@DarkLordAlfie Who knows? It still boggles my mind how sharp a turn this story took.
As a writer, I think the author lost control of his story and he's been free-falling ever since. I know because I've made the same mistake once upon a time because of improper planning. Perhaps the decision to suddenly turn the MC into a murderous psychopath was intended, but the execution was way too rushed in my opinion. The abrupt tone change and the radical shift in the story's narrative is also a major tell that the author's lost the handle on the story.
Multiple major narrative threads have seemingly been dropped and now we've got an underground fighting plot to take center stage? How 'bout you finish the plot threads you started
at the beginning of the story first before you jump the shark and start a new tournament and suddenly max out the MC's physique and fighting skills (which was supposed to be a gradual process that he was going to have to earn) eh?