Gendai Shakai De Otome Game No Akuyaku Reijou Wo Suru No Wa Chotto Taihen - Vol. 2 Ch. 11 - Her Lady's Grave Visit

Apr 24, 2023
Thanks very much for the translations SSS. I was wondering how not being nuked would have affected Japan because in RL the nukes MASSIVELY influenced Japanese culture and outlook on the world, but as @Kyto1984 said I suppose we'll see in future chapters.

That said as a general note, I suppose I shouldn't be too persnickety but I must comment on how strange it seems that Runa's Japan is so similar to RL Japan. Yeah, things like the nobility still being around are different, but the culture, institutions, etc. seem so similar. However, in her world Japan's situation was more similar to Germany's or Korea's, and that should have had more downstream effects IMO. Even today the divide between East and West Germany has left a massive impression on the German psyche, and Korea's culture, especially its attitude towards the military, has been influenced by having an unfriendly Northern neighbor for decades. You'd think this would be more apparent in Runa's Japan. But, ah, well, one can't expect too much from what was originally a VN (in-story) lol. Thanks again SSS.
Culturally wise, it seems that the Author simply copy pasted it into the Modern Villainess universe. Though, I think realistically, Japan should have a higher risk for a recession, because that's what happened in Germany. When they reunified, Germany raised Taxes in the West to stop the East from imploding as their Communist Economy crumbles, while the Western Part dealt with the influx of migrants from the East. These factors pushed Germany to be the Sick Man of Europe as the fall into a recession.

But as mentioned by @besbin Karafuto ,for Japan, is not as big as East Germany was relative to West Germany, so the impact wouldn't be that severe, but it should be harder for her to do her plans of revitalizing Japan.
Apr 24, 2023
There's an explanation about this in LN. If I remember correctly, Japan got to keep Sakhalin at the time of surrender but lost it during the Manchurian War. Basically, The Soviet invaded Manchuria but was pushed back by US-Japan coalition. As an act of revenge, the Soviet invaded Sakhalin. By that time, the Soviet had successfully developed an A-bomb, so the US told Japan to not fight back.
Which chapter was this mentioned?
Apr 24, 2023
I h
Interesting. So currently, I'm pursuing Vol.1 again and I'll get back real soon to typing.

The lore dump here actually started from page 20 to 29. Certain details are not mentioned during the lore dump of this chapter but it certainly hits the main points. On that note tho, that just means I can't really comment too much on it due to fear of spoilers!

I... am having a bit of a crisis in my mind. When I first saw this, I thought "well, this is quite late in the timeline." considering that in the LN, it was implied (for me) that she and Tachibana visited the gravesites quite early in her years. I've thought that this just further solidified Tachibana's conviction that his current mistress (Runa) was a very special child when she was able to comprehend complex topics like CoCom and... well... death. But then after re-reading the prayer she offered to her parent's gravesites, she mentioned that she's in kindergarten already (which is redundant at the manga because we already "know" that she attended kindergarten at Imperial Gakushuukan Academy so it isn't "said").

Now I have to re-think a few things now and have to wonder if I have missed any more single lines like that... and how much of my knowledge base will be shifted by this realization.


Personal crisis aside, this explanation from the manga in terms of its worldbuilding and circumstances is easier to understand than in the LN (with the skills of SSS+GN in play to ensure that they are also translated properly so english readers are able to keep up) for sure. Images also help with that. As I eluded before, there are some details that are left out (but I feel are minor things) but certainly the main pertinent points are hit and explained.

The author really built a complex world building for this work. I feel like it is a bit of a hit and play on other works too. Remember that this is the world building for an Otome Game. However, this kind of detail (especially the past/circumstances of Otome Game Runa) was never really expounded or explored in the Otome Game (as was pointed out in the chapter). A bit of a hit and play because the author is basically saying "well, there is a lot of things that other works are missing to explain things in their world, huh?". Then there is the whole "fine, I'll do it myself" aspect where the author basically "wrote out" the possible world building needed to meet the circumstances of the Otome Game's lore.

You can consider it to be a "fanfiction" of the Otome Game? It just so happen that it is really "official lore" that is not said whe just playing the Otome Game.

Regardless, "The Lady's Flight" is certainly finished with a bit of foreshadowing. This is certainly a work that is not easy to understand for a lot of readers and requires thinking.

But I feel like this is precisely why it is so good.

It is not a mindless, uninspired, and boring Isekai where they seamlessly integrate themselves into an entirely new world. Even more when it is modeled after medieval europe. This work isn't like the earlier Isekai where the main goal is to "get back to the real world/original world" but it still keeps a distinction that she is still an Isekai character without it being repeatedly being slapped to your face like you need a reminder every single time.

