Genkai OL-san wa Akuyaku Reijou-sama ni Tsukaetai - Vol. 3 Ch. 15

Dex-chan lover
Apr 27, 2019
Wait a minute! Why i have a Dejavu feeling? I think i already read this chapter though wtf is happening
Dex-chan lover
Nov 4, 2020
I think I'm gonna drop this series for now and come back when it's over, I really enjoy the Lapis stuff but honestly romances where it's unclear who will end up together just don't really work for me.
Well the author can always throw a twist but if we ignore the words of diana&lapis and only pay attention to natori's words, it feels pretty obvious, she basically said she wants to stay by lapis' side forever while returning her "affection", it's no where near anything like that with diana
Dex-chan lover
Nov 24, 2019
I like how Natori does show a little bit of insight in realizing she is responsible for the changing plot, but her cluelessness is definitely still the real villain of this manga. She still can't see how she's driving Lapis and Diana into a future where they will have to fight over her.

I'd be more sympathetic to Natori's character if not for the fact that she already knows all of the information she needs if she'd just think for a second. She knew that Lapis was obsessed with her over the last 3 chapters. She should know that sending Lapis away would end badly (even if she could not have foreseen the intervention of the prince's aide).

I still heavily doubt any poly ending purely because of the title of the work and its description. Any love triangle premise in a work named after two characters is going to end in disaster; I think most people here know that already but don't want to admit it.

It's equally likely that it doesn't end in a romantic way at all, and they all just end up as friends who both desire Natori (who doesn't return their feelings). In fact, given how dense Natori is, that outcome might be the most likely of them all.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 30, 2018
your soo confused my guy! were in hell did your neurons take you that Diana can be manipulated again? were? did you read the chapters in advance? way are people doing garbage headcannons and act like it will happen?
Because stories like this thrive on misunderstandings and Diana has already shown her ability to be manipulated in this way before. I don't know why this triggered you so hard into a multi-post defense of Diana, but there wasn't much deep introspection on her part here, and Natori was unwilling to tell her anything more concrete about her own desires (like what she saw of Lapis's potential future, which is her main driving motivation for what she actually wants), which means the actual root cause of this issue wasn't resolved... leaving open the possibility of her being manipulated again in a more subtle way.

Nothing wrong with discussing where we believe the story's likely to go, based on other manga we've read before, and a knowledge of how these tropes typically go. Don't lose your head and freak out about it so much.
Sep 18, 2020
Because stories like this thrive on misunderstandings and Diana has already shown her ability to be manipulated in this way before. I don't know why this triggered you so hard into a multi-post defense of Diana, but there wasn't much deep introspection on her part here, and Natori was unwilling to tell her anything more concrete about her own desires (like what she saw of Lapis's potential future, which is her main driving motivation for what she actually wants), which means the actual root cause of this issue wasn't resolved... leaving open the possibility of her being manipulated again in a more subtle way.
Indeed - Natori can't explain her core motivation, because doing so would expose Lapis' plans, which means all she can do is ask that Diana take her at her word . . . If/when Lapis' plans are exposed, Diana is going to be in a really bad position, because (from what little we know about them at this point) Diana would never knowingly support them, and she'd assume Natori would feel the same way - she's probably going to feel like she was manipulated horribly by Natori when she finds out the whole truth, as well as having to deal with the person she loves suddenly becoming incomprehensible and possibly even downright evil. Who the hell knows how that will blow up in everyone's faces . . .

But all that speculation about the future aside, I really can't help seeing Diana as being quite vulnerable to manipulation in future - she's naive (both in general, but also in the "ways of society", being a commoner hobnobbing with so many nobles), she has a strong sense of justice, and she has a definite tendency to react rather than think things through. Combine that with the fact that she's magically powerful, and that she's got a unique talent (being able to copy other people's techniques after seeing them once), and she's both a natural target for manipulation, and someone with lots of levers that a skilled manipulator could pull. Oh, and as a commoner she's going to be seen as expendable by a lot of the powerful (noble) people who are in a position to manipulate her.

Maybe Diana is suddenly going to turn into someone as canny and politically sophisticated as Lapis, but . . . . well, if that happened I'd be rather turned off the story, because it's just not plausible. Diana as she is works as an internally consistent character - her youth and inexperience makes her somewhat naive and innocent, her background makes her completely unfamiliar with the social context she's now inhabiting, and her intelligence and self-confidence make it likely that she'd be used to being able to take control of most situations. Being taken out of her regular commoner life and thrown into the new, confusing and disorienting world of the school and the political shenanigans that keep happening there is exactly the sort of thing that would cause her to doubt herself, over-compensate, and start acting a bit like a headstrong child - leaping into ill-considered action, responding to things with far more force than is appropriate (or safe, given her power), and getting very strongly caught up in her emotions. She's coming out of this now that she's started finding her feet in this new world, but calming down a bit doesn't magically give her a full cultural grounding and years of experience dealing with manipulative lying bastards. Particularly if those manipulative lying bastards are associates of one of the few people she's actually formed a relationship with - an ally of the prince will, to her mind, likely be someone she should trust; the prince's closest associate and oldest friend would naturally be afforded the same level of trust as the prince himself. Lapis already knew that wasn't necessarily true, but Natori only just learned it, and Diana still hasn't actually learned that lesson, and it's not clear if she knows that she needs to be more cautious in future.

