Happy Harem Making with the Mightiest Orc!

Feb 19, 2019
What in the blue heck happened to the earlier chapters? I actually like the series and was going to reread the earlier chapters since it has been a few weeks. Please bring them back.
Dec 27, 2018
I think the previous chapters got deleted because of low quality translations. I know the loliscans ones were ok but it still took doing a puzzle to figure out what some parts meant. Then whatever the last chapter 20 translation was, well... That was just huge mess.
Group Leader
May 7, 2020
Hello everyone sorry for bad translation and I don't know what happened to other Chapters but they still exist in other websites
Apr 1, 2018
It looks like ieatloli scan really pissed because other group was translating the series without permission.
That is why he delete the previous update.
This is why I really hate a group that translate other group series without permission and without thinking.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 1, 2018
Well, if in the credits page they already misspelled "translator" and the cover has not been even touched, no wonder the guys that most likely were putting an effort got mad. Quite drastic, but unless there are serious issues with the current group's work (and your version lacks those), two groups started at about the same time, the previous group dropped it or it has been out of commission for a while (way more than a couple of weeks), it's never nice to hijack a series.
I don't know how desperate for attention are the people who do things like that.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2018
once again proven - any aggregator website >>> website for whiny snowflakes with too many rights 🤣
Apr 1, 2018
The point is there are rules that need to be follow to translate a series, and the most common rule are not to translate a series that had been translate by other group.
If anyone want to translate it, the you must confirm with the previous group if the series already been dropped or not.
When a series hasn't been update for two months it already been consider dropped and then you just need confirmation with the previous group if you can continue translate the series.
But then when it hasn't been pass one month yet there other group that impatiently already translate the chapter, and they doing it without confirming with the previous group if the series had been dropped or not.
That is why it leading this to happen, it making the previous group pissed and even decide to erase all the previous chapter that had been update.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 21, 2019
It's not at all a rule. You could call it common courtesy if you like. The original group reacting the way they did is just as bad, if not worse, though.
Jan 4, 2019
Scanlating should be a hobby, not a job. Getting mad because other scanlators are doing their hobby because they enjoy a series aswell shouldn't allow another group to be affected at all. It just shows the other group wasn't doing this for just our and their entertainment.

Edit: I hope you will continue translating this series Jackripper. Thanks for your effort. I can follow the pages even though it might not always be translated perfectly. Keep up the work!
Apr 1, 2018
If it was common courtesy then all the more reason not to break it, because it showing a manner to the original group that translate it first.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 21, 2019
I agree it should be followed. But deleting the chapters is iEatLoli's fault, nobody else can be blamed for that. They didn't have to react is such a juvenile way.
Jul 17, 2018
See I get where @Ieatlolis scan group came from. But if they're going to be juvenile and punish everyone else because of some one translating it, then we don't freaking need them here. Don't punish the people who had nothing to do with it!
Active member
Jan 19, 2018
@BlankHunter lmao what rules? Holy fucking shit. This shit is essentially piracy. You're reading illegally uploaded comics on the internet for free and you go on about rules. Gimme a break.
Also don't hate the "snipers", hate the sensitive crybabies who throw a hissy fit when things don't go their way. Another group translating this series has literally no effect in their lives and yet they throw a tantrum over it. It really boggles the mind.
Aug 15, 2018
@dtim It's not iEatLoli's fault they removed the chapters. In fact, it's not a fault at all. It's just people very frustrated that people like you wag their tail at whoever's holding the leash even if there were no prior agreements. They acted on emotion, but you can't blame them because that's the translation they're proud of. They were the people who laid down the groundwork for the translation of this manga and somebody else's building upon that foundation, of course it's frustrating and they wouldn't be able to keep their emotions in check.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Alright, this give me the perfect excuse to drop this shitty manga.
When groups start getting pissy and over protective about their pirated manga, that they remove it all just because some other shitty group decided to release faster than them... It's pathetic really.
Aug 15, 2018
@TetrSky Nobody gives a shit about what you prefer.

It's not just speed that matters with these. There's also quality. iEatLoli gives us quality translations. They're easily comprehensible and flows very smoothly. I'll admit, I haven't read past the credit page of Ch. 20, but iEatLoli has never received that kind of criticism for their translation.

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