Gyaru Maid to Akuyaku Reijou ~Ojou-sama no Happy End shika Katan!~ - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - Overflowing with Apologies

Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2019
Is that what fucking peak looks like?!
My words what a chapter, almost made me tear at the end...
Now, let the big gay happen!
Thanks for the TL!
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2023
I actually find the regrowth of her Hand pretty interesting.
Yah see, Humans can, in fact, regrow limbs.
We DO have the Genes that allow that.
The problem is that we are FAR better at scarring wounds than regrowing them.
If you just Regrow it, the regrowing limb will be exposed to all kinds of dangers that can put in serious risk the life of the person, ESPECIALLY in wild nature, where you could easily get parasites from the open wound (In case you didn't bleed to death from it or it starts to fester.)
So the Human Body went "You know what? I didn't need that leg anyways. Scar it!", and so it happened.
And as a consequence, our genes to regrow lost limbs aren't exactly strong to put it one way, since our Evolution decided they were just unnecessary leftover.
...But if you can magically strengthen those genes in specific, and put aside the ones to scar damaged tissue...
...Well, regrowing a limb may become possible. It would just be a long and very painful process...
...Just as it happened here XD.
Also, if we think of broken bones reconstructing themselves (if you are young and healthy enough without all the metal things being inserted ā€” happened to me once) and the fact that it is possible to reattach lost fingers by maintaining it well-preserved, ā€œstitchingā€ it back on and letting the body recreate (rebuilt some parts? girl idk) the vessels and probably some nerves (?) that were damaged, a process called replantation, if we were in a world with magic, enhancing this ability our body already has isnā€™t a stretch.

And the fact it was extremely painful, that it took a lot of time, still shows that plot armour doesnā€™t mean she heals like a starfish. Sheā€™s making a process that already exists occur.

And I kid you not, we can create stuff like a nose with freaky surgical procedures like the forehead nose.

So, yeah, is it too amazing that she has magic that allows her to tap into that? For sure. But being previously aware the body can to some extent regenerate and being given a power akin to technological advances weā€™ll probably already have in the 2100s, girl can pop a small limb out while rawdogging it.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 24, 2020
Wow she actually healed the hand. I do like that it didn't work instantly and did take time and a lot of pain which watching the villainess suffer every time she screamed really made me think she wasn't going to be able to do it.

Do like as well the prince got punched. I really do love this villainess as I thought she would be the standard cold hearted perfect but no she has a lot of flaws is developing through them which I really do love.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2024
What the fuck is wrong with that guy? He can't slow down for 2 goddamn seconds and think? He blasts off someone's fucking HAND, potentially crippling them for life, and doesnt even go to check on her for DAYS?! And when she shows up having done an incredible feat of magic, he snaps at her over his preconceived notions about other people and his pride that can't take someone laughing in his general direction. I'm surprised he's even able to stay on the ground, what with all the hot air in his fucking head. What a shitty prince.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2019
thank you for the chapter, good to see her best girl's constant trying to overcome her handicap allowed her to get over her bout of useless lesbianism and she got the head pat and hug she'd been longing for.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2023
See, you have a point about Almelia going above and beyond as far as being Serina's boss, but 'doesn't abuse her' is a REALLLLY fkn low bar to put her in the role of Serina's girlfriend. She's doing fine as the former, but to want to be a romantic option her interest is clearly not just professional and to have a healthy, balanced, romantic partnership (instead of one gf who is always doing her all to make the other happy and the other gf doing nothing because their class difference precludes her from responsibility) Almelia needs to ackonowledge Serina as an equal and do more to reciprocate her actions. Because romantic relationships are, or at least should be, reciprocal compared to professional ones.
Almelia ISNT Serina's Boss. Serina is the Celesbrite's Property. While she was "Gifted" to Almelia, allowing her to ignore the loser brother, that doesnt mean shes not subject to the Mom and Dad's dictates. They are implicitly bound by a Master and Slave/pet relationship, so even if Almelia could in private get away with such and does allow a hell of alot of leeway in terms of acceptability in the first place, shes too much of a stick up the ass to fully yield to her feelings over her obligations and expectations until the end of this chapter (and when Serina accidentally went all the way in seducing Almelia). Also, So-Far, we havent exactly seen Almelia neglect or reject Serina's requests, both supporting her enrolling in the academy and subjecting Estella to Spartan Training, its just that Serina is also trying to stay within the bounds of acceptable while also not interfering with the plot development. Its hard to be there for the woman you want to be the GF of if theyre keeping you at length with a 5' pole.

This is also the reason i was fucking confused that Serina has money to spend. Serina isnt a maid like the other waitstaff of the Celesbrite household, her wages are handled in her cost of living expenses and covering the morgage she was sold as collateral for. Granted at this point were the parents aware of shit Serina would either be engaged to Sebastian or outright a mistress for the dad, because the dad thought he was getting a bog standard baroness instead of an Archmage who will be a case study for the Arcane for a thousand years, while Mr Flammel would be wondering why the celesbrite family are currently backing up an entire dumptruck of gold bullion to his house.

