Game of Familia: Kazoku Senki - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Fair Trade

Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
@ShionSinX It doesn't take a long time of war to make a person desperate to the point of offering literally all they believe they have. That's exactly what I mean when I say it, desperation is not cunning. The MC thinks he's being cunning by doing it, but the suggestion is a basic plea of desperation. There's no reason for them to never have heard it before, that's just how people act.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2019
@Hitspark also theres a detail that could be off, not being quite clear here: I think that when people sacrifice something they literally just lose that and the spirit lends them power (like money), while MC offer was for them to actually reside into his body. This being very different that what people offer would make him special in this sense.

So while others would 'give up' their body (and just lose that part), he's lending them so they can physically manifest on the world; you can see how he still uses his body normally even tho theres a spirit on it, and the Earth spirit even swapped places within his body (to his right hand).
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
@ShionSinX I feel like at this point you're just making excuses for the series and reading more into it than what's there. You're trying to make distinctions between what a normal person would do, which the series claims he is, and what some epic super cunning clever ninja would do.

He decided to give them everything he had, that's what he said he would do in order to satiate their boredom - that's it. There's no other context given. Even then it's not like the gods have no hand in the matter, they CHOSE never to imbue themselves into people. They CHOOSE the terms of the agreement (hence why they can say no and just be done with you). But they, apparently, never have even considered it. MC didn't know what would happen, he just assumed he'd still have his consciousness, as anyone reasonably would and was lucky enough that it turned out in his favor and that the gods wouldn't even take the things they said they would take but would rather take over the parts they suggested. This becomes even weirder when a world of magic gods and monsters has no one even trying to summon the gods for their own power. The gods seem fairly A-moral too, not too concerned with anything.

When it comes down to it three weird facts about this universe remain:

1 No one has ever been willing to give up "everything" neither in desperation or greed.

2. The gods have never even suggested or thought about using a person.

3. No one has ever thought "maybe the gods could do it" in a world where they're so easily summoned that it is literally a right of passage and prerequisite for being a soldier.

This is clearly just to make the MC the MC. There is no circumstance or emotion or whatnot that you can give him that, in a time of war and desperation, would not and could not be replicated somewhere else. You have to understand how far people are willing to go for something, because I think you're underrating human desperation and elevating the MC's craftiness. There are people in far more desperate struggles than him, who are far craftier than him, and know the world, the gods and such better than him, yet he's the one making this out of nowhere offer that they've never heard before. It's edgelord master-craft and there's little room to dispute that.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2019
@Hitspark its not excuses, wth. Just because you dont like how it is doesnt means its an invalid argument. We are given little information and the spirits are just selfish, powerfull and immortal beings, they have their own motivations and people have to deal with it they way they can. By seeing how people explained how it works and then the MC tried something different just shows how that people's culture treats the rituals, and they were wrong or plain uninformed.

If you dont like it... just drop the manga and move on, there are plenty isekais with boobs out there. You are making excuses to not like it and mental gymnastics when you dont need to do that much, just say you dont like it.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
"Just because you dont like how it is doesnt means its an invalid argument."

Argument? You're trying to defend a writing decision by reading more into it than what's there. There's no argument to be made, you're creating headcanon so the decisions appear in a better light but I refuse to abide by it. There's too much middle ground for things to just suddenly happen the way they do.

"We are given little information and the spirits are just selfish, powerfull and immortal beings, they have their own motivations and people have to deal with it they way they can."

Context clues. The spirits don't seem to worried about anything and are explicitly stated to be bored out of their minds. If the spirits were not A-moral, why aren't they more active in the world? Why aren't they calling out to soldiers and making suggestions? Why are they taking deals instead of enacting simple tests of character? Contextually the spirits aren't anything more than a tool for the writer to give his character powers and nothing more.

"By seeing how people explained how it works and then the MC tried something different just shows how that people's culture treats the rituals, and they were wrong or plain uninformed."

Except they've been doing this for years in the middle of a war full of monsters. MC trying something different is the main problem. Have you ever heard the term "Fed wolves bare no fangs"? It's a statement that illustrates that creativity and ingenuity are spurned on by STRUGGLE. Most of the giant companies today were all birthed when their creator was starving, struggling, fighting, hoping and dreaming when things were at their bleakest. So MC just showing up and be dropping his testicles on the table and the spirits being surprised no one has ever offered something as basic as their all, (in this of all worlds) is bunk. Bad writing and nothing more.

"If you dont like it... just drop the manga and move on, there are plenty isekais with boobs out there."

