care to elaborate on your reasoning as to why her defense of the dragon makes her a tsundere?
I don’t think Koreans have the same thing about being an S or an M as the Japanese but I suppose I can see your point from a subjective standpoint, you M.