The supposed reason for this change is to make moderator's lives easier by avoiding the heated political debates, correct?
But if so, then shifting those political debates from manga comments to the forums won't help, because the heated debates will still be happening (just in a different place), so the moderator workload will be the same.
So, given that this is a temporary solution which won't help in the long run, this doesn't seem like the right solution to me.
* If the problem is people making lots of false reports, take away those people's ability to make reports.
* If the problem is a particular user repeatedly violating the rules, ban that user (permanently, or for a long time, like a month or year).
* If the problem is a particular thread being overheated, put that thread in "timeout mode", so nobody can post in that thread for a set period of time (e.g. a week). You could even have a "supporter perk" which would allow supporters to post in timeout threads (similar to "sub-only mode" in Twitch).
* If the problem is a thread having a lot of off-topic posts, have a system where a moderator can very easily create a new thread on the forums and move those posts into that new thread (similar to how StackOverflow moves off-topic comments into Chat). Then have a link from the old thread to the new thread (so people know where they are supposed to post). This can be automated to make it very easy for moderators (only a few clicks).
* If the problem is a particular group "pushing the boundaries" (which isn't a problem by itself), mark that group as "controversial" and have a user option to allow users to choose whether to view "controversial" groups or not (similar to the hentai toggle).
* If the problem is too much workload, hire more moderators (and pay them a decent wage). I know you don't like this solution, but it is unavoidable as the site grows.
There are no easy solutions, and there never will be, but these new rules won't fix anything, they will only cause more division and drama because of people arguing over whether a credit page "deserved" to be banned or not.
Quite frankly, I'm shocked that MangaDex is making such a change without asking the community first. This is very different from how the previous situation was handled, where MangaDex actually made a poll (despite a vocal minority, the overwhelming majority chose to *not* change the rules):
Reddit is a very poor metric, because upvotes and downvotes are not symmetrical. And a lot of MangaDex users (including myself) don't even use Reddit. So a proper poll on MangaDex itself (similar to the previous situation) is much more accurate.
I'm also shocked at how MangaDex has treated any criticism of these new rules. I understand you've spent a lot of time thinking about this, and you've clearly made up your mind, but the responses seem very dismissive and patronizing. Especially given the results of the previous poll.
It's true that we aren't directly affected by this (since we're not moderators), but that doesn't mean that our opinions don't matter. After all, we are the customers of MangaDex (in some cases literally, as donators). If we don't understand the behind the scenes aspects of moderation, then *help us to understand*. Nobody here *wants* to make the moderator's lives more difficult. But we also don't want bad rules (which won't even solve the problem).