Harapeko Oyako to Motokare Yanushi - Ch. 5

Dex-chan lover
Aug 11, 2023
this comment section is the incarnate of OH JUST TOSS OF YA BLOODY WANKA. Also of all the fluffy gourmet manga we could've gotten why this pos.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
You have to understand something. It's something I've recently come to understand myself. Once you do, it'll all make sense.


See, Orcs are on the internet now. Somehow, Mordor has internet access. I don't know who gave it to them, I don't know how they pay for it, I don't know how they can even type. Maybe they translate Black Speech or something? It's a mystery. It's all a mystery.

But it clears everything up. When you start seeing just baffling hate about things with vitriol that you can't understand, it's cause Orcs are here now, and they just... can't quite grasp human emotions. Be patient with them, it's a very difficult transition. But I think in time, they'll be come interesting and valued members of the internet community.

I mean that or there's just a whole lot of truly broken brained losers out there, but that seems wrong.
You know what... I think you are right, Modor is making its play, probably because they are offended by that sacrilege that is RoP.

Which is kinda ironic as the "creators" of that insult to everything good should be revered by them... but I presume the orcs in Modor are evil... not tasteless.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 21, 2023
Ehh. I see this as the same type of manga as "his girlfriend"/"Okaeri, Papa". They will keep edging you every chapter and you will never reach the truth.
There is nothing wrong with hating something tho. I have some stuffs that I unreasonably dislike too.

Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
I agree with you and I can sympathize with your statement if we were living in a just world, but "two functional adults".

Sadly, I can see only one functional adult here. Given what we have in the latest chapter, a functional adult would properly explain their situation to another functional adult without letting them second guess the reasons for staying over in their own house.
She works, she takes care of her child the best she can, and her child is clearly well-loved and cared for and knows it as she loves her mama.

He works (we don't know what he does yet but I think he does something), lives his life peacefully, and does things he loves.

They aren't perfect or without their issues, but they are functional... because that is the point of being functional... living life even when you stumble and fail or unexpected things happen, which happens to everyone.
Aggregator gang
Jan 18, 2018
So far the only comments I've seen are ones chanting about bitter people commenting and one dehumanizing them, but no unreasonable comment otherwise, I guess they're on the manga page.
I'm not sure how to feel about this manga yet. MC feels emotionally stunned, and the mother feels like she wants to keep him in the dark for as long as it takes. The interactions with the child seem wholesome enough. Definitely engaged in where it's going
Dex-chan lover
Jul 11, 2023
I find it strange how people clearly read the synopses and saw this is a SoL with a cute art style... and still are going hard on the vitriol.

This is a story of adults, whatever he may expect he will talk it out with her or choose to let it go his choice, and she clearly chose him because she trusts him, because he is a stand-up guy that she knows won't take advantage in this moment of vulnerability.

This is not a dark adult story about broken people screwing each other and feeling pitiful of themselves, this is a cute little story about people that live life in all its messiness but without being assholes, these are two functional adults that had a relationship and because of a turn in life have meet each other again, she isn't a gold digger, her daughter is just a single child that loves her mother and is a bit untrustful and he is just a good guy helping someone.

Jesus... people can't take things for what they are anymore, everything has to be a hate fest.
too many people self insert themselves, and have this weird concept in their head that relationships have to be between virgins. the idea of "how dare an ex show up with a daughter and ask to stay?!" is such a short sided view of things. life is complicated and so are people. MC was kind enough to allow his ex and her daughter stay and puts up with their shenanigan's. that's who he is. he might not be what people want to him to be, but that's who he. plus, there is still so much of the story to go, we don't know her side of the story, all we know, is the mc still feels something for her, even with her having a daughter. the mom is working, so she clearly is not a complete free loader. we just have to wait things out to see if she is taking advantage of mc, or if there is something more to all of this.
Jan 31, 2024
She works, she takes care of her child the best she can, and her child is clearly well-loved and cared for and knows it as she loves her mama.

