I dont know why people in the comment section of similar manga, like this one, even complain about the MLs that are depicted like trash at first through the eyes of the MC, like what did you expect while reading these types of stories, plus the MLs aren't the only ones who cause the misunderstanding, there's always blame for both sides, not just one. This all could have been solved with sitting down and talking it through, clearing up the misconceptions and not adding fuel to the fire. The MC should have taken control of the situation and confronted her husband on the matters of their relationship with one another, being firm and resolute when clearing things up, even when the other party doesnt want to hear it or believe it.
Anyways, I read these types of story because of the entertainment value it gives, I always liked stories about hardships and over coming them or just beating your foes. I'm in it for the tragedies and misunderstandings! So I dont know why people hate, when we're only given one side of the story, it's just plain bais, if you ask me.