And accidentally shoot the hostage as well?The author sure wants the JSDF to look incompetent, huh. All the villains who need a good ass kicking are getting away without even so much as a scratch when they should be the only ones getting utterly dominated and brutalized. GATE's JSDF are worse than Stormtroopers at this rate.
- have valuable hostage
- walk out in plain view, surrounded by armed soldiers, with ZERO protection
- Somehow, nobody took the initiative to just disarm the idiot woman or put a bullet in her head
"Why do I hear boss music?"Always fun times when Rory shows up
holyshit i didnt remember thisSpoiler if you haven't watched Fire Force, but it reminds me of this scene 🤣
shes not a valuable hostage, they cant really kill her. they need herAnd accidentally shoot the hostage as well?