Giniro no Genders

Jan 31, 2019
...See I liked this manga, but I didn't like how it wrapped up...

It felt so rushed. There is a note at the end from the author, it says that they were having issues with writing, so it makes sense that some parts seem kind of... Disconnected with the rest of the story.

I liked the ending in a general sense, but I am just a bit disappointed that some plotlines were not explored and the story didn't get as fleshed out as it should have been.

Overall I think it's a good read initially, but I'm placing it as a 7/10 because of how it ends.

Imo of course
Apr 6, 2019
I'm gonna be honest, when I first saw this manga I was kinda excited because it's pretty rare to see LGBTQ+ representation in manga. The thing is, everything was so poorly handled I could literally tell that the mangaka was a cishet man. Now I know that the mangaka probably had his heart in the right place and he even did his research, but the execution was just bad.

The characters were poorly handled. Everyone aside from two characters were horrible people. The lesbian character blackmailed and manipulated a victim of sexual assault to get back with someone that already broke up with her, she doesn't even acknowledge that what she was doing was downright disgusting.

The gay character had no respect for boundaries and licked the MC's nipples while he was sleeping and was even willing to kill someone else for his obsessive love, though tbf he realized that what he was doing was wrong so that's kinda better than the blackmailer, still not good though.

The bisexual character also sexually harassed the MC but we're supposed to look past that because he liked it?? Also, I don't really see why she agreed to get back together with the lesbian character when she already rejected her AND broke up with her. It kinda felt forced, considering how jealous she was with the MC.

The FtM character was also poorly handled and fell into the trap of the idea of a "biological feminine essence" even though he was a man just because he was AFAB. I don't know what to say except that it's just low-key transphobic.

And finally the MC, I felt like he was being set up in the beginning to be MtF, and it's fine that he ended up being a cis guy but the manga never explored his gender identity. He wasn't even shown to be questioning if he was cis or not, it feels like I skipped a bunch of chapters, especially when it was acknowledged that he was doubting whether he was cis in one of the manga bios.

I also felt like the mangaka struggled to write the females characters because the MC being ignored after he asked Sumon on a date just doesn't feel realistic, especially when the girls from the dance club got along so well with him before. It falls into the old trope of women fighting other women over a guy.

I only continued reading this because the idea of having LGBTQ+ characters that are not exactly "good people" was sorta rare but the writing was just so clumsy. It sometimes fell into dated stereotypes about LGBTQ+ people and those were just tiring to read at times. The ending was extremely rushed and the characters weren't properly developed at all. The author tried to write good representation but he just tripped and fell, and we ended up with this mess of a manga.
Apr 16, 2020
This was downright AWFUL. You can tell that the author clearly had no idea of the subject matter they were tackling or how writing a decent story works. Only the first chapter seems kind of promising, but that's it. At some point it wasn't even worth it anymore.

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