Hatsukoi Zombie

Aug 6, 2018
Tarou: Thick-headed (ironic considering it bursts open every other chapter) typical male protagonist who doesn’t know what he wants.

Eve: Oddly selfish for what she’s supposed to be; the idealization of a girl Tarou loves who is supposed to want Tarou and said girl to be together no matter what.

Ibusuki: Equally thick-headed and equally indecisive. All the important cast members know who he is really by this point, and yet “he” stubbornly holds on to some strange little feeling about Eve, the thing that technically doesn’t exist.

Tarou’s dad: Fucking creep, no matter what. The zombies don’t lie.

Ebino: Bugger off, cowtits.

Any kind of progress made between the two leads is immediately backtracked, which is my biggest pet peeve when it comes to romances. I’m getting kind of tired of it.
Aggregator gang
Feb 16, 2018
Ergh...this is true. Eve's in a real dilemma.

Either she can stay as she is and Tarou can potentially fall for a real girl or she can learn the truth and possibly lose him forever. Neither side is guaranteed, but also neither side is a good thing. Personally, I think she'll go with finding the truth, but just as it looks like she's gone forever, Tarou and Eve save her. We've had some sad moments, but they've been bittersweet at worst. I don't see Eve
"dying off." I'm still not prepared to rule out that she either becomes Ririsu's and Tarou's kid or that she and Ririsu sorta fuse together, though given how this manga rolls, my money is on the former.

Ultimately her fate is in Tarou's hands. No human can resist change, especially during the growth period. I've yet to meet any teenager who "stayed the way they were" after being an adult. It's just not in our nature.
Jul 1, 2018
@kidalana anything that has a drama tag is guaranteed to have a heavy drama romance story in it whether you like it or not.
Jan 18, 2018
"Tarou: Thick-headed (ironic considering it bursts open every other chapter) typical male protagonist who doesn’t know what he wants."
Tarou knows what he wants - to be with Eve and live a life without stress and drama. It's not his fault that most of the people around him take it upon themselves to meddle with that for their own (mostly selfish) purposes.

"Eve: Oddly selfish for what she’s supposed to be; the idealization of a girl Tarou loves who is supposed to want Tarou and said girl to be together no matter what."
In what way?

"Ibusuki: Equally thick-headed and equally indecisive. All the important cast members know who he is really by this point, and yet “he” stubbornly holds on to some strange little feeling about Eve, the thing that technically doesn’t exist."
It disgusts me that she's supposed to be the heroine/female self-insert character in this series. Most of the drama and misunderstandings in the series can pretty much be entirely traced back to her, yet people are supposed to sympathize for her and blame Tarou instead apparently.

"Tarou’s dad: Fucking creep, no matter what. The zombies don’t lie."

"Ebino: Bugger off, cowtits."
You shut your whore mouth. Aside from Eve, Ebino is the closest thing to a decent female character in this series - not only a good friend but pure waifu material.
Feb 15, 2018
Explain to me this. If Eve is the FLZ of Ririsu, why doesn't she just go for Tarou herself. That would make Eve dissappear instead of having her hanging around, the fear of a relapse looming forever, Eve waiting for the second Tarou remembers he has a cute girl who loves him very much sleeping up there.
Aggregator gang
Feb 16, 2018
@Isekaijin: She's leaving for Europe. That enforced her cowardice since it made her believe they'll never see each other again. As such, she needed another way.
Gotta remember that Ibusuki is just trying to stop seeing FLZs, NOT get rid of Eve. Eve disappearing is her idea, not Ibusuki's as the latest chapter shows. Ibusuki is going along with it, but is clearly opposed to the idea at the same time. I don't think Ibusuki will go along with the move (and if she does, it will most likely result in a timeskip where she returns after six months to a year). Ebino might go along with the plan for now (adrenaline rush), but she's too much of a sweetheart to be a manipulator. I've no doubt she'll back out at the last second for Tarou's sake because...well, that's how she is. Either that or Tarou properly and completely rejects her this time.

The next involves personal opinion not related to the above:
I also disagree with helpfulcomrade on two fronts (not linking his name since we had a..."spirited" disagreement last time and I'd like to avoid another one). He's a rabid anti-Ibusuki fanboy plugging his ears to what good she's done for Tarou, focusing on just the bad, just as he's ignoring the harm Tarou self-inflicts upon himself being with Eve, despite the good she's done.

Tarou is not a dummy. He knows that loving Eve is as practical as being in love with your imaginary friend, or your hug-pillow, etc. He's fully aware that Eve will have to disappear at some point but chooses to live in the present. Put it this way: a hikkokimori may be happiest when he's isolated in his room and may even give out good and sagely advice just typing from his computer, but is it good for HIM? Obviously no. Eve is by no means a villainess and is even aware her existence is causing Tarou harm. She even is willing to sacrifice herself for his sake. Good luck finding real couples that will do that, not just say that. So to argue that people are meddling is now a moot point when even the "girlfriend" is saying it too. The only one who wouldn't accept it is Tarou. But being the wise kid he is, he may resist at first, but I don't doubt he'll accept it ultimately.

