Gal Yome no Himitsu - Ch. 6

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
While this is nice, wholesome and sweet and all, what the fuck is the deal with all the blushes? Like they are married and even did the deed already, why are you two still behaving like you just date for one week, can authors just draw adult couples without them acting like fucking high schoolers having their first love or what?
To be fair, I know adult married couples like this. My friend's grandparents acted like they were still dating for only a week compared to their 40+ years of marriage.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 8, 2023

If you are genuinely wanting a romance where two adults act like adults during their relationship, might I suggest Soap and Sweat. Premise is bizarre but it’s well written
Oh I knew about Soap and Sweet lmao, one of my first bookmarked manga on this website. Even read the "other" version :meguu:
Dex-chan lover
Apr 16, 2023
Aight, the marry part is done so now we're moving to the reproduce part
Dex-chan lover
Apr 16, 2023

If you are genuinely wanting a romance where two adults act like adults during their relationship, might I suggest Soap and Sweat. Premise is bizarre but it’s well written
What's so bizarre with being horny 24/7
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
many reasons as to why;
1. its a common trope with lots of SOL romances, "if it aint broke why fix it" overly used sure, but still there are suckers for it
2. could be due to japanese cultural difference, them being more reserved especially in the romance department
or 3. The author is a turbo virgin and cant imagine a more realistic and mature loving marriage
It's a mix of everything. Slice of life is escapism in its very core, and we have to count in the target audience: otakus.

It could be the author being a virgin, the audience wanting themes for virgins or both. I think it's both.
Group Leader
Feb 22, 2020
  • "It has to be on the mouth"
  • "You look too cute"

What respond is this ? :question:
Active member
Jul 3, 2023

If you are genuinely wanting a romance where two adults act like adults during their relationship, might I suggest Soap and Sweat. Premise is bizarre but it’s well written
Honestly soap and sweat does what this series tries to do but significantly better. Like I understand we haven't even hit chapter 7 yet but if you said the couple just started dating I would be inclined to believe you. Like the only thing the author seems to understand is fan-service and it feels like that is just 80% of what the wife is. I like gals as much as the next reader but this is just kind of sad, the "Gal x Otaku" troupe is tried and true but this adds nothing really to it. If you took out the work place and made them high school or college students ut would actually change much at all, other than making the plot make more sense.

IMO soap and sweat does this just better and keeps the fan service but makes the FML not dress up like her clothes are constantly falling off. ( I know its for the fan service but it seems to me that this is the only the author thinks readers will keep reading)

TLDR: read soap and sweat if you want a great office romance that treats the characters like adults in the business world.

low birthrate in Japan but still lets a business ban relationships in the work place. Someone mentioned in an earlier chapter how insane and impossible this plot is, especially in a Japanese setting. This type if taboo relationship only really works in a school setting cause you have moral committees or group rules for college, but in a work place makes little to no sense. Like in a western context sure it could happen but in a Japanese context no. With every 5th "gal x Otaku" troupe being about low birth rates makes this series stick out like a sore thumb with its main plot device.
Active member
Jun 8, 2018
Y'know, I actually don't mind if their relationship is purely demisexual.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
Bath sex works fine in Japanese bathrooms because there is a drain in the floor. As long as the tub is big enough. Dangerous when shower doors are around. Be careful out there.

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