This is a work grounded upon "real life" and "the original world". Of course this is done by both the author and the Otome Game to give the readers/players a sense of familiarity that they can put their expectations on and still figure out certain key things. It is, however, changed enough that it makes for a very interesting work to engage in.

I honestly can't wait for the next one
I do like the realism of Runa not knowing every plot within the game. As the game plot wasn't centered around Runa, she's just an antagonist fighting against the Main Character. Especially since she didn't really like Runa in the first place, it's not like Wataoshi where she's focuses on the Villainess. She played the game as escapism on her brutal reality, where she became part of the Lost Generation, and have to endure SA's and lack of Job Security.

Her determination to know more, even if it shown later in the story, remains strong, and drives the story forward.

To be honest, Tofuro just baited us to read his story about corporate actions, and I've never been happier being baited.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 16, 2020
There is still Romanov Bloodline running around to this day. I wonder if using them against Putin is good plan or not.
Runa can, because money makes the world go around!

Russia was in a poor state in the 90s and early 2000s, I imagine not much has changed in this alternative reality and clearly some shadowy figures think restoring the monarchy with her is a power play.
Dex-chan lover
May 20, 2020
I admire the author of the LN for making a more complex world than the average, props to them and here's hoping it doesn't start to slack when we finally reach the otome part.

On another note, does this mean Japan doesn't have the pity points they get IRL due to the bombs and the atrocities they committed during WW2 are more present in the world's population? (I know that a japanese author probably won't aknowledge it but…)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2020
I admire the author of the LN for making a more complex world than the average, props to them and here's hoping it doesn't start to slack when we finally reach the otome part.

On another note, does this mean Japan doesn't have the pity points they get IRL due to the bombs and the atrocities they committed during WW2 are more present in the world's population? (I know that a japanese author probably won't aknowledge it but…)
That's a fair question. Unfortunately I doubt it--aside from as you said this manga being unlikely to tackle such an uncomfortable (for its audience) subject, if the Japanese surrendered earlier on it might also mean they got off lighter because not as many Americans died fighting them, so there would be less resentment impelling the victors to emphasize their atrocities, especially when they would want Japanese support against North Japan :<
Dex-chan lover
Feb 10, 2023
Interesting. So currently, I'm pursuing Vol.1 again and I'll get back real soon to typing.

The lore dump here actually started from page 20 to 29. Certain details are not mentioned during the lore dump of this chapter but it certainly hits the main points. On that note tho, that just means I can't really comment too much on it due to fear of spoilers!

I... am having a bit of a crisis in my mind. When I first saw this, I thought "well, this is quite late in the timeline." considering that in the LN, it was implied (for me) that she and Tachibana visited the gravesites quite early in her years. I've thought that this just further solidified Tachibana's conviction that his current mistress (Runa) was a very special child when she was able to comprehend complex topics like CoCom and... well... death. But then after re-reading the prayer she offered to her parent's gravesites, she mentioned that she's in kindergarten already (which is redundant at the manga because we already "know" that she attended kindergarten at Imperial Gakushuukan Academy so it isn't "said").

Now I have to re-think a few things now and have to wonder if I have missed any more single lines like that... and how much of my knowledge base will be shifted by this realization.


Personal crisis aside, this explanation from the manga in terms of its worldbuilding and circumstances is easier to understand than in the LN (with the skills of SSS+GN in play to ensure that they are also translated properly so english readers are able to keep up) for sure. Images also help with that. As I eluded before, there are some details that are left out (but I feel are minor things) but certainly the main pertinent points are hit and explained.

The author really built a complex world building for this work. I feel like it is a bit of a hit and play on other works too. Remember that this is the world building for an Otome Game. However, this kind of detail (especially the past/circumstances of Otome Game Runa) was never really expounded or explored in the Otome Game (as was pointed out in the chapter). A bit of a hit and play because the author is basically saying "well, there is a lot of things that other works are missing to explain things in their world, huh?". Then there is the whole "fine, I'll do it myself" aspect where the author basically "wrote out" the possible world building needed to meet the circumstances of the Otome Game's lore.

You can consider it to be a "fanfiction" of the Otome Game? It just so happen that it is really "official lore" that is not said whe just playing the Otome Game.

Lost the thread there? I don't blame you. A bit of a twist on perspectives.

