Harapeko Oyako to Motokare Yanushi - Ch. 5

Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
who is the one thinking that? (page 8, 9)
I think maybe that's her thinking it
Dex-chan lover
Dec 9, 2018
Yeah, I agree, we really do have very different ideas, because what you are saying friend... is an infallible person who does not exist.

I am not saying there are not people that are straight to the point, there are, but people are not simple definitions of actions... they are emotions, feelings and opinions.

People can be direct and straight in many situations, but when things get closer to their hearts, they start to make "mistakes"... they see things not just with objectivity but with expectation, desires, and regrets... and there are a lot of those in this here, even if I think is very "gently" done is still very personal.

I should correct myself and say that I agree that she is taking advantage of him... to a certain extent... but he has laid a boundary, however so subtle.

The thing with this story is the journey to whatever is in their new future, they may rekindle their relationship, they may find a new friendship, or they may part ways again, and those will have all the expectations, desires, and regrets just as much as the emotions, feelings, and opinions.

But what there is now... is not deserving of the vitriol I have seen in past chapters.
Trust is a two way street. It requires both parties to understand the situation between each other. Being able to convey your situation to someone you're relying on doesn't require you to be infallible, but it does help your case when taking another person's time, resources and effort.

Yes, emotions and feelings are important, but you need to also make the other person understand why you're depending on them. Just focusing on your own emotions without being considerate of the other party's external emotions doesn't justify one's actions.

I'm well aware of the boundary he laid out, but it just seems like she's trying to test the boundary on how far she could take advantage of him. Yes, I agree with you to an extent.

I agree that both sides are taking it too far, but I think that some vitriol is warranted.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2018
She definitely no longer married. Last chapter has her daughter believe her mom is enjoying life because of MC and she isn't jealous nor mentioning her papa. And this one we have the mom being a bit flirty with MC. Seems like a good sign the mom is single now.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
Trust is a two way street. It requires both parties to understand the situation between each other. Being able to convey your situation to someone you're relying on doesn't require you to be infallible, but it does help your case when taking another person's time, resources and effort.

Yes, emotions and feelings are important, but you need to also make the other person understand why you're depending on them. Just focusing on your own emotions without being considerate of the other party's external emotions doesn't justify one's actions.

I'm well aware of the boundary he laid out, but it just seems like she's trying to test the boundary on how far she could take advantage of him. Yes, I agree with you to an extent.

I agree that both sides are taking it too far, but I think that some vitriol is warranted.
Well, I respect your opinion, even if I disagree with the core of it I can too recognize that there are parts you are right about or at least I can't make a counterpoint.

But I will end my side of the discussion with two last things.

First... I don't think this series has any warrant for vitriol whatsoever, at least at this point, I can't say it couldn't happen in the future even if I think it won't.

Second... thanks for the discussion, your opinion is appreciated and I respect your level-headedness.
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Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2023
there is no husband, the way the tone is set up for this manga makes it IMPOSSIBLE for some strange NTR fiction yall have conjured up. yall see the phrase "ex-girl" and your first instinct is to call her a gold digger or something. is the premise unorthodox? yeah, but yall think this is Illicit Love 2.0 LMAO
Dex-chan lover
Jan 12, 2020
I just like how this manga feels to read. My guy has a stable enough income and a big enough house for company. The girls, while intruding in his home out of nowhere, isn't actually pushing any boundaries he had set in place. And since the mother works, we can assume the she also helps out somewhat.

The main leads have enough history to just, kinda hang around and chill despite all circumstances. And that sense of distance is kinda nice.

Thanks for the TL, looking forward to more!
Double-page supporter
Aug 8, 2018
I don't think I've ever seen a manga even the popular ones get 3 straight 200+ comments lmfao
Not around for the Tsumiki vampire incident, huh. People lost their damn minds over absolutely nothing.

I guess technically ch4 only got like 177 comments, but ch3 getting almost 400 makes up for it.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2023
She definitely no longer married. Last chapter has her daughter believe her mom is enjoying life because of MC and she isn't jealous nor mentioning her papa. And this one we have the mom being a bit flirty with MC. Seems like a good sign the mom is single now.
the daughter overhears their conversation in this chapter and is sulking next chapter according to twitter

. I haven't seen the raws though.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2019
Setting aside that this is just a manga and they can't just be out with her reasoning because that's like about 60% of the story hook right now, there's also the fact that this is a story from Japan. The country so emotionally closed off that saying "I love you" to your spouse is considered this insanely forward/unspeakable thing that you only do on rare occasions and behind closed doors because you don't just speak such deeply personal things into the world. The country that has an entire explicit and in some cases celebrated social construct (Honne and Tatemae) built around the idea that you do not speak your true thoughts and feelings if you can help it or in the presence of almost anyone but your absolute closest friends and confidants (and even then it's situational) and instead bottle all that up and use the same tired and transparent platitudes and cover thoughts with the expectation that everyone else knows the score and goes along with it so as not to call it out and seem like a prick.

And that's clearly what's going on here because her "I wonder....?" is a stock phrase that is usually used as a dodge and that basically means "I'm not answering because I can neither admit the truth nor outright lie, so just stop asking."

Within the framework of someone who comes from a place where forthrightness and directness in dealing with people and situations is considered a positive and honesty about situations is considered necessary for social interaction, sure this seems incredibly dumb and a breeding ground for all sorts of unsavory plot twists. But for the country where this sort of indirectness and poking around the edges of an issue regardless of whether it's significant or nothing at all is totally normal, it's not nearly as big of a deal as it's being made out to be.