He works (we don't know what he does yet but I think he does something), lives his life peacefully, and does things he loves.

They aren't perfect or without their issues, but they are functional... because that is the point of being functional... living life even when you stumble and fail or unexpected things happen, which happens to everyone.
he's an artist, its mentioned in the synopsis and I think in the third chapter we see him working on a painting
May 2, 2024
You have to understand something. It's something I've recently come to understand myself. Once you do, it'll all make sense.


See, Orcs are on the internet now. Somehow, Mordor has internet access. I don't know who gave it to them, I don't know how they pay for it, I don't know how they can even type. Maybe they translate Black Speech or something? It's a mystery. It's all a mystery.

But it clears everything up. When you start seeing just baffling hate about things with vitriol that you can't understand, it's cause Orcs are here now, and they just... can't quite grasp human emotions. Be patient with them, it's a very difficult transition. But I think in time, they'll be come interesting and valued members of the internet community.

I mean that or there's just a whole lot of truly broken brained losers out there, but that seems wrong.
I feel like nuance is hard for a lot of people. This woman clearly is down on her luck (and as stated by some other characters they think her personality leads to others taking advantage of her) but that doesn't make her "an invalid and untrustworthy woman" like... these are the people that think homelessness is a sign of personal failing rather than systemic failing.

I'm just waiting for the "Yeah turns out her father is a rapist and was molesting her. So we needed to escape. His and my parents are both dangerous, and likely to hand us back over to him. I turned to you because I knew you weren't going to hurt me or my daughter." It might not play out exactly like this, and I actually dislike the idea of using rape as a plot device rather than it holding the weight it should carry. Still, I strongly doubt it's just that she felt like crashing at her ex's place and dragged her daughter with her just for funsies. There will be a reason.

Beyond that though you have to think, does her having a dramatic reason justify her and her daughter needing a safe place to stay? Or does being human justify them needing a safe place to stay? According to a lot of people who read this manga, you need to come from horrific circumstances to justify being in a hard place, and even at that it still makes you a bad person. How can you even argue with malice of that degree? It's just wicked.

And now I expect the backpedaling to "no it was never actually about her 'mooching' it was actually because she's a selfish wh**e" and like... she's not that bad guys. I know this isn't your first rom-com, how do you guys feel about things like Akutsu-san? Because that girl literally forces herself into the mcs life and home on a regular basis, and being extremely spoiled until they start catching feelings. Tora-dora is considered peak by a lot of people (honestly me too, the christmas scene is fire af you know the one) and she physically beats the absolute shit out of the mc constantly, while acting like a brat. Idk maybe people are more ok with manga-dramaticized characters when said characters don't feel too similar to real people? Maybe the fmc in this series just hits too close to home for a lot of readers? I really don't understand it.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 9, 2018
She works, she takes care of her child the best she can, and her child is clearly well-loved and cared for and knows it as she loves her mama.

He works (we don't know what he does yet but I think he does something), lives his life peacefully, and does things he loves.

They aren't perfect or without their issues, but they are functional... because that is the point of being functional... living life even when you stumble and fail or unexpected things happen, which happens to everyone.
I don't know about you, but we have way different ideas on what is considered a functional adult.

A functional adult would be able to properly convey to the person they're relying on. I appreciate the man's self-control, but being taken advantaged of is not it. An adult has to be straight to the point and not let the other party second guess them because it only creates uncertainty and distrust.

This will only build up, and that's not a good thing.
too many people self insert themselves, and have this weird concept in their head that relationships have to be between virgins. the idea of "how dare an ex show up with a daughter and ask to stay?!" is such a short sided view of things. life is complicated and so are people. MC was kind enough to allow his ex and her daughter stay and puts up with their shenanigan's. that's who he is. he might not be what people want to him to be, but that's who he. plus, there is still so much of the story to go, we don't know her side of the story, all we know, is the mc still feels something for her, even with her having a daughter. the mom is working, so she clearly is not a complete free loader. we just have to wait things out to see if she is taking advantage of mc, or if there is something more to all of this.
Why are you so obsessed with inserting sex to this? Is your brain only about sex? There's always two sides to a story. Try to empathize with people you disagree with because that's what normal people do.
Dex-chan lover
May 28, 2024
She works, she takes care of her child the best she can, and her child is clearly well-loved and cared for and knows it as she loves her mama.