Almelia also hasnt yet thought about what she just watched Serina do over the course of 10 days, since if Serina can achieve something physically impossible, what could really stop her from giving Almelia little Serinas? (the correct answer is both their virginities, and whether their periods line up). Serina is going to be very, very confused as to why the bedding is so abused when Almelia finally has that idle thought.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2023
Should have remembered to check this earlier:
Serina's left hand should not blend into her skintone for the next in-universe month, as skincells on average live 20-40 days, and over that time her hand should yellow out to her normal base skintone from the baby-pink it currently is

i find it interesting that Serina's hair has a 1/8th turn i honestly thought she was curling the ponytail.

Edit: theres a Almelia Fangirl in Leonardia's staff, seen on page 25
Fuck, i didnt interpret the note at the end of the chapter correctly: Fuck, at least its only 1, but month hiatus
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Dex-chan lover
Nov 2, 2019
Should have remembered to check this earlier:
Serina's left hand should not blend into her skintone for the next in-universe month, as skincells on average live 20-40 days, and over that time her hand should yellow out to her normal base skintone from the baby-pink it currently is

i find it interesting that Serina's hair has a 1/8th turn i honestly thought she was curling the ponytail.

Edit: theres a Almelia Fangirl in Leonardia's staff, seen on page 25
Fuck, i didnt interpret the note at the end of the chapter correctly: Fuck, at least its only 1, but month hiatus
They skipped ahead to ignore the issue in the first place
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2023
define it then
an asspull is an arbitrary expansion of abilities or growth of a character necessary to resolve a conflict. It is the Character building equivalent of Deus Ex Machina.

We already know that anyone paying attention will see that Serina is doing what was formerly defined as the impossible. she might have no real magical capabilities, but capability is only the limit of strength she can do, not the complexity of what she can do.
They skipped ahead to ignore the issue in the first place
The Author and Artist likely arent aware, or didnt determine it possible to convey, that human skincolor is a combination of pigment, interreflection, and reyleigh scattering, because most people dont have experience with, or associates who have experienced, degloving and other forms of flaying.
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Dex-chan lover
Nov 2, 2019
an asspull is an arbitrary expansion of abilities or growth of a character necessary to resolve a conflict. It is the Character building equivalent of Deus Ex Machina.

We already know that anyone paying attention will see that Serina is doing what was formerly defined as the impossible. she might have no real magical capabilities, but capability is only the limit of strength she can do, not the complexity of what she can do.

The Author and Artist likely arent aware, or didnt determine it possible to convey, that human skincolor is a combination of pigment, interreflection, and reyleigh scattering, because most people dont have experience with, or associates who have experienced, degloving and other forms of flaying.
Arbitrary, so its personal choice.
Using magic on her own genetics to tell it to grow a new hand is an expansion of her ability to resolve this conflict.
Its your opinion that this is not an asspull because she does the impossible.
My opinion is that it is an asspull because using magic on genes is an arbitrary expansion.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 20, 2023
The Author and Artist likely arent aware, or didnt determine it possible to convey, that human skincolor is a combination of pigment, interreflection, and reyleigh scattering, because most people dont have experience with, or associates who have experienced, degloving and other forms of flaying.
My friend I have to try and say that these are drawings in a magical isekai
Dex-chan lover
Nov 12, 2019
Yes... yes... good.
At this pace we'll get full-frontal, uncensored hand-holding soon enough!
Sep 29, 2024
Yuri wins in the end!

I feel like Serina healing her hand up could lead to some shenanigans, like nobles trying to buy her out, like Almelia said there is no record of anyone healing that kind of wounds meaning its very valuable and unique skill that only Serina can do!

But we don't have to worry ,we all know Almelia will protect her wife now :3c
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Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2023
Arbitrary, so its personal choice.
Mathematically Arbitrary, not Lolrandom. Ive called out every piece of logic youve chosen to ignore to call something weve been working towards has no basis in logic and consistency. You can call it an asspull, but you are objectively wrong, wasting everyone's time, and asspulling your own logic to justify an argument you have no support for.
My friend I have to try and say that these are drawings in a magical isekai
Im calling out a flaw in logic and the ways it could have been overlooked. either its too difficult to actually communicate in greyscale, they forgot, or they legitimately dont know enough to know that there should be a visible indicator of the injury even with magical healing.
May 27, 2018
I thought one month between chapters was long AF considering the cliffhanger was dismemberment..
Now that Almelia's shown she actually feels remorse about how she's poorly Serina has been treated, when is she going to finally tell Serina why she was acting so cold end of Ch 8 into Ch. 9?

The story is almost definitely going to go into Almelia EVENTUALLY admitting that she thought Serina was professing romantic love ch. 1 and that's why Serina supporting the engagement was such a knife jab for her. But Game MC Estella already figured out the unrequited feelings just by watching the two in freaking Ch. TWO. So author has all the pieces on the board. It's just figuring out how to get the main duo to communicate??

If the hand dismemberment was going to be hand-waved, could this not have been written in a way that Serina doesn't get mutilated and Almelia would still have to recognize that Serina was doing the most for her? Like cut out the middle-man and have a different recovery arc - unless the point of it was to show that Serina is talented by the setting's standards. I can't tell yet if the Skywalker-ing was necessary.

I'm still on board but damn, two months is a long time for a chapter with no source material

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