In this regard, I think you've misunderstood what I initially tried to say. Your localized line of "I have decided to push you forward" was totally fine, and probably how I would have done it myself too. I just meant that I personally prefer the use of "oshi" in instances where the word "fave" was used. i.e., this:
That being said, I agree with you. The line "I'm gonna oshi you" feels weird, and translating the pun is practically impossible afaik. So in instances like that, going with the localized first version (with the the word "oshi" instead of "fave" like the image above) and leaving the exact same TL note from the first version at the end, is completely fine. But if the point of this alternate version was to show a more literal translation, I'd suggest something like this:
I know the asterisk and parentheses can be aesthetically off putting, but it reads much better than "I'm gonna oshi you", and Ijichi's explanation on what an "oshi" is to Otaku-kun works as an explanation to the reader as well. The mid level weebs will have learnt something new, and the normies reading this will understand what Amane was referring to when she first used the word earlier in the chapter.
The "oshi (fave)" line could also be placed when Amane brings up the word (The first and only instance where the word "oshi" was used in the chapter before the pages) so you don't have to have too many parentheses in the same speech bubble, resulting in this sequence:
Ultimately, you guys did release this alternate version. Whether that was to gauge reader opinion, satisfy demand, or to prove a point, we do not know. All we can do, is give an opinion on something that was uploaded to a public platform, and it's up to you guys to move forward with those opinions, whether you'd like to implement them, or ignore them.
P.S. I do hope this long post doesn't come off as rude, as that isn't the intention. I'm pretty sure all of us still appreciate the work you guys do in translating the manga so far, so please don't let the more rude and poorly worded forum posts convince you otherwise.
Edit: I also may have gotten the oshi and oshikatsu meanings mixed, but my point still stands I think