that just show how toxic a reality we live in and that make people come here to comment and thrown shit at this.I find it strange how people clearly read the synopses and saw this is a SoL with a cute art style... and still are going hard on the vitriol.
This is a story of adults, whatever he may expect he will talk it out with her or choose to let it go his choice, and she clearly chose him because she trusts him, because he is a stand-up guy that she knows won't take advantage in this moment of vulnerability.
This is not a dark adult story about broken people screwing each other and feeling pitiful of themselves, this is a cute little story about people that live life in all its messiness but without being assholes, these are two functional adults that had a relationship and because of a turn in life have meet each other again, she isn't a gold digger, her daughter is just a single child that loves her mother and is a bit untrustful and he is just a good guy helping someone.
Jesus... people can't take things for what they are anymore, everything has to be a hate fest.
serously this just a SoL manga, i just hope people enjoy this while try to survive in this socialty.
thank to team for translate this and hope they dont get discourage by these toxic comments.