Idk lol the reward might backfire. This girl is lost in daydreams of future bliss.thanks for the translation!
getting too excited in her own thoughts its starting to effect her outside of them... nanoha is going to need to need to give a reward to get chidori to keep her head in the game
Nesting instinct is adorable, it's one of those things that I really appreciate about women.This reminded me of how my wife started to act when she got pregnant. The things you need, the things you want. She didn't even show and when we got a glider rocker she would just stare at it and move it back and forth. "OK, why don't you sit in the chair and I will make you some tea." For some reason I didn't start to worry till the delivery date got close. I just moved furniture and assembled things. Chidori is so stuck on nesting mode.
I dunno, they can be """good friends""" and then """roommates""" for a lot longer yet, I'd say.They are going to have to come out to their friends soon right?
It's cram school so no problems. "Taking tests every day" means some form of repetition won't be far off.Hope she can take a makeup test. Can't let this dream boat sink before it even leaves the harbor!
She bombed the test