1) Consistency. Switching fonts, styles, colours, shadings and size is annoying, unless it is done for dramatic purposes or to emphasize some emotion.
1.1) However, if the original work doesn't use any such changes, you should avoid any such changes as the translator.
2) Translate it. Translate it fully or not at all. This isn't 2004, we don't need etos and anos and such. Only things left untranslated and even those can be argued against are the addressing suffixes, ie. -chan -san and so on.
3) Typesetting. This
is not how to typeset.
Try to fit things in the bubble they are intended to be in. If one bubble has just a single word and the next one is a wall of text. Improvise. End result should still be with the panel containing the delivered message balanced well between the various bubbles.
4) Hyphenating. It is allowed. If you can't fit in something neatly within the bubble, do hyphenate. You shouldn't however over hyphenate in comics. The medium was never ment for it.
5) Profit
Anyhow, thank you for picking up the series. Hopefully you aren't dispirited by the heaps of criticism and commentary thrown upon you. Whatever the future be, it was an amusing and a different read. Reminded me indeed of the early days of fan scans.
Have fun