A bit of an aside. I certainly had this whole frustration with the lack of care? self-awareness? understanding? for a work's unexplored/unexplained/unsaid world. Maybe because it is really meant to be a ecchi harem comedy (with incest) of a world where the gender ratio of men to women is 1:39. Thirsty AF women as you'd think. But holy crap is it quite dark if you follow logical threads.

Ah, I got a bit too distracted there. Going back.

Regardless, "The Lady's Flight" is certainly finished with a bit of foreshadowing. This is certainly a work that is not easy to understand for a lot of readers and requires thinking.

But I feel like this is precisely why it is so good.

It is not a mindless, uninspired, and boring Isekai where they seamlessly integrate themselves into an entirely new world. Even more when it is modeled after medieval europe. This work isn't like the earlier Isekai where the main goal is to "get back to the real world/original world" but it still keeps a distinction that she is still an Isekai character without it being repeatedly being slapped to your face like you need a reminder every single time.

This is a work grounded upon "real life" and "the original world". Of course this is done by both the author and the Otome Game to give the readers/players a sense of familiarity that they can put their expectations on and still figure out certain key things. It is, however, changed enough that it makes for a very interesting work to engage in.

I honestly can't wait for the next one.

So for some addresses!

The speech bubble missing, I feel, is just a deliberate typesetting thing @cryum . Considering that the dialog flows properly, I don't think there is anything missing. Maybe it would just look weird if they chopped up the text to make it fill the voids?

Some spoiler stuff. @zeinzki might be interested in it if they want to be spoiled on it.

It has been implied via a dream/nightmare as to how Runa got her "position" at the Otome Game. After 9/11 and the death of the heir of the Keikan family (Keikan Nakamaro) because he and his fiance was at the twin towers when it happen, the Keikan family was in truly dire circumstances. The only viable heir they had was an unwanted child of a national traitor. The potential ties that they could have with another zaibatsu via their now dead heir and his fiance was now moot point because of the events outlined. It was during this time that the Keikan family (specifically Runa) was approached by certain elements of the "Far East" and the intelligence apparatuses that are run there.

Basically, they are re-creating a second shot of their previous plots with Runa's Father with his daughter now. Damn that sucks huh?

Also, Runa's father wasn't sacrificed to unite japan whole again. He was "sacrificed" to keep things relatively stable between bigger powers. He was scapegoated.

Also, Tachibana pushed Runa's father to suicide because of how heavy his sins are. It really is the only way to save some face, little as it is.

The next chapter should showcase the immediate (and predictable) outcome of the little adlib the Hired Hollywood Spokesperson they had used and the mere fact that they had such a splashy entrance into the public eye with their moves that transferred an absurd amounts of money. They are politely called "Petitioners". Less politely? Beggars and Scam artists.

There are some key events from a chapter that is in-between "The Lady's Flight" and "Why My Hair is Blonde." The act is called "A Lady's Everyday Life". Some parts of it has been shown as the interludes. It introduces key characters like the Otome Game's capture targets and the two relevant people in the main Keikan family. It also has some political stuff in it.

Thinking on it, there is some dialog very early on at "Why My Hair is Blonde" that requires context that is in "A Lady's Everyday Life". So does that mean we'll get a whole bunch of Interludes first? Maybe the manga will be merging stuff? Or maybe the next chapter will actually show things from Everyday Life? No idea~!

Something far off: Runa-chan will own a PMC. Both for personal security and other activities. However, the PMC will be a secondary/tertiary security layer for Runa. Her primary security layer will be her personal Maid Corp. Formed from a BlackOps unit of former Northern Japan that took orphans and are specifically raised and trained for intelligence tasks. The women of this unit forms her Maid Corps. The men are assigned to her PMC. To be fair, I am not 100% confident on the nitty gritty details on this one but it is "generally" correct. OH! and the maid corps will also have intelligence agents of both "The West" and "The Far East" as part of an intelligence attache to keep world powers calm about her and MLF.

Runa-chan will also have an ex-CIA operative as a personal secretary.

Ok, last bit time!

The TExVIEW is always fun and has interesting things in it! Not much for me to care about except for that little bit about AnyColor.

Keeping it short (or as short as I can make it): Drama happen. AnyColor terminated one of their talents in Nijisanji EN (the Vtuber talent agency for their english talents) and it caused a compiling negative sentiments that has been brewing in the past to explode into a frenzy in the Vtuber space. It got to the point where there has been some Investor questions being fielded by AnyColor. AnyColor released a statement in which they have stated that the termination will have "negligible" impact on their financials. Image linked is the entire letter to investors in regards to it.

This did not go well. With a slew of backlash and some companies completely cutting ties with Nijisanji, "negligible" rings hollow. This is also compounded by a 745 loss in Stock price from Feb 5th till current as of time of typing (3830 to 3085).

