Genkaigoe no Skill wa, Tenseisha ni Shika Atsukaenai - Over Limit Skill Holder - Vol. 4 Ch. 12 - The Secret Of The Holy Pale Blue (3)

Feb 14, 2018
Huh so if it's the exact person fit for the orb to receive it, they'll die?
Between the King saying the "Shadow Worlder" sucks the blood of the royal family and the "Shadow Worlder" linking Kurvushrat's suitability with how "delicious" he is, I think that's a safe assumption. I figure it's like a ritual sacrifice, maybe what makes them able to produce skill orbs at first altar.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2020
Heck yeah! You go protect that smile of hers from disappearing! Our little lady doesn't deserve to be hurt like this, punish that demon bastard thingy!
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2018
Liberal changes here and there very worrying... as if being 4 chapters behind on such a great series isn't worrying enough...
Feb 14, 2018
Liberal changes here and there very worrying... as if being 4 chapters behind on such a great series isn't worrying enough...
Lol, consider offense taken xD. Can you inform me what changes you are talking about? I'm merely translating the Japanese to the best of my ability and would love to know if any of my translations did not reflect the Japanese accurately
Aggregator gang
Apr 1, 2019
There is something like 3-4 chapters remaining in this arc for the fight+conclusion not including the chapters in the new arc.
I was absolutely correct in my comment on the last chapter that we would not see the end of this arc in English until sometime next year.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2018
I mean yeah it's totally weird for these two people to suddenly go dumb like that and we know Eva's evil that caused that. The thing is, Eva forbid people to look into her eyes, which is how her evil eyes influence people and the only one looked at Eva's eyes was Louis. But the King looks somewhat influenced too (I mean look at his behavior this entire chapter), so is it possibly because it has something to do with her mana getting suppressed that caused this? Or maybe the King is always like this? Because he look so damn hellbent on breaking the contract.
I don't think it's fully surprising. The veneer just broke. Apparently they're tied to a shit deal with demons and have been for generations. Anyone who knows that is going to have that fray your nerves. To then have it erupt when your first son is about to be shackled to that same shit deal? He's shifting his reaction from flight (make deals) to fight.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2023
So if it were you, you'd just sacrifice your own son without a second thought? And you wouldn't hesitate when two separate opportunities to save him represented themselves?
If youre a king you have an obligation to protect the country first.
Group Leader
Mar 19, 2023
For some reason I read the rabbit priest’s dialogue with xQc’s voice because of how he talks
Mar 5, 2023
I don't think it's fully surprising. The veneer just broke. Apparently they're tied to a shit deal with demons and have been for generations. Anyone who knows that is going to have that fray your nerves. To then have it erupt when your first son is about to be shackled to that same shit deal? He's shifting his reaction from flight (make deals) to fight.
This is a smidge spoilery & might be somewhat incorrect bc my memory is hazy for this arc of the series, but, assuming there's no significant changes between the WN & the Manga versions, the reality is that they actually have a really GOOD deal. I'll discuss it more in the text below, but I'll still try not disclose the full details (unless outright asked) to prevent what I'd call REAL spoilers:

As callous as it is, the bottom line is that the kingdom MASSIVELY benefits from the covenant for the low, low price of 1 royal-blooded adolescent every couple hundred years. I'd certainly not want to be in the king's position & IDK that I wouldn't behave the same under similar circumstances, but the cold calculus of gain & loss here comes out way ahead in the Gain column for everyone who isn't a friend/loved one of the kid who gets the weird orb. The hazy part is that I can't recall whether the king actually knows/understands this or not; I THINK the king doesn't actually understand the full scope of the covenant (I BELIEVE he's only aware of the role the royals are required to fulfil, not the benefits for fulfilling their end of the bargain and/or the repercussions if they fail to do so) & thus sees this as losing his son for no reason... but I also have a vague lingering impression that it may be for more outright selfish reasons (like maybe he DOES know at least some of the details & thinks they've benefited long enough that they no longer need it, but even if it is in a more selfish vein I still don't think he knows all the details.) In any event (again assuming the Manga goes like the WN) the story is about to enter into a series of grand reveals over the next arc or so that will start dishing out FAR more of the background lore/worldbuilding than anything we've seen to this point.
Jan 8, 2023
The line "Now who dared to make my lady cry", while cheesy, has a specific energy to it, which I absolutely love. Perhaps it's the putting the lady you serve before everything part of the message or how it reminds me of chivellry, but I love it. Now if only the the noble lady and her father werent so fixed about commoners, I would love the story even more. To me that's an annoying modern era addition to a story, which is perfect without it. Like I get the notion of trying to establish the noble lady and the ones the MC serves as good people, but it's stupid. You can be a good person even if you arent constantly striving to achieve equality between commoners and nobles. Besides, it's such an absurd and unfitting characteristic of nobles. It's kind of disgusting in my opinion. I mean, because you arent a good enough writer, or are unwilling to do more research, you fall back to the easiest way to signal to readers that a person is good, by saying: "Look, a group of people, which is oppressed! And unlike others, these people want to help them! Isnt that good?" Disgusting. Come up with something original. If I am ever to write a novel or whatever, that exact thing will be used for the opposite. The ones trying to help the commoners will be the bad ones for sure. So annoying, jeesus christ.

Anyway, sorry for getting carried away. isnt the relationship of the lady and the MC just so endearing?!

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