Also sure, maybe the bait & switch happens eventually and we find out that there's a deep, dark plot hiding behind the fluffy art and the relatively tame SOL plot (like that story about the girl in love with her childhood friend that's being drawn by Yom, the artist from Ganbare Douki-Chan. Where it seemed fairly sugary for the first bit and now it's onto an arc that's all about finding out the childhood friend is being jerked around by a manipulative girl who I think is also supposed to be the FL's friend and it's taking a more mean-spirited and skeezy turn), but most of the time that sort of thing never happens because for the audience of these types of manga that kind of rug pull ends up being the death of their investment in the story. When most manga is seemingly targeted as being escapism for beaten down and socially maladjusted students and worker drones, psyching the audience out into reading something with emotional weight after drawing them in with a fairly saccharine and fluffy story rarely ends well.

Caution is warranted. But people screeching in previous comment threads that this is some sort of ho/gold-digger/ntr-bait/badger game/walking atm scenario and are jumping the gun. Like a big chunk of previous chapter comments are disgusted weirdos claiming that this is "obviously" the absolute worst case version of the story and it's an insult to proper alpha males that he doesn't just throw her out on the street and find someone who isn't "used goods" while also even claiming that the daughter is some unethical slut/bitch and so forth. If nothing happens then nothing happens and it was pointless to get so worked up.
Aug 1, 2024
I don´t understand why so much hate to the mother, she is at least working and paying for expenses, she is not a parasyte. It seems people are just mad at her because she is not good a chores and cooking whitch is kinda weird to be mad at.
Aug 23, 2020
Man, a mid 30 woman with one daugther is perfectly normal. I don't get the hate, it's not like she fked +100 guys nor she cheated on the MC nor she was teenage mom... and like some people said, she is even working... chill dude, we need to see the whole picture first
Dex-chan lover
Sep 8, 2023
Time to go check the comments to see how the nothing that happened in this chapter actually means that he's a simp/cuck and she's an evil parasitic slut.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 21, 2023
Not around for the Tsumiki vampire incident, huh. People lost their damn minds over absolutely nothing.

I guess technically ch4 only got like 177 comments, but ch3 getting almost 400 makes up for it.
Joke on you I already move on to succ-chan for ntr/bss/steal your friend crush kino. :win:
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Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2023
I find it strange how people clearly read the synopses and saw this is a SoL with a cute art style... and still are going hard on the vitriol.
While I am at that point where I do agree that this is probably just going to devolve into a nifty little SoL with a family atmosphere, my problem is the groundwork laid out. It's a premise that leaves a reader to want explanations, because we as readers when given a slice of life story are very likely to insert ourselves into the perspective of the main character. Sure, you could argue or that Takaharu is just not prying because he figures it's something that Kyou wouldn't want to touch on and that Kyou is also not saying anything because she doesn't want to talk about it, but is that not just a cop-out? Am I supposed to do all of that assuming when Kyou just seems incredibly carefree and Takaharu seems... complacent?

Like, this manga could have gone an entirely different direction and received an entirely different reception if they were just childhood friends who grew apart by going to different universities, or something similar. So far, I ultimately do not care about where this manga goes. I just find myself wondering why I'm supposed to sit back and go "I am probably reading a SoL with a lean toward rekindled romance" when there is clearly a looming exposition and underlying subplot involving Takaharu's painting.
Aggregator gang
Jan 20, 2023
When I saw the 6.something rating, I wondered what's so bad about it to he comparable with trashy isekai ones.
Good thing I got curious since it wasn't that bad.
But I can understand why some people would think of this as "ntr".
Dex-chan lover
May 13, 2023
6.9 for this is so insane man😂😂, it's not that deep guys
It's probably gonna drop further, or stay around that, until the story actually gives some answers, instead of just producting new questions 🥲

I personally can't see her as love interest of the story, considering how awfully sketchy she is and all
May 2, 2024
Taiga will not survive in this era where most people already move on from violent tsundere heroine.

I think it's because of her children. It has been ingrained in our generation(reader) that children are considered huge burden(which is true), when this combine with her circumstance of her coming back to him result in the severity of her issues multiply by a lot.
Good for her for having mc as her ex tho. I think if I were mc I will demand full explanation of her circumstance before I let her stay for an extensive period of time.
Yeah the Taiga archetype is definitely a no go in this era. I tried rewatching Fruit's Basket when they remade it some years ago and I was like "holy shit, how did I not recognize how fucked up the boar-girl character is?" I don't think it's just rosy-glasses that keep me liking Tora-Dora though. I rewatched it again less than a year ago and still really enjoyed it.

As for the other thing, I concede that kids can be hard, but she's like, 14? Kids are exhausting up to puberty, 14 is an age where you basically just feed them and be there for them once their hormones calm down enough for them to realize that expecting them to do the dishes and take out the trash isn't "literally suffocating."

I also think it's a little much to expect the mother to lay her whole life out there, I can understand asking like "hey what happened to you, do you have anyone else who I can ask to help you, should I be calling authorities, etc." but also my mom took in and took care of girls off the street several times when I was in my late teens. Some of those girls did eventually open up about their circumstances to me or her or us, but it took a while. I can understand it too because a lot of what they went through was absolutely horrific and not the kind of thing you want to relive nor necessarily feel trusting enough to reveal to somebody you either just met or just got back into contact with. I mean, I don't even really feel comfortable talking about a lot of it, the kinds of things you hear about or see in a movie but can't imagine as being a real thing that a person you know had gone through.

Maybe the circumstances of the fmc aren't that sensitive and/or critical, but you can't know, and demanding an explanation like that could put them back at risk. At the same time, if you have a family to protect I understand that it would be important for you to be certain you weren't letting a a girl coming down off heroin (for example) into your home without proper warning.

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