AnyColor and Nijisanji (its main branch which consists of a majority JP talents) is not slated for a complete collapse but its EN branch is at a questionable future. With Anycolor's Overseas expansion solely resting upon Niji EN, it puts into real question the viability of their Overseas operations.

Basically, I agree with those who are skeptical of Anycolor's growth beyond their domestic market. With their domestic market is perceived to be almost up to possible saturation at this point, their only real growth potential is their overseas operations.

Considering all this, their CEO, Riku Tazumi, has released a video in regards to this situation. For those who are familiar with JP companies.... Those bows are deep AF.

Anyways, gone on for long enough.

Thank you as always to SSS + GN for the great work and release of this chapter. I can't wait for the next one!
thanks for the explanation brother. and yeah, about anycolor. what concert me most is they trying to pull strings for them in CN market where their Rival(Cober/Hololive) pull out during 2020, right before the new rule about streaming applied where each streamer with 100k sub above is required to show their Real life data information to public. basically you need to face reveal if you want to stay become streamer in CN.

and back to Runa. im just glad that she's back to stand her life this time with money and power by herself and not as scapegoat like her dad this time. i mean, sacrificing 2 generation like that in the original timeline/lore is beyond fuck up.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2023
thanks for the explanation brother. and yeah, about anycolor. what concert me most is they trying to pull strings for them in CN market where their Rival(Cober/Hololive) pull out during 2020, right before the new rule about streaming applied where each streamer with 100k sub above is required to show their Real life data information to public. basically you need to face reveal if you want to stay become streamer in CN.

and back to Runa. im just glad that she's back to stand her life this time with money and power by herself and not as scapegoat like her dad this time. i mean, sacrificing 2 generation like that in the original timeline/lore is beyond fuck up.

I had a feeling the CPC had something brewing with that growing powerbase in their market. Unlike the Gaming Conglomerates which allowed them to exert Soft-power onto the global market (and thus stuff restricting them were shot down bt the party. Hillarious sh-t really.) their sphere of influencers within the Great Wall are mostly domestic.

In a more broad sense, the CPC is very keen on allowing a broad strokes of "freedom" over things that relates to exports,. Anything domestic however are to be tightly controlled. Key things to understand with CN on all matters of business. This is why it is an... interesting endeavor if you're going to invest in it. Biggest market by consumer size for sure. However if you get too big within a domestic sphere, you risk your investment being taken away by the government.

(fyi not Legal advice. Always seek the advice of legal financial people)

It is still pure speculation based upon informed guesses and hints sprinkled around the LNs.

I feel like a schizo rrat from 4chan at times when I take certain crumbs and make senses of it all.

It is a bit of a stretch admittedly. There is no concrete evidence that the Far East (Russia at this point) was the one who tapped Runa (who became Prima Heiress after the death of Nakamoro at the WTC) once again to "save" the Keikan family from complete ruin. However, they are the only reasonable group to have extended that hand with the resources to keep up the appearances and power of a Zaibatsu that allows OtomeRuna to act like she did (like the Prima Heiress of a Zaibatsu) and actually exert influence over people around her even when she is supposedly excluded by being the daughter of a national traitor.

There is no outright evidence to say it, but it is the only logical thing really. Other groups and zaibatsus don't make sense.

The US/CIA actually wants to break up the Zaibatsu so the market is more free to be influenced by outside investors.

Other Zaibatsus would rather just absorb the good parts and cast out the bad parts (which Runa herself will be cast to the later. Remember that she is the daughter of a national traitor.).

A private investor? Maybe? But what would be their upside to it? Also why would it have such a negative connotation in Runa's dream?

The Japanese Government? But why? It is implied that Otome Runa grew up a "normal" girl so the tragedies and financial ruins that she prevented so far has happen. Her personal household that includes the maids and Tachibana most likely collapsed and is basically a ward of the main branch while the rest was scattered to the winds. She is basically that unwanted child that was just being kept alive due to appearances. There is also the movement within the Japanese Government to break up these Zaibatsu. So why would they save one?

Infact, all of these "others" have more to gain for the family to fully fall than to save it.

As to why the Far East would do this? That depends. How dependant was the Keikan family? Are they fully the puppet of the Far East? Or was there still motivation to do themselves right in the world? If they are fully the puppet of the Far East, then the Teia engagement is just them setting up another honey trap so they can influence the Teia group (which was quite big/influential) and their resources. Expand the web so to speak. If the Keikan family wants to be free, then the engagement can be seen as their last ditch effort to try and be free from the Far East by using the engagement to wean themselves from the Far East's help to maintain their lifestyle.

