Harapeko Oyako to Motokare Yanushi - Ch. 2

Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2023
maybe the incel accusations were accurate after all
Nah you just can't give a rebuttal and have to resort to name calling instead. I personally met up with someone I knew in highschool at a Walmart recently. We had football together but that's about as close as my interaction with him went. We weren't friends we were acquaintances. We basically caught up in how life is and moved on. That's what acquaintances are people you knew but barely interacted with to call a friend or more.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 8, 2023
Nah don't agree that definition is incorrect. If an acquaintance is someone you knew slightly but not deeply. Than an old acquaintance is someone from your past you knew slightly but not deeply. A high school ex is not an old acquaintance by definition alone. You can't tell me it's definitionally accurate when someone you dated and someone you barely knew of and minimally interacted with are the same. That's just incorrect.

It is crazy when said person shows up to your home with no warning whatsoever. How did she know he lives there? Is that his parents home that he took over? She came to his backyard to see him, why? What would she have done if he wasn't there?

This girl is so suspicious that this dude even entertaining her is just dumb. If you're going to try and do this story have it make more coherent sense then whatever this author did. Because the way he/she wrote this story makes this MC look really dumb and easily taken advantage of and her really sleazy. The amount of people making excuses for it doesn't help either when there are plausible unanswered questions. If people have to come up with their own conclusions to explain something in a story instead of the story telling us then it's not a good story.
Oh well. If we can't even agree on the definition of words there's no point in continuing that part of the conversation. The label doesn't make a difference in what I'm saying anyway.

To your story criticisim, its ch2. There are supposed to be a lot of unanswered questions. In fact I'd say a story that lays all its cards on the table this early would be more the sign its not a good story.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
"It's entirely possible they kept in contact"
Referring to post break up before losing contact later. You write with the assumption they broke up and instantly never talked again, or at least your comments read that way. Other people assume she just ghosted him at some point. None of that is actually shown or even implied in the story.
No a lot of people here are suspicious why an women who has a daughter has to go to her ex before going to anyone else and has the gall to expect him to take her in without a lot of questioning and pushback as shown with her preparing clothes for extended staying period. Her daughter doesn't even show basic respect and is suspicious of him when she's intruding on his home.

Also I don't know if you have boundaries or not even if the relationship ended decently doesn't mean a person is just going to open their door to someone they dated close to 20 years ago just because she's begging. How about message them beforehand, catch up on stuff, and see what they say instead of coming to their home unannounced.
To the first part, that's all fine and well but there is FAR more going on than just that in these replies, from you and others. The amount of instant vitriol you're posting when you don't know the full context is absurd. Half the comments in this thread have nothing to do with suspicions and are just about how "real men" would throw her and her 14 year old daughter to the streets, that includes you.

Of course there was no guarantee the guy would agree, this was likely their last option, not their first. You're again making assumptions about them that have not been stated in the story to justify your hatred. One would normally hope the story further explains why she would choose to rely on him rather than make assumptions and get angry. Also it's entirely possible that she doesn't have his contact info but knows where he lived before. So maybe she couldn't contact him first. We don't know yet.

Also no I don't agree. The first two chapters are the introduction chapters so they should answer every question a reader might have about a scenario and problems that would come up with it. Waiting till later to answer those basic questions is poor writing

To me your response is making excuses for this chick when no her actions are pretty disgusting all things considered. If it was any other dude with a spine and backbone and not this pathetic, lonely dude she would have been questioned a lot more on chapter 1 and maybe even turned away at the door. Because nothing about the scenario screams "wholesome" or "cute".
There can be more than two introductory chapters. Unless these were 60 page chapters there is a limit to how much info can be put into them and still be interesting to read. The point of these chapters is to get you to read further, having a bunch of exposition in them to make sure weirdos know the exact circumstances of things that don't matter to the ultimate plot would not be good writing. What these chapters are establishing is characters. It shows us about each character and how they will interact. Of course some of that will be grating, the mom is extremely air-headed, the daughter is very protective of her mother in return.(btw this is why she's hostile towards the dude) This is a SOL comedy manga, it's exaggerated on purpose.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2023
Referring to post break up before losing contact later. You write with the assumption they broke up and instantly never talked again, or at least your comments read that way. Other people assume she just ghosted him at some point. None of that is actually shown or even implied in the story.

To the first part, that's all fine and well but there is FAR more going on than just that in these replies, from you and others. The amount of instant vitriol you're posting when you don't know the full context is absurd. Half the comments in this thread have nothing to do with suspicions and are just about how "real men" would throw her and her 14 year old daughter to the streets, that includes you.

