He was able to remove it freely pretty much from the start & was just wearing it for appearances (then he kinda just accepted it as "his getup" once everyone was already on his side & he didn't need it any more), so I imagine he realized it'd be a pain in the ass trying to stay out of trouble while looking like a slave & kept it in his inventory. As we can see here, he's a surprisingly smooth operator managing to blend in so convincingly as a mercenary so he definitely knew he should take it off.
I get what you mean, I only picked this up because of people joking about "the minecraft isekai" making me want to see how bad it was but it's more enjoyable than I'd have ever expected. I guess I accepted it easily though since one of the last times I picked up a dumb-sounding story based on a minor detail it was "That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime" & I've never been more wrong about something seeming dumb at a glance in my entire life, lol.
She has an attendant that comes along as a bonus. He preggers both of them fairly quick too. Sylphy was quite upset. (only cause she wasn't pregnant by then and they beat her to it)
Thank you for the translation! But I still cringe a bit at "big bro". Personally I prefer to keep the uniquely Japanese traits in a translation, but I am aware that is a contended view.
I never really understood why some readers are upset by "big bro" and "big sis". American guys call each other "bro" all the time. And the concept of fraternity brothers and sorority sisters is widespread.
dude, you can only blame yourself. With all those crafting skill and you decide to wear a shitty armor that can't even stop a random knife from a random maniac
So all this turns out to have been
fated to happen by a god. And for it to work out as planned, Kyosuke needed to be stabbed through his armor.
I'm going to put the next bit in a separate spoiler tag because it's a major spoiler, and I think the remainder of the story works better if you don't know it. So only click on the next bit if you're desperate to know.
A long time later, Cubi / Kyubi / Qubi turns himself in and reveals why he dunnit. He was ordered by a prophet in his home country to join the rebellion and befriend and kidnap Kyosuke before Kyosuke even arrived in this world. I don't think the story ever specifies which god is behind it all, but it's heavily implied to be Adol. It turns out the human supremacy in Adolism's scriptures is fake - added at some point to justify abusing demihumans. And it's implied everything in this story is an elaborate plot by Adol to correct that and get Adolism back on the right track. He prepped Kyubi, summoned Kyosuke to this world, had him meet up with the demihuman rebellion, and put together this elaborate sequence of kidnapping events, all to get Kyosuke in that line in front of the assassin, so he could meet up with the Saintess (and save her and get stabbed in the process). So they could meet, and Kyosuke could help the Saintess' faction prove that human supremacy was not a real part of Adolism.
It's just leather armour, doesn't really block piercing attacks. They are meant to block punches and maybe some slashes.
Plus, MC isn't really physically strong.
Leather has really good abrasion resistance. The trope about bikers wearing leather is functional, not fashion. If you fall while riding your motorcycle and slide on the pavement, it usually results in your flesh being abraded down to the bone. But leather withstands it as well as or better than even kevlar.
So in a medieval setting, leather would be more for preventing minor scrapes and cuts. Not full on sword attacks.
This author is really good at spinning an enjoyable yarn. His other story is Reborn as a Space Mercenary (based on Elite Dangerous - author really likes playing games). And it too is very popular and enjoyable. I highly recommend it if you're enjoying this story. (The audiobook is available on Spotify premium if you're a subscriber.)
I get what you mean, I only picked this up because of people joking about "the minecraft isekai" making me want to see how bad it was but it's more enjoyable than I'd have ever expected. I guess I accepted it easily though since one of the last times I picked up a dumb-sounding story based on a minor detail it was "That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime" & I've never been more wrong about something seeming dumb at a glance in my entire life, lol.
It turns out the cathedral's design acts as a mana collector/amplifier. They don't know if some brilliant magic researcher designed it that way, if humans stumbled onto the design by accident, or if it was inspired by Adol. But Ira/Aira/Idra and Kyosuke's research team end up trying to reverse engineer it later.
I never really understood why some readers are upset by "big bro" and "big sis". American guys call each other "bro" all the time. And the concept of fraternity brothers and sorority sisters is widespread.
As you say, brotherhoods and sisterhoods are not unheard of, and calling someone really close as such is not strange in most languages. But I think that the point is what you mentioned, "American". It sounds really strange and unnatural in other types of English to shorten "brother" to "bro". Of course the connotation differs in dialects and regions, but where I come from it sounds really cringe and strange. It is not a short form anyone would actually use, other than to make fun of people from the United States of America.
As you say, brotherhoods and sisterhoods are not unheard of, and calling someone really close as such is not strange in most languages. But I think that the point is what you mentioned, "American". It sounds really strange and unnatural in other types of English to shorten "brother" to "bro". Of course the connotation differs in dialects and regions, but where I come from it sounds really cringe and strange. It is not a short form anyone would actually use, other than to make fun of people from the United States of America.
I think it's because to American ears, unrelated people calling each other "brother" or "sister" comes off sounding like they're all part of the same religion (in the same way priests are called "father").
So the only way to imply that sort of close buddy-buddy relationship in a non-religious way is to invent a new word for it. ("Buddy" or "pal" could work, but those sound so early-20th century. While "comrade" sounds Communist. Most of the countries which use British English have "mate", but that makes you sound like a foreigner to Americans.) Or to modify "brother" and "sister" to something else so it doesn't sound religious. So "bro" and "sis" it is.
Either that knife is sharp enough and the assailant is strong enough despite being a stick to pierce a light armor or the light armor defense sucks ass lmao I forgot his hair design is one of the most trash design my eyes has ever laid upon lmao
Thank you for the translation! But I still cringe a bit at "big bro". Personally I prefer to keep the uniquely Japanese traits in a translation, but I am aware that is a contended view.
She has an attendant that comes along as a bonus. He preggers both of them fairly quick too. Sylphy was quite upset. (only cause she wasn't pregnant by then and they beat her to it)
a mercenary can't be a slave, can them? So he just took it off. As shown in the beginning, otherworlders are immune to slave collars because they have no mana at all, and the collars make use of the wearer's mana to make them obey. The only reason he was wearing it was to prove his loyalty, basically.
I have no idea why I put this in dropped, unless it was very early in the translations and the minecraft part threw me off. Maybe as a placeholder to revisit?
Regardless, I‘m really digging (heh) the series, and hope it comes out pretty regularly.