This brings to focus the ruination of Runa by the actions of the MFC in the Otome Game. Runa is the villainess and is destined to fall in ruins if the MFC is successful in her route(s). If Runa is indeed the mirror of her mother (a honey trap) then MFC just saved Teia from a very messy situation and can be considered "justified".

If the Keikan family was actually trying to save themselves... then the MFC just absolutely doomed an entire family and their households to fall. Either to fall fully into the influence of the Far East or just be dropped by them too once their cost became too much to even support. Quite grim isn't it?

Of course, that is in the Otome game. It is only "Natural" for the MFC to triumph over their main villainess and achieve their happily ever after.

Depending on the underlying circumstances that are not apparently/explained in the Otome Game, the MFC either is a true savior or the doom of an entire family.

As for the airport scene? Most likely her immunity of persecution saved her (just like her father) from anything being officially stuck on her. But instead of being the daughter of a national traitor... well, considering the hate boner that the characters have for her... She is a national traitor.

Again, 100% sounds like the schizo writings of a rrat in /vt/.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2020
How did that world's Japan develop anywhere near close to our world's Japan with the existence of a ''north Japan'' however brief that was.
OTL Japan managed to develop without Sakhalin. If anything Runa's Japan has more resources and land than OTL

Not that Sakhalin has much to utilize anyway, except difficult oil deposits
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2023
If anything, having Taiwan still is more of a factor that multiple times over balances out any negatives of South Sakhalin/Karafuto in a "East Germany" situation would incur on them. Formosa was arguably the only real example of good integration of territories Japan annexed/conquered from 1876 onwards.

Formosa was fully integrated into Japan's government with legislative representation (mainly due to it being a Mejji era acquisition pre-WWI.... (whereas Korean annexation in 1910 was never properly handled in a proper fashion at any level prior to the war, and later was treated more like a colony and not integrated like Formosa was)... when Japan was trying to Westernize), so one can also consider that the resources of Taiwan would be fully in play, along with possibly having some exiles from China present as well, although likely not as many as IRL, and thus more akin to a Japanized variant of Taiwan that is overtly rather than partially Pro-West.

That Korea is separate (likely as part of the agreement) unified and given this IS an Otome setting likely an idealized friendly ROK, with the Republic of China being based in Manchuria (who Japan/US helped in that war akin to South Korea instead) speaks to a much better position for Japan to IRL, where any negatives of absorbing Southern Sakhalin is minimal.

North Japan's impact on it I'd say is less than even adding Hawaii had to the US. Cultural impact (via Russians and post Soviet influence) with limited internal political impact, possibly expensive to live in with limited job prospects (migration to Hokkaido), and is more strategic at a macro/geopolitical level than a domestic economic issue, where Hawaii being a commonwealth or territory like PR/American Samoa would directly impact the US politically internally (US Senate alone flips on it's two US Senators atm). Whilst still facing the same issues it does now (Tourism and problems on Oahu with US Navy and pollution of oil/chemicals in the water table).
Dec 10, 2023
Missing speechbubble in page 14?

Some odd typos here and there. Doesn't seem like it got the proofreading pass.
This happened because the quality control officer was busy with irl stuff during these dates, so SSS decided to take a page from Boeing on QA
Dex-chan lover
Dec 14, 2023
I like this series but I know so little about econ and politics that it feels like I'm reading another language that I'm not great at. Like when I watched Coco in Spanish and then later watched it English and realized I had missed the whole part about who he thought his grandpa was. I understand the politics a little more but I'm still missing info from my lack of understanding of econ that I'm still a bit confused.

Mainly, what does the main family think that Runas branch owns right now, at the end of the chapter? I know some of it was a secret, but I don't remember what. I know that they think it's those two men doing everything and not Runa of course. I was a bit confused in the merger stuff to also grasp exactly what companies are existing by the conclusion of it all. Like, the one massive bank was merged into the mid-level security form, which before that merger was merged into far east bank (who also got rid of the construction aspect of the four companies that they owned initially). So what is left now?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Even if Runa somehow got her reputation ruined in the social circles of Japan, she could just move to the USA. She would still be rich, so her reputation in the USA would be impeccable. It's not like she would be guilty of any crimes, after all. Not much of ruination, honestly. What's left of her family aren't any great people, either, holding a little child responsible for her parents crimes. So, leaving them behind would be like leaving behind a wart. The older maids/servants could just retire. The one in the university likely will chase her own career anyway.

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