Of course there was no guarantee the guy would agree, this was likely their last option, not their first. You're again making assumptions about them that have not been stated in the story to justify your hatred. One would normally hope the story further explains why she would choose to rely on him rather than make assumptions and get angry. Also it's entirely possible that she doesn't have his contact info but knows where he lived before. So maybe she couldn't contact him first. We don't know yet.

There can be more than two introductory chapters. Unless these were 60 page chapters there is a limit to how much info can be put into them and still be interesting to read. The point of these chapters is to get you to read further, having a bunch of exposition in them to make sure weirdos know the exact circumstances of things that don't matter to the ultimate plot would not be good writing. What these chapters are establishing is characters. It shows us about each character and how they will interact. Of course some of that will be grating, the mom is extremely air-headed, the daughter is very protective of her mother in return.(btw this is why she's hostile towards the dude) This is a SOL comedy manga, it's exaggerated on purpose.
The amount of excuses you give for this chick is also absurd. You make excuses and go along with her bullshit without any critical thinking. It's amazing how much you assume I have "vitriol" and "hatred" just because my language is harsh and straightforward. The amount of excuses you make for the storytelling is also pretty braindead. Oh I don't have enough "context" to be this harsh well that's a problem for the writer not me. Should've put more effort in crafting this scenario than what they did because my suspension of disbelief is shattered. And then you used the tired "it's a comedy SoL manga it's fine to be shitty in it's storytelling that's the point". Newsflash dude just because something is a comedy doesn't excuse its writing. Great comedies are great because the writing, while exaggerated, makes sense in the context of the setting and are funny. This is neither funny nor "wholesome". If you literally have to come up with your own explanations of reasons why the story is going a certain way and the story itself doesn't tell you that's a bad story and you're nothing but complicit to it by making excuses. Doesn't matter the genre. Also real men ask questions and if they aren't sufficiently answered you toss them out on the streets. Why exactly does he have to help them? Because they're women? Because he dated the mother? Like why exactly? I don't see why he has to let them stay at his home other than they're women and it's the "right thing to do" which isn't a good enough reason personally speaking. Give them money to stay at a hotel as someone else said. What about other family? Friends? Is there literally no one else but her Ex she can rely on? See what not properly answering questions can lead to.

You can have a wholesome SoL and have it make sense. All the writer had to do was tell the reader why she came to him in the first chapter and be very honest in how her life went all the circumstances the last time they were together that led to her coming here. Her apartment complex burned down is the catalyst but why him specifically. How did she know where he lived after all this time? Have the daughter show basic decency while being suspicious compared to how she acted in this story. Have the mother be an air head but still be a functioning adult. It's not hard to achieve any of this. But the author basically tried to rush through the premise to get to the good parts without any consideration to crafting an engaging premise.

An actual decent Romcom I read was a girl pretending to bad with technology and the first 2 chapters explained from both perspectives of the guy and girl and answered all the basic questions a person might have on the premise. Dude's boarding building burns down and he can't exactly immediately go home especially when he has school but a girl finds him in the park and decided to help him and manipulates him into thinking she's bad with technology so that he could stay with her to help her. Why is the girl doing all this? Because she likes him and was panicking on how to keep his attention. The story premise was out there but in context with the writing and setting it makes sense while being exaggerated. If I could remember the name I'd post it because that's how you craft an engaging premise while answering basic questions.
Oh well. If we can't even agree on the definition of words there's no point in continuing that part of the conversation. The label doesn't make a difference in what I'm saying anyway.

To your story criticisim, its ch2. There are supposed to be a lot of unanswered questions. In fact I'd say a story that lays all its cards on the table this early would be more the sign its not a good story.
Of course we can't agree when my definition is accurate. Literally look up acquaintance from Oxford dictionary. Adding the adjective old does not change the definition just gives more context to it.

No a good story lays out everything so the reader can be invested into finding out where it goes. Withholding basic questions answered is bad storytelling because it will be an anchor that holds back the story being interesting or engaging. Because those basic questions are going to be nagging the story with no answer and bring the entire thing down.

This manga really do be attracting the incel comments
It also attracts dumbasses that will eat anything up without an ounce of critical thinking skills. Makes me wonder how these people function in society.
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Apr 10, 2023
It also attracts dumbasses that will eat anything up without an ounce of critical thinking skills. Makes me wonder how these people function in society.
They don't. They usually end up as victims in these exact sorts of situations if they're ever unfortunate enough to end up with a woman in the first place. They're easily identified as marks and preyed on by the first parasite to spot them.