Ibusuki just has one goal and one goal alone: To stop seeing First Love Zombies. She loves Eve like a sister and has no designs to kill her off. helpfulcomrade's posts keep painting her as the main villainess: selfish, cold-hearted, etc. He ignores that Ibusuki was suffering from the FLZs (it's a guy's paradise, but for any straight girl, it would be hell) and argues that she hates Eve and is trying to kill her, when past chapters have shown otherwise. I even shown evidence to the contrary and his response was simply insulting me. No counter-argument, just insults. The latest chapter shows that Eve going to sleep is EVE's idea, not Ibusuki's and that Ibusuki was against the idea.

The simple truth is the series doesn't have any villainous roles (well, the dad comes close with that vortex of FLZs. I think that's something we all can agree on. Good intentions or not, that's just wrong on so many levels...). Tarou, Eve, Ibusuki, and Ebino all have their good and bad points. Why? Another simple truth: They're kids. Since when have kids in their teenagers ever made proper and wise decisions? They're gonna screw up, they're gonna make choices based on their emotions, they're gonna over-react, they're gonna be stupid. But they're also going to grow. We as readers just gotta stand from the sidelines and see how they're gonna grow...
Jan 27, 2018
Well, this chapter basically screams that Ebino isn't gonna "win." While I do think a more melancholic ending would be perfect for this story, the author is obviously gonna have Ebino feel self doubt because she knows about the existence of Eve and will feel like she has created a gap between her and Tarou that can't be bridged. Pretty sure we're just gonna end up with some weird ending where Eve rejoins Ririsu and Tarou chooses her for the good ol happy end.
Jan 18, 2018
It's good to see how much of a coward you are at this point, @TwilightFaze

"anti-Ibusuki fanboy plugging his ears to what good she's done for Tarou" Care to give examples of good things she's done for Tarou?

"ignoring the harm Tarou self-inflicts upon himself being with Eve" Again, care to list some examples?

"Tarou is not a dummy. He knows that loving Eve is as practical as being in love with your imaginary friend, or your hug-pillow, etc. " Firstly, since when does love have anything to do about practicality? Secondly, Eve is very different from an imaginary friend or a hug-pillow, because she has a mind and a will of her own. Over the course of the series, the boundaries that separate Eve from a real girl have been shown to have potential to be removed.

"He's fully aware that Eve will have to disappear at some point but chooses to live in the present." Eve disappearing is not a guaranteed, inevitable thing (see his grandfather) - only a possible outcome, as opposed to her going to sleep forever in the event that Tarou falls for another girl. There are other potential outcomes for Eve's existence that the author reveals as the story progresses.

"Put it this way: a hikkokimori may be happiest when he's isolated in his room and may even give out good and sagely advice just typing from his computer, but is it good for HIM? Obviously no." That's debatable.

"Eve is by no means a villainess and is even aware her existence is causing Tarou harm." What proof do we have that Eve's existence is responsible for causing harm to Tarou, aside from his father's dubious claim?

"Ibusuki just has one goal and one goal alone: To stop seeing First Love Zombies." She also wants to stop Tarou from seeing them, because - like you - she believes that's best for him. We could get into a lengthy debate over the veracity of her belief and any self-told lies or ulterior motives behind this.

"He ignores that Ibusuki was suffering from the FLZs (it's a guy's paradise, but for any straight girl, it would be hell) and argues that she hates Eve and is trying to kill her, when past chapters have shown otherwise. I even shown evidence to the contrary and his response was simply insulting me. No counter-argument, just insults." Speaking of self-told lies. Not once have I ignored or denied that Ibusuki suffers from being able to see the FLZs, nor made the claim that she hates Eve and is trying to kill her. I will state here and now that Ibusuki's suffering from being able to see FLZs is not her fault, and neither is it Tarou's fault, as she and seemingly the author would have us believe. Also, while she doesn't want to kill Eve, she does want to remove her from Tarou's life - the reasons for this can be discussed with the debate mentioned in the previous point. Ibusuki is clearly not against the idea of Eve going to sleep, seeing as she's attempting to manipulate Ebino into carrying out a plan with that purpose in mind - if Tarou falls for Ebino, Eve will go to sleep, and thus be removed as an 'obstacle' for him living a 'normal, happy, healthy' life.