He works (we don't know what he does yet but I think he does something), lives his life peacefully, and does things he loves.

They aren't perfect or without their issues, but they are functional... because that is the point of being functional... living life even when you stumble and fail or unexpected things happen, which happens to everyone.
About the dude we know that he paints, no info on other sources of income he have
Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2020
MC is lonely and company dropped right in his door step, if he feels content with said company then good on him. The mother is still going to work and is gaining income while the daughter goes to school, at lest he gets alone time while they are both away. I don't see anything wrong with this situation as long has MC enjoys the company.
That's my thoughts on the story so far, which will be subject to change as the story unfolds.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 24, 2020
i don't know why people are so confused by this still. the guy asked her if she had any ulterior motives and she did the "i'm not going to tell you that i want to hook up because if i did that the serialization would end in two chapters since the author doesn't have any story ideas beyond a will they won't they scenario" thing. like the framing and screen tone effects are there and everything.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
I don't know about you, but we have way different ideas on what is considered a functional adult.

A functional adult would be able to properly convey to the person they're relying on. I appreciate the man's self-control, but being taken advantaged of is not it. An adult has to be straight to the point and not let the other party second guess them because it only creates uncertainty and distrust.
Yeah, I agree, we really do have very different ideas, because what you are saying friend... is an infallible person who does not exist.

I am not saying there are not people that are straight to the point, there are, but people are not simple definitions of actions... they are emotions, feelings and opinions.

People can be direct and straight in many situations, but when things get closer to their hearts, they start to make "mistakes"... they see things not just with objectivity but with expectation, desires, and regrets... and there are a lot of those in this here, even if I think is very "gently" done is still very personal.

I should correct myself and say that I agree that she is taking advantage of him... to a certain extent... but he has laid a boundary, however so subtle.

The thing with this story is the journey to whatever is in their new future, they may rekindle their relationship, they may find a new friendship, or they may part ways again, and those will have all the expectations, desires, and regrets just as much as the emotions, feelings, and opinions.

But what there is now... is not deserving of the vitriol I have seen in past chapters.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
he's an artist, its mentioned in the synopsis and I think in the third chapter we see him working on a painting
Oh, thanks, I missed that detail, I had seen this manga in a short on YT so I kinda jumped the synopsis.
Group Leader
May 4, 2023
And now I expect the backpedaling to "no it was never actually about her 'mooching' it was actually because she's a selfish wh**e" and like... she's not that bad guys. I know this isn't your first rom-com, how do you guys feel about things like Akutsu-san? Because that girl literally forces herself into the mcs life and home on a regular basis, and being extremely spoiled until they start catching feelings. Tora-dora is considered peak by a lot of people (honestly me too, the christmas scene is fire af you know the one) and she physically beats the absolute shit out of the mc constantly, while acting like a brat. Idk maybe people are more ok with manga-dramaticized characters when said characters don't feel too similar to real people? Maybe the fmc in this series just hits too close to home for a lot of readers? I really don't understand it.
It's because she committed the #1 cardinal sin that any female character can commit: she broke up with the MC (in the backstory). The last thing any lonely male nerd who reads manga romcoms wants is to feel rejected.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 21, 2023
Taiga will not survive in this era where most people already move on from violent tsundere heroine.
? I really don't understand it.
I think it's because of her children. It has been ingrained in our generation(reader) that children are considered huge burden(which is true), when this combine with her circumstance of her coming back to him result in the severity of her issues multiply by a lot.
Good for her for having mc as her ex tho. I think if I were mc I will demand full explanation of her circumstance before I let her stay for an extensive period of time.

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