Handyman Saitou in Another World - Vol. 2 Ch. 33.5 - The Ninja With the Legendary Skill & The Witch Who Lived for 400 Years Travel Edition

Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
Huh. Good for him.

He's still kind of a murder-hobo who picked fights for no reason though.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2020
imagine if the reason old man memory is jumble because in some of his past his magic involved fourth dimension so now he can't tell time because to him everything was all jumble and he need someone to say something that'll show him what time it was
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
So the half senil Morlock is the time mage....Good luck trying to make him remember the spell. 😂
Dex-chan lover
Feb 3, 2018
at first, it's 'hey look, isekai and dick jokes hahahah'
now it's (spoilered for size, not content)

too lazy to edit the image, but seriously, it fits
Double-page supporter
Jan 23, 2018
Emotional plot in my gag manga wtf

I definitely don't trust the fairy though, I played Bravely Default when it released ok
May 2, 2020
@Arkos If you read back to the assassin's first appearance, it shows that he's been too used with murder, to the point that he sometimes went to kill someone without anyone requesting him to, just to prove that he can kill anyone. He got along with the two demons was also just because he wanted them to help him kill the witch (he probably beat them first as well, looking at how they refer to him as big brother). Him not realizing how he started to really get along with the two, and not even how his intention to kill the witch has actually changed into fascination, then love, then his subsequent action of kissing the witch without saying anything else afterward, showed that he's lacking in both social awareness and skill. The kind who will shoot first and explain later (or never explain in this regard).

Secondly, for whatever reasons, each and every adventurers who entered the great labyrinth have always been there to look for treasures, be it in the form of valuable items, rare magic spell, or even the legacy of an individual who harbored great power. So it's normal for the assassin to see everyone of them as competitors.
With him lacking in social skill and having been used to only murder, the only laudable method in his mind would naturally be to eliminate all of his competitors. But even then, he didn't just go around killing everyone.
Case on point, he only targeted the group with the highest chance to clear the labyrinth (demonlord and prime minister party, not to mention they knew what lies at the end of the new path), the group who had actually entered the final room (Saito's party), and the mage tank dwarf (he probably thought this guy is part of Saito's party as the dwarf attacked him to save Raelza).
He could've gone and ask the adventurers to help him, but is there any guarantee that they won't betray him after the fact is known that he's looking for the treasure of the sorcerer who could manipulate, of all things, time? For the most part, I think he's eliminating them (at least tried to, since his 'victims' survived) so that the little fact is not known. Greed can turn the most righteous of people turn awry after all. It's also the same reason why the king sent the minister and the demonlord to go to the great labyrinth after all, except that the minister is more sensible in his approach given that he IS a prime minister of a kingdom, and not a friggin' assassin who had probably spent his entire life killing people for pride and money.

tldr, if he was a regular run-of-the-mill protag, I'd also see his method as stupid and out of character. BUT given the assassin's background story, it's actually logical when you think about it. He was still keeping to his character.
Double-page supporter
Oct 10, 2018
@ashenwind I never said he was out of character or if I did I apologize. I just see him as a dumb murder hobo. You are telling me he is literally a dumb murder hobo IE: Kill random people for "pride" and "money". Does no one get the dumb murder hobo term as he is literally the goddamn embodiment of it? Hell pretty sure I agreed that I see him killing off the competitors as a thing but it sounds stupid when his goal is the sorcerer. To clear up any misunderstanding, EMPHASIS ON I as in ME think it is stupid for assassin to kill the "competitors" when his goal is the sorcerer and is now most likely on a timetable with his time running out since his love interest has her time now moving again. Unless she was chucked into a time suspender or whatever I find it stupid that as he is an assassin that can sneak past everyone far quicker most likely to find the goal and he wastes time killing people and I think it is stupid waste of time especially if he is on a time table. I find it dumb that anytime an antagonist is given a flashback backstory to justify their actions but the flashback gives more questions as to why their doing certain actions that I find odd then again I find it dumb. He could be acting in character for all anyone could argue but I WILL STILL CALL HIM A DUMB MURDER HOBO BECAUSE YOU HAVE DESCRIBED A DUMB MURDER HOBO FOR ME! Dumb Murder Hobo: Murders random people for no good reason, Lacks social awareness and skills, seemingly does stupid shit to get to goal which most likely involves killing anything near the damn goal, automatically resorts to murder for every option.
May 2, 2020
@Arkos Yes, he's a murder hobo, but he's not exactly dumb considering that he actually came up with a sound plan most of the time. It's just that he tend to miss a little detail in his plan, which is normal for a human.

And sure, he can sneak past everyone and enter the last room without being noticed. Remember that he's laying in ambush when Saito entered the room, which means he was inside the room some time before Saito's team. Have you ever considered the possibility that he was already inside with his demon bros looking for the artifact before Saito's team entered?

With that in consideration, I found that he actually knew where to look.

Also, it's been shown that the Minister has teleportation spell. Would he still have a chance to take the artifact from the Minister team should they find it first? Given the situation, that the king sent the minister to keep the artifact a secret, they would just teleport out of the labyrinth right after finding the treasure they sought. Even if they don't, they would be on full alert to keep the artifact safe. Not to mention the possibility of the artifact gets broken during the ensuing fight.