An actual decent Romcom I read was a girl pretending to bad with technology and the first 2 chapters explained from both perspectives of the guy and girl and answered all the basic questions a person might have on the premise. Dude's boarding building burns down and he can't exactly immediately go home especially when he has school but a girl finds him in the park and decided to help him and manipulates him into thinking she's bad with technology so that he could stay with her to help her. Why is the girl doing all this? Because she likes him and was panicking on how to keep his attention. The story premise was out there but in context with the writing and setting it makes sense while being exaggerated. If I could remember the name I'd post it because that's how you craft an engaging premise while answering basic questions.
I really wanna see that romcom now.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 8, 2023
Of course we can't agree when my definition is accurate. Literally look up acquaintance from Oxford dictionary. Adding the adjective old does not change the definition just gives more context to it.No a good story lays out everything so the reader can be invested into finding out where it goes. Withholding basic questions answered is bad storytelling because it will be an anchor that holds back the story being interesting or engaging. Because those basic questions are going to be nagging the story with no answer and bring the entire thing down.

I did out of curiosity of what you're talking about. I found "a person that you know but who is not a close friend" which is exactly their situation. I'm guessing you found something different.

Not much I can say to your 2nd part. Its your subjective opinion. I prefer stories with some intrigue. I don't like it when they're front-loaded with a bunch of exposition explaining everything. I see that as lazy writing
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
The amount of excuses you give for this chick is also absurd. You make excuses and go along with her bullshit without any critical thinking. It's amazing how much you assume I have "vitriol" and "hatred" just because my language is harsh and straightforward. The amount of excuses you make for the storytelling is also pretty braindead. Oh I don't have enough "context" to be this harsh well that's a problem for the writer not me. Should've put more effort in crafting this scenario than what they did because my suspension of disbelief is shattered. And then you used the tired "it's a comedy SoL manga it's fine to be shitty in it's storytelling that's the point". Newsflash dude just because something is a comedy doesn't excuse its writing. Great comedies are great because the writing, while exaggerated, makes sense in the context of the setting and are funny. This is neither funny nor "wholesome". If you literally have to come up with your own explanations of reasons why the story is going a certain way and the story itself doesn't tell you that's a bad story and you're nothing but complicit to it by making excuses. Doesn't matter the genre. Also real men ask questions and if they aren't sufficiently answered you toss them out on the streets. Why exactly does he have to help them? Because they're women? Because he dated the mother? Like why exactly? I don't see why he has to let them stay at his home other than they're women and it's the "right thing to do" which isn't a good enough reason personally speaking. Give them money to stay at a hotel as someone else said. What about other family? Friends? Is there literally no one else but her Ex she can rely on? See what not properly answering questions can lead to.

You can have a wholesome SoL and have it make sense. All the writer had to do was tell the reader why she came to him in the first chapter and be very honest in how her life went all the circumstances the last time they were together that led to her coming here. Her apartment complex burned down is the catalyst but why him specifically. How did she know where he lived after all this time? Have the daughter show basic decency while being suspicious compared to how she acted in this story. Have the mother be an air head but still be a functioning adult. It's not hard to achieve any of this. But the author basically tried to rush through the premise to get to the good parts without any consideration to crafting an engaging premise.

An actual decent Romcom I read was a girl pretending to bad with technology and the first 2 chapters explained from both perspectives of the guy and girl and answered all the basic questions a person might have on the premise. Dude's boarding building burns down and he can't exactly immediately go home especially when he has school but a girl finds him in the park and decided to help him and manipulates him into thinking she's bad with technology so that he could stay with her to help her. Why is the girl doing all this? Because she likes him and was panicking on how to keep his attention. The story premise was out there but in context with the writing and setting it makes sense while being exaggerated. If I could remember the name I'd post it because that's how you craft an engaging premise while answering basic questions.

Of course we can't agree when my definition is accurate. Literally look up acquaintance from Oxford dictionary. Adding the adjective old does not change the definition just gives more context to it.

No a good story lays out everything so the reader can be invested into finding out where it goes. Withholding basic questions answered is bad storytelling because it will be an anchor that holds back the story being interesting or engaging. Because those basic questions are going to be nagging the story with no answer and bring the entire thing down.

It also attracts dumbasses that will eat anything up without an ounce of critical thinking skills. Makes me wonder how these people function in society.
tl;dr you need a story to write every detail out so you don't assume the worst possible conclusions you can even when the story presents in a manner that should make you assume the reasons are valid even when not outright presented to you.

I'm not going to waste more time writing explanations on why the things you say are stupid. You clearly can't understand them or refuse to acknowledge them. Also maybe google the definition of vitriol since you don't know what it means.
Apr 10, 2023
tl;dr you need a story to write every detail out so you don't assume the worst possible conclusions you can even when the story presents in a manner that should make you assume the reasons are valid even when not outright presented to you.