I'm sure she's capable of learning this stuff fairly quickly, and she probably won't repeatedly make the same mistakes - she's clearly intelligent. But it would take years of learning for her to be able to deal with manipulative lying bastards who have spent a lifetime exercising their skills, and she doesn't have years, shit will be going down faster and faster now, it might be months before everything blows up now that people have started moving ahead of the schedule defined by the original plot.
Sep 18, 2020
I'd be more sympathetic to Natori's character if not for the fact that she already knows all of the information she needs if she'd just think for a second. She knew that Lapis was obsessed with her over the last 3 chapters. She should know that sending Lapis away would end badly (even if she could not have foreseen the intervention of the prince's aide).
I'm still very sympathetic to her, even though she's being kind of dumb about various aspects of this - I think she just hasn't really absorbed what it means for Lapis to have fallen in love with her. Given her background, and her character being established quite early on as having a very poor self-image and not a whole lot of confidence (particularly socially), I think that's entirely understandable.
I still heavily doubt any poly ending purely because of the title of the work and its description. Any love triangle premise in a work named after two characters is going to end in disaster; I think most people here know that already but don't want to admit it.

It's equally likely that it doesn't end in a romantic way at all, and they all just end up as friends who both desire Natori (who doesn't return their feelings). In fact, given how dense Natori is, that outcome might be the most likely of them all.
I agree, but my reasoning is that Natori just keeps showing over and over again how much everything she thinks centres around Lapis. Sure Diana is cute, and she's clearly fallen hard for Natori, and Natori clearly likes her, but that liking is just so different from everything she feels about Lapis. Diana seems to kind of get that, too, at least somewhat - my feeling at the moment is that she'll probably start trying to think of herself as Natori's paladin, and by extension a supporting character in Lapis and Natori's love story.

Whether that works is up in the air - maybe she'll turn into an evil villainess from the stress of trying to suppress her love behind that paladin's shield, and we'll end up with exactly the kind of inversion of the protagonist and villainess roles that Natori managed to circumvent this chapter . . .
Sep 18, 2020
did you fucking read the story? the ONLY REASON diana accepted to be hero is because she whants to help Natroi

and stop with garbage like “”Diana will be RIPE for all kinds of MANIPULATION””
. . . I wasn't planning to respond to this, but . . .
HOW??? Diana ONLY agree to became a hero cuz she whants to protect Natori and be on the same level as Lapis in terms of status! that was JUST blind loyalty to Natori and like an blind fool didn’t realize it was a manipulation!

the whole idea of some one being manipulated is taking what EXIST in an person and twist it for your own benefit!
lack of status!
the ability to protect some one dear to you!

that existed in Diana before the guy took advantage of her and twisted them all to convince Diana to be an hero!

just became it happen one time it doesn’t guarantee that Diana will be so easily manipulated again, we don’t know were the story will go and i HOPE Diana doesn’t fall for the same BS that VP said! but from the story perspective it will be a waste of time for Diana to be manipulated again BY THE SAME GUY!
You just explained why Diana was ripe for manipulation . . . but you didn't explain what changed to stop her being ripe for manipulation . . . Particularly manipulation by other people than the vice prez - there are other characters in the story, a decent number of whom probably wouldn't mind being able to use someone like Diana to get at various people, ranging from Lapis-via-Natori to the prince himself. Or hell, even just as a weapon - she's powerful, and she's only going to get more powerful as she's exposed to more and more spells and gets more and more experienced.

I'm genuinely curious about your views on how Diana has grown beyond being manipulated by anyone, ever, under any circumstances . . . .
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
Who's Mr. Homophobe?
The prince assistant guy who was all "wow can you believe that degenerate falling in love with a summoned beast". Which now that i think of it might've also been brandished at Lapis to put her too on "the right path". Because she's deviating from her supposed outcome of marrying said prince and becoming queen.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
This feels a bit of an inverse on the Lapis chapter where she didn't want to let Natori go, in terms of setting and positions. Only while Lapis is focused more on her own wants, Diana is focused on Natori wants. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing but it is within their usual characterization. Though I'm surprised Mr. Homophobe would put it out there that, yes, Diana is in love and she wants the status necessary to be a partner to Natori. But will that be something that she has to give up? Or something that she won't need in the end? Only time will tell.
I'm confused, antagonizing someone you want to act a certain way by telling them that someone they love is being courted by someone else is homophoic?

that's called being manipulative... I worry if people who think this have the right to vote
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
I'm confused, antagonizing someone you want to act a certain way by telling them that someone they love is being courted by someone else is homophoic?

that's called being manipulative... I worry if people who think this have the right to vote
I'm being hyperbolic because he's a jackass in a love story between 2 girls. He clears thinks Natori is sub human by saying "she was just a summoned beast after all". I could have said racist but girl's love is the central theme.

If your first instinct is to criticize my capacity for rational thought, i suggest you re-evaluate your mannerisms.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 9, 2020
Neat, a supreme translation.

I remember reading this before albeit in a much worser quality. Happy to see you back with a new update!

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