Gaishuu Isshoku - Vol. 4 Ch. 29 - Confrontation

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@APSINTHOS Is that the best you've got? If you're going to tag me at least say something that's actually interesting or insightful. Any 5 year old could've said what you just did. Especially since it's so wrong. But then again your looking at your above post you don't have much to say period it looks like. You're like one of those random thugs in manga that get scared off and always say "This isn't over" or something of the like. Next time you tag me actually have something worth reading to say.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@StarixCrown You say you hate something but here you are still reading it? Maybe you're the same kinda person as the MC who won't kick her out despite 'hating' her. Because you -like- to hate things.

Seriously the number of people who seem to have been too thick headed to realize what kinda manga this was from the obvious start is appalling. It's obvious this back and forward asshole behavior between the two is going to continue, because the whole thing is about a bitchy FMC, but we can't have that if the MC is clean because then it's not a fantasy and just annoying. so the MC is gonna do dumb and assholish things himself so everything can be taken for laughs so the series can continue.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 29, 2018
@WillLi To be honest, I think people keep reading this is because it's kind of a dumpster fire, but one people keep coming back to because the author keeps fanning the flames, so you kind of want to see how bad it can get.

As for who's worse between the FMC and MC, it really kind of depends on who you ask on that one because both sides tend to have compelling arguments. If you ask me, MC kind of fell into the whole "Let Me Be Evil" trope, since FMC kept calling him a perv and such, so he just went "Screw it, I'm a perv". You can argue that his sexual harassment towards her is a mixure of that and his own lust, with the latter being more on display while the former was the start of it all. For FMC, her behavior is because everyone's technically condoning it. No one is making a big stink about it or telling her off for acting that way, so she's pretty much going "OK, so it's fine if I'm a bitch".

I just find that most people feel that it's easier to blame the MC because, as you put it, "manga logic" - No matter what happens, if the progress is stagnant, blame the MC. It's his fault somehow, even when it isn't.

Blaming the FMC for everything is not all that common (partly due to her looks and some of the masochistic nature of the fandom), but that just means that more of her type can flouish. Others do blame her because they'll see an innocent man gone bad due to one bad bitch (which is actually common, sadly, and part of a never-ending cycle of assholes). Then there's the group who blame both of them because they're both assholes who say and do stupid shit.

But that's my two cents on this whole thing. I'm just waiting on the dad to bring in more logic to the situation. Don't let me down, author-san!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@XaneKudo That's just it though lots of peopel here are blaming the FMC and pretending like the MC is a good guy. Which is why I've come in storng on the point that "They're both being assholes." Just all people respond with is "No she's an asshole because she does X" despite me pointing out asshole behavior of the MC too, no one denies that he does it, but they refuse to acknowledge that it's assholeish. I'm glad someone else realizes though that these two MCs lives is such a mess because they're allowing the other one to make it a mess. Also +100 points cause you have a Shantae avatar.
Active member
Sep 8, 2018
My guess is that it will be her editor that puts her in her place.

I think the editor knows what type of person she is, and I think he know she has gone too far this time.

Plus I doubt his parents are just going to take her word either. She just outed herself in front of them as a rotten bitch.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 29, 2018
@WillLi Shantae is life, man.

I do think it's easier to blame her because between the two, he tends to come off as more sympathetic because we've seen her kind of person numerous times and rarely do any of them get called out on their behavior, and like I said, everyone's pretty much condoning it. MC isn't innocent since he's part of the condoning party and a horndog, but his sympathy points come from the fact that he did try to reason with her a few times (which didn't do much) and that he's somewhat slowly coming on to the realization that he's an asshole. I'll give him that much, at least.

I'm thinking that this might be the start to her wake-up call to check her behavior, since the dad did give logical suggestions for her living arrangements.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@XaneKudo I guess it's perspective bias. Since we can see the MC's thoughts and stuff people are siding with him, only judging him based on what he's 'thinking' as opposed to what he's doing, while only judging the FMC on what she's doing and not what she might be thinking.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 29, 2018
@WillLi That's also true. Maybe if we get a few chapters dedicated to the FMC and see what she thinks, people might turn their thinking around. But for now, we'll just have to wait and see what the next chapter holds.
Active member
May 20, 2019
@WillLi ahaha, you just can't have it you start replying with "oh, you're also like . . .".
You're saying how both of them are bad, bringing up his past about the phone call challenge (which he later ask forgiveness upon) while also dismissing about the blackmailing Michiru has done.
What she did in this chapter is unnecessarily retarded.
Mar 23, 2018
I'm surprised about so many people expecting the father to be the one to calm this situation down as some bastion of generosity and logic, since to me it looks like they were playing straight the trope of the father inflating his own ego by casually looking down on others and giving backhanded and disingenuous "advice".
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@APSINTHOS So you're saying that what the MC did is okay because he later ask for forgiveness, but you're judging Michiru on something that hasn't even finished happening and she hasn't had time to ask for forgiveness for. I'm seeing a massive double standard here. Also, get a clue, I'm not dismissing anything, you yourself just said I'm calling them both bad. So how could I be dismissing the bad things she's doing if I'm saying she's bad? At least think before you post.

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