I'm not going to waste more time writing explanations on why the things you say are stupid. You clearly can't understand them or refuse to acknowledge them. Also maybe google the definition of vitriol since you don't know what it means.
"Parasite comes to leech off doormat ex boyfriend" is the charitable interpretation. The kid's not his, they haven't spoken, and she definitely wasn't welcome. Their first interaction was

"Oh, it's been a while, hasn't it, stud? ;D "

"You haven't spoken to me in 17 years. Give me one reason I shouldn't call the cops right this moment".

Her whole plan was a toxic bid to show up at his door and just force him to take them in.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2023
I don't know why the comments immediately jumped to calling the mother every misogynistic thing they could think of, kinda speaks to how shitty you all are as people.

Anyway, the mother definitely seems a bit too airheaded for somebody who is supposed to be in her mid-to-late-thirties and the mother of a teenager, so I'm curious if there's something going on there or if the kid has ended up needing to pick up the slack. Guy should definitely be asking more questions though, surely she has other acquaintances/friends that she's been talking to in the past 20 years that would be willing to put her up until the apartment's rebuilt? Definitely weird that she jumped to him, of all people, first.
Apr 10, 2023
I don't know why the comments immediately jumped to calling the mother every misogynistic thing they could think of, kinda speaks to how shitty you all are as people.
FA: Takes advantage of an old ex
You: "wHy iS eVeRyOnE sO mEaN tO hEr?!"

Until we hear some absolutely gut-wrenching backstory about how they broke up and lost contact for reasons entirely outside of their control, she froze his sperm for three years, then spent the next 14 trying to raise his child on her own before deciding to pick up the pieces of her life after finding out where he ended up... all we've got is a single mom mooching off an ex boyfriend.

If you don't think bad people should be treated as such, there's nothing we can do for you.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2023
FA: Takes advantage of an old ex
You: "wHy iS eVeRyOnE sO mEaN tO hEr?!"

Until we hear some absolutely gut-wrenching backstory about how they broke up for reasons entirely outside of their control, she froze his sperm for three years, then spent the next 14 trying to raise his child on her own before deciding to pick up the pieces of her life after finding out where he ended up... all we've got is a single mom mooching off an ex boyfriend.

If you don't think bad people should be treated as such, there's nothing we can do for you.
Oh don't fucking kid yourself, the shit being said about her when we're only on chapter 2 I might add is genuinely vile. We know next to nothing about their situation, or how the mother was before they broke up, and cannot make any draws about who she is as a person, and yet others have jumped immediately to calling her "whore, slut" and claiming she's taking advantage of the MC.

Is it weird that she jumped to an ex instead of someone she's on more current terms with? Yes, it is weird. That doesn't give anyone a pass to be this shitty. If you wouldn't help a friend that you haven't spoken to in a while despite the fact they clearly need it, then you're a shitty person.

Have the day you deserve.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2024
The premise was really not necessary if this were to be really a cooking manga.

The editors must have suggested it because that’s the only way to make it sell in an oversaturated market when Rent a Girlfriend and similar dumpster fire plots are selling like hot cakes these days and riling people up with the plot to guarantee some US Presidential like debating on SNS

it looked as though once people or the author get tired with the regular content they will start working on the backstory ala Sono Bisque Doll right now.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
"Parasite comes to leech off doormat ex boyfriend" is the charitable interpretation. The kid's not his, they haven't spoken, and she definitely wasn't welcome. Their first interaction was

"Oh, it's been a while, hasn't it, stud? ;D "

"You haven't spoken to me in 17 years. Give me one reason I shouldn't call the cops right this moment".

Her whole plan was a toxic bid to show up at his door and just force him to take them in.
Nah dude, you just have issues. Someone you knew in the past showing up and asking you for help in an extreme situation is not the same as this fantasy you have where she intends to do nothing but leech off him and manipulate him from the start. You lot made that up on your own to justify your misogyny. :kek:
Mar 1, 2023

If I would have old buddy or ex gf from 15 or 20 y ago like​

Erik, InsertB or AppelJo in the comments above I would kick them of my house and tell them to get a life. It's the same situation in this manga. If sane ppl would come across this kind of situation In real life, then they would just send her/him off. Only sane ppl would do that who know that if they will "help" a "friend" or gf/bf from 20y ago, then their furniture will be gone in the next morning.
Double-page supporter
Jun 5, 2018
This series is one big red flag. The mother hasn't seen him in 17 years and suddenly shows up with her daughter to this man's house, whom might not be on good terms with her. What if he was married or in a relationship?? What if he acted sketchy around the daughter? This mother seems an abysmal parent.

Not to mention, if the daughter turns out to be his, that makes it 10x worse. What do you mean we had a child that I didn't know about because you ghosted me?? I'm still going to follow it because it's already a hot mess.

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