Oh you are so right! Why did I never think about it like that? Why oh why must I be cursed to have such a lack of creativity to do something as simple as...NOT READING! See this is what that situation is like to the spirits, just in a different context. Two more things.

A: I did drop it. I dropped it at the next chapter because I couldn't stomach all the dumb crap the series was trying to pull.

B: I prefer isekai that actually have a plot and a character who works towards goals not settled on BOOBS. The Spider Isekai is my number one favorite because you can see the author trying to show character growth at every turn. I'm sorry if you believe the only reason I don't like this has to do with boobs in some regard, that's just not the case.

"You are making excuses to not like it and mental gymnastics when you dont need to do that much, just say you dont like it."

C: I did say I didn't like it, I explained why I don't like it and you're the one who came in and challenged my reasoning behind not liking it. I don't know what it is with users of this site not getting that one is free to vent their frustrations in the comment section. No rule requires all comments to be good. We have a rating system because diverse opinions allow readers to make decisions. Negative opinions exist and they don't need your approval to be that way, get over it. Just as you're free to enjoy this and say you love it, I'm free to say it sucks and I think the author's ability to publish should be revoked until further notice.
Aug 9, 2020
@Hitspark Based on your words i believe you have a very good standard for isekais , so i would like to pose a question , what is your like top 3 good series from isekais genre or is there even such a thing as good isekais as most of what i seen is just recycle-samecontent-overextend-unmemorable crap. Oh as I writing this i remember one , Rezero , ill give that a pass for being unique and it animated really well . I think there a more good reverse isekais than actual good isekais which is ironic because reverse isekai is so scarce.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
Kumo Desu Ga, Nani Ka? (So what if I'm a spider) - an interesting read. Video-game Isekai where MC Doesn't start off OP, no Harem of girls, etc. because the main character gets turned into a spider and so she has to think her way out of situations because she's weak. She eventually does gain her OP status, which is then overshadowed and shown to be less OP than the monsters around her. It's a good read if you want to watch a character's growth through struggle and feel like they actually earn something.

I Was Summoned by the Demon Lord, but I Can't Understand Her Language - This is fluff. Nothing more, nothing less. It's just super cute fluff.

Save & Load no Dekiru Yadoya-san - A change of pace where the main character ISN'T the Isekai protagonist. The guy has already finished his adventures done his deeds so now he decides to do the next best thing, run an Inn where other adventurers can train through absolute suffering. One of his abilities is to "save" and "reload" himself and others, so his training regiment is to do things like, throw you off a cliff until you're no longer scared to die, feed you until your stomach explodes because it'll expand your vitality and stuff like that and so on. It doesn't seem to be too serious which is why I picked it up (though it has hints), it looks like more of a parody on the Isekai genre than a genuine one for now. Unfortunately the updates are slow so I don't know when it will continue.

One thing I really enjoyed, though it's not technically an Isekai, is I Will Die Soon. Great read, ending leaves some people unsatisfied but it's an enjoyable ride.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
@Johnnylemmon As far as I know, Kumoko (the MC) isn't interested in a harem and isn't getting one any time soon. She's more concerned about just staying alive at the moment.
Aggregator gang
Jul 8, 2020
I don't understand female armour concept.
Why cover one part of her breast, and left other open.
For greater mobility???
I love jerking off, so i have to sacrifice my dick!!!!
Aggregator gang
Jan 15, 2021
I’m guessing the price was either something funny or something super serious like the ability to feel love or something
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
image this situation : a brat goes to a bank , and he asks the staff :
- yo , lend me 1 billion USD , then i will give you my entire body and my most valuable thing .

- what is your most valuable thing ?

- i dont know .

- when will our bank get your body ?

- 100+ years later , when im dead .

- HAHAHAHA , LOLOLOLOL , this brat is so funny and interesting . here you go , 1 billion USD for you ....... wait a minute , this is not how it works in real life .
Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2023
@daywithoutgames you're comments, 4 ranging from several years, on one chapter of a manga you obviously dislike!
Isn't it easier to just drop the manga? :smug:
Dex-chan lover
Feb 9, 2018
So this time we see ovaries isn't even a strong trade, only a reliable one. So it becomes even more questionable why no men are present.
Author didn't think this through at all, just wanted all women and came up with something but then couldn't even go a chapter before shitting on their own explanation.
Jul 16, 2024
from what I understand he didn't actaully sacrifice anything but instead he promise he will provide entertainment for the spirit kings and they just reside with a part of his body in order to stay with him? because if they actually take the part they reside he wouldn't be able to use them like the other people who made a pact,, like the girl who traded her sense of taste
Do you think he probably sacrificed his freedom?

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