So the only chance to prevent them from doing so is to eliminate them before they even found anything, when they would be slightly lax. He might not know exactly who they were, or what they're capable of(he did know that the team was the strongest team participating in the exploration), but he at least did the necessary thing required to sneak kill them (bypassing the minister's detection magic and actually cutting the demonlord on where it would count)as well as making sure that they'll stay dead (asking the fairy to burn their corpse). Not to mention that eliminating them early would at least delay other parties. Remember that the Minister team was steamrolling the monsters inside, which pretty much opening the path for other adventurers to go deeper as the more dangerous monsters have been defeated already.

Can you suggest a better plan then? One that is not relying on the adventurer's benevolence? Or one that requires you to destroy the passage, cause it's most likely impossible to do?

If anything, he missed the little fact that he didn't know how the artifact actually looks like. Which is probably why he hasn't found the artifact yet, and why he had his two demon bros out of combat most of the time-probably he told them to look for the artifact as they are more adept in magic than him.

Yes, he's a murder hobo, but he's far from dumb. And if you consider that forgetting one or two details is dumb, then it's the same as if you're saying that most human in the world are dumb.

What I would consider dumb murder hobo (if according to your last few sentences) is if he insisted on continuing the attempt to kill Saito's party after the dwarf mage casted the blast magic on him while realizing that the fairy couldn't aid him.
And yet he chose to retreat and bring more allies instead, even sneak attacking the dwarf when he's not focused on battle.

What I would consider dumb murder hobo is if he actually attempted to kill everyone who entered the new passage.
And yet he didn't. So far he only tried to kill two groups; one that has the highest chance to find what he wanted before he does, and one who accidentally stumbled on the place where the thing he wanted is most likely hidden in.

tldr; he IS a murder hobo, but he's not dumb or stupid, and certainly not a super genius who can plan ahead either.
Double-page supporter
Oct 10, 2018
@ashenwind Okay you are taking issue the fact I call him dumb but I am calling him dumb because I find murder hobos to be dumb in their logic in which I apologize because it would probably confuse someone defending him if in how I am using dumb. It is the same way I would call a Communist or Nazi dumb for their ideology and logic. He can be a well spoken and well planning murder hobo. He is still a "Dumb" murder hobo to me and I am not saying he has to be flawless but I will criticize mistakes or stupid actions and the fact that murder hobos are stupid pain in the asses no matter how tactical and smart looking you want to make them sound. (Also does have something to do with my bias in certain games) Also the man doesn't need to keep every detail remembered as yes I understand we are all humans can make mistakes and forget but I argue murdering random parties who will barely interfere in your business is a waste of time. You state the minister's party was steam rolling the monsters so eliminate him to slow down other parties and to get further ahead. Okay again a tactical move except the parties are as deep in as him apparently and I see no reason why again to use them as bait to find the artifacts and shadow them or ignore them to find the thing. Also we do not know I think if he knows what the artifact look like or not but I would assume he does considering he has the fairy that leaked the info. Even though fairy is sketchy as hell. I am not saying he has to rely adventurer's benevolence as hell most of the parties seem to be just ignoring each other for the most part and I had never suggested him to collapse the tunnel so I do not see why you are randomly bringing that up.

tldr; I find murder hobos to be dumb subjectively speaking no matter how objectively well spoken and smart they seem to be in murder hobo arts. Also doesn't help that the murder hobo seems to be the most cliche and edgy murder hobo with the assassin skin tights look with dual swords. You are correct in he is a objectively good murder hobo in which I subjectively find some of the plans questionable but they are still solid plans if not a bit odd.
May 2, 2020
@Arkos Very well, I think I can relate with you on that murder hobos in games and MMOs are annoying as hell.

I think we can also agree that the problem with this manga is that it leaves a lot of the details unspoken. We never knew about the layout of new passage.
On one chapter it's mentioned that the minister party killed a dragon inside the new passage, signifying that they've reached quite deep inside the passage, as I doubt that the labyrinth would spawn such a strong adversary at the very beginning.
But on the next chapter, Saito's party (and other adventurers) is shown to find treasure box and still having to fight monsters inside, the next day after the minister party retired from the exploration, which make me believe that the monsters respawn after a while, or that the passage branched out at some point.

But none of those were explained in the manga, unfortunately.

Regarding letting others find the stuff for him, I already mentioned that there are risk of having to fight a more prepared team, and the risk of wrecking the artifact during the fight.

About the artifact, I really couldn't think up another reason why he hasn't found it despite being able to sneak his way to the room faster than anyone else. It's either the fairy only know about the name and where the person in question most likely hid the stuff, or the artifact was never there to begin with (the owner had dementia after all...)

Regarding the murder hobo's appearance, everybody elsealso look as cliche as him. The wizard being an old man in cone head and robe, the warrior is cladded in heavy full armor, 'Hero' is a young man who always get the girl, the priest is a not-so-good looking guy who happen to be the third wheel, the sage is of course a bald old man, elf fighter looked pretty and slim despite being a hand to hand brawler, the King is an old guy with beard, and dwarf still looks like your typical dwarf in Tolkien story. Even Saito is still dressed in his working jumper to make him look the part of a cliche handyman. So of course an 'assassin' will be the edgy, dual wielding guy with skin tight costume!

Although I agree that his entire motive is cliche, especially in a manga that tend subvert expectation despite the cliched character design.

The barbaric looking mage and the loli axe girl were subversions in term of cliche appearance, but in japanese, one of them is at least very common nowadays.

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