I'm troubled...
Hinana is the only one qualified to be Best Girl... but she is.... a loli.
The other ladies have fine bodies, but they don't have the all-important glasses.
I guess the only solution here is to wait for time-skips to unlolify Hinana...
... for only a meganekko can ever be Best Girl.
Anyway... dudebro should have just sacrificed his hair and become One Punch Man. Problem solved.
Jokes aside, the key to true power is probably to sacrifice ALL your unhelpful, redundant or replenishable parts... like the hair, a bunch of bodily fluids, a survivable amount of blood, all excess body-fat, the appendix, the wisdom teeth, just enough of your liver that the rest can regrow itself, the foreskin if you still have it, the top layer of dead skin cells, etc. Each one alone wouldn't amount to much power, but all together they'd probably give a fair showing.
Alternatively... a really cheaty way of handling it would be: "I sacrifice all the inorganic parts of my extended phenotype"... and if anyone can understand what I mean by that... congratulations.
@leyuen : They sacrifice one ovary each. They start with two each. For their troubles they get lowered breeding potential and possible hormonal imbalance.