Goodnight Punpun - Vol. 13 Ch. 147

Fed-Kun's army
Apr 5, 2019
We made it. Great manga, loved it. Wish i could have seen more between him getting arrested(?) and the skip forward. Well worth the read!!
Active member
Jul 3, 2020
this was life changing for me.

if you are seeing this, i just hope the best for you and you a really one for finishing this. remember, take responsibility of your actions.

goodnight punpun :)
Jul 30, 2018
I dunno, after hearing how soul-crushing this was for years i'm now really questioning my mental health for not feeling as if it's that bad. Sure it was dark and bleak but that's life for ya. Intereseting disection of life overall though.
Nov 3, 2018
As I finished the manga I’m reminded of the panels where Seki remarks where he had the mundane realization that everyone is different. The mundane realization PunPun’s story taught me was simply to hold yourself accountable for your actions. People like me and PunPun see outside factors as the dictators of our reality. In life you can give meaning to your world on your own. It takes a lot of strength and I don’t know if PunPun showed this but his teacher friend was firm in his beliefs yet still found himself thinking dark thoughts. Punpun had no moral compass and was given many opportunities to escape the punishment he deserved for his action (by modern society’s standards). Had he not been so lucky he would have been arrested and put in prison for life potentially. We are accountable for ourselves and cannot rely on our relationships with others to shackle us and prevent us from being who we are truly meant to be. This was a truly painful read (just like this comment) but I’m still oddly glad I gave it a chance. That moment when you say goodbye to someone and you know deep down you’ll probably never see them again in your life that’s what this manga makes me feel. Anyone reading this I hope that push on no matter the difficulty to try and find clarity in this chaotic world. You may even find peace if you learn to fight the battles worth fighting and accept the state of things that cannot be changed. Good night PunPun.
Jul 21, 2020
There is no end, life goes on.
Very glad i read this masterpiece, it has deeply impacted me and my outlook in life.

Goodnight, Punpun.
Jul 1, 2020
I never expected an happy ending for punpun but this was for the best imo, he didnt have any witness and no way he would ever narrate what we (reader) saw during their life on the run to his friend are still here because it's not like he went away for ages etc

I'm pretty baffled on how much strong his friendship is with his group tho, but the story skipped most interaction between punpun and his friends because he wrongfully thought those werent important

Also we don't know how Punpun see himself right now, the white bird is himself or how his childhood friends see him? maybe he is still the devil? or maybe something totally different? Even if he was and still is a liar how he saw himself was the only real thing imo

edit: Poor Aiko tho, she didnt deserved it but she didnt had Punpun social skills so she was just alone with his mother

edit2: or maybe this is just a metaphor, Aiko were the childhood dreams/ideals that punpun (the author?) wasn't able to kill, chaining him down and hurting him until they were simply too impossible to follow, after the suicide of his dreams he was saved by Sachi, which was another childhood dream (the whole milky way thing, rediscovered in high school) but this one wasn't unhealty to follow and was grounded in real life (Sachi wrote to sell manga) and maybe now that they are together they can write that manga Sachi always dreamt of
Active member
Mar 17, 2019
I will just drop this, READ AT YOUR OWN EMOTIONAL RISK
–The scene Harumin sees in the final chapter is one of Punpun surrounded by friends. Looking at that one scene on its own, it’d seem like a really happy one.

Asano: Exactly. But in reality, Punpun never had anything go his way in his entire life. Not once.


Asano: After Aiko died, what he really wanted to do was just live a lonely life mourning for her, but in the end he gets caught by Satchan and it all gets sort of muddled. Punpun is broken at that point. When he talks with Aiko in his dream (chapter 145), he says something along the lines of wishing he could just disappear from everyone’s memories, but even that wish isn’t granted.

–The phrase “Good night, Punpun” recurs multiple times throughout the manga, but in the end, when Punpun himself finally chooses to mutter “Good night”, it gets overturned by Satchan. You could say it’s the story of someone who chooses eternal sleep by his own will, but gets woken up anyway.

Asano: That’s true. Also, I might have made it a bit less than obvious, but Satchan is making Punpun into a manga. She’s digging up Punpun’s life, which he wants everyone to forget, and turning it into something permanent — manga.

–Considering Punpun’s personality, that’d be a living hell for him.

Asano: Right to the very end, I wasn’t sure how to go about doing the last chapter. Among the possibilities I’d considered, I’d thought up an ending in which Punpun dies.


Asano: Satchan’s child falls off a train station platform, Punpun goes down to save him, dies instead. It’s a very clean way to end. But I wasn’t sure if I wanted to end on such a clean note.

–What do you mean, “clean”?

Asano: It’s too clear-cut an ending for the story. It wraps it all up a little too well. Living is harder than dying, see, so I thought this was the most painful, worst possible ending for Punpun, and that’s why in the end I went with this final chapter.

Here is the link if you are interested in reading the author's interview:
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 9, 2020
Reading this a second time just made me even more emotional than when I first did, the first time reading it I just really took in the surface but reading it the second time I was able to reflect myself onto him, I understood punpun at a deeper level, seeing innocent turn into what he became broke my heart. He never learned how to express himself and the adults he was forced relied on never had his back. He was alone from the start and that was probably why he bore all his burdens alone. Since he never had anyone except himself to rely on when he was younger, he only learned to deal with his problems through self pity, he knew no better. He only worked hard in school because that was the only redeeming quality he could have to make himself feel normal. Aiko had such a big impact in his life when he was younger, and it was probably the first time he felt like he had someone to rely on, which is why he Aiko was his only hope. He started to believe this so much that it became his only goal, he thought the only way to finally live a normal life, be happy, and fix all his problems was to find her (which is why he blocked out any progress he made with the others). He was stubborn looking for happiness with aiko and only aiko. When he finally found aiko, he finally felt like his life could begin but They soon both found out that neither of them could rescue the other, but they both still hung on to that thin line the the other was going to save them. But not being able to fix their own problems they just burdened each other. But in conclusion seeing him go from chocopies and thinking about being able to colonize the starts to seeing his life crumble before his and letting go to his ambitions then finally hitting rock bottom really hurt me in more ways than one.
Jun 16, 2019
A beautiful ending, punpun Is forced to keep living and suffering aikos curse. The curse of all the forgotten dreams, all the missed moments, all the broken promises and forgotten faces.

Im gonna cry, pls cry with me.
Mar 2, 2020
This was the most bitter sweet ending I've seen, can't help but to think this is a perfect ending though. I'm happy i forced myself to read this.
Aggregator gang
Jun 15, 2020
I feel empty and at the same I'm glad Punpun got to have a nice life. I wish they develop more on what happened to him but nice ending :)
A wild ride

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