"The simple truth is the series doesn't have any villainous roles. Tarou, Eve, Ibusuki, and Ebino all have their good and bad points. Why? Another simple truth: They're kids. Since when have kids in their teenagers ever made proper and wise decisions? They're gonna screw up, they're gonna make choices based on their emotions, they're gonna over-react, they're gonna be stupid. But they're also going to grow. We as readers just gotta stand from the sidelines and see how they're gonna grow..." Ibusuki is not trying to be a villain, nor does she believe her actions make her a villain, but that doesn't change the fact that if you look at her actions throughout the series, she clearly comes off as an unwitting antagonist and occasional ally to Tarou and Eve, believing herself to be a righteous martyr as she struggles through her self-caused problems and tries to force unwanted changes on Tarou's life behind his back. So far, I've yet to see any growth from Ibusuki, which continues to cause problems and drama both for herself and for Tarou, and until that changes I'm going to continue to point it out and chastise the character for it. I'm not going to just stand on the sidelines and stay quiet while the main source of problems for the series refuses to change or grow, and if you don't like it then you're free to ignore me, or debate my views if you ever develop a backbone and some integrity.
Aggregator gang
Feb 16, 2018
"It's good to see how much of a coward you are at this point"
"if you ever develop a backbone and some integrity."
There. RIGHT there! Whole reason I hid that was to AVOID your rage-writing while keeping my opinions to myself. Keep the peace while keeping an opinion? Why am I not allowed that? You're allowed your opinion, even if I disagree with it! The fact you clicked it and responded ANYWAY tells me you're actively TRYING to pick a fight.

Gonna Spoiler tag my responses since it involves latest chapter stuff and I wanna keep the wall of text to a minimum. You wanna keep reading, that's on you.
"Care to give examples of good things she's done for Tarou?"
I did. Several times in our previous conversations. Even marked the chapters and pages for you. What did you do? Insult me! No counter-arguments, just insults. You want them, go back to our previous chats. I haven't deleted anything. I don't see why I should accommodate you any further if all you're going to be is 10 levels of rude for having a different opinion.

"Firstly, since when does love have anything to do about practicality?"
By itself? Nothing. You are absolutely right on that front, but that's not what I was implying at all. Love may be irrational, but Tarou is both logical and irrational. A mental paradox, ie, truly in love.

"Secondly, Eve is very different from an imaginary friend or a hug-pillow, because she has a mind and a will of her own."
Again, I fully agree about her own cognizance, but it doesn't dismiss the fact that at the end of the day, she's still a FLZ. Phenomenon, to be sure, but still imaginary like the others. Until her NOT being an FLZ is addressed, this will always be an issue. Considering the "other Eve," we may get those answers sooner or later, though. Just a matter of when.

"Over the course of the series, the boundaries that separate Eve from a real girl have been shown to have potential to be removed."
Potential, possibly, but only because of her heightened awareness. She may even someday be able to touch Tarou, but not without a major drawback.

"Eve disappearing is not a guaranteed, inevitable thing"
Agreed, however, given the direction this manga is going and what the ultimate goal of Tarou and Ibusuki is, the probability is pretty good. Not 100%, certainly, but still a large chunk.

(Being a hikkokimori, even if they have good actions, is still a bad thing) "That's debatable."
Well, I mean, ANYTHING is debatable, but in modern society it's bad. Forget being a functioning member of the workforce or whatever. It's bad for your health, physically and mentally. It's also bad for you socially (People can deny it, but we humans need to be around other people; and this is coming from an anti-social hermit, so let that sink in for a few minutes). I'll leave it there. Like you said: debatable, and this could go on for a while.

"What proof do we have that Eve's existence is responsible for causing harm to Tarou, aside from his father's dubious claim?"
I base NOTHING on the old man, let me just preface that. He just saw how his grandpa was and heard his own stories from somewhere, but his sources were never really revealed. Until we know more from him, his word is as trustworthy as Trump's state of the union.
Anyway in direct response, Chapter 151 when first trying to rescue Eve opened his wound. His dad suffered the same effect (almost) when using his to try and keep a hold on Eve, as further evidence. This isn't the first time Tarou used his power to help Eve. Anytime he does, Eve becomes more "human" but at the cost of whatever's happening to Tarou's brain and definitely his wound. It's not fully understood yet, but it's clear using your FLZ takes a heavy mental strain on some level. If it's enough to open Tarou;s wound, it implies that is can also cause an aneurysm. Speculation, I know, but everything seems to point in that direction. I showed other evidence of Tarou using his power too in previous conversations as well.

"She also wants to stop Tarou from seeing them, because - like you - she believes that's best for him."
No, she wants to separate Tarou from Eve because she thinks that's what's best. Her stop seeing FLZs is all Ibusuki. You were right the first time about that. It's his sister that wants him to stop seeing the FLZs. Ebino now too.

"Not once have I ignored or denied that Ibusuki suffers from being able to see the FLZs, nor made the claim that she hates Eve and is trying to kill her. "
Yes. Yes, actually, you HAVE said that (especially the latter). I can pull up the previous conversations where you made such claims, unless you deleted/edited them. You seem like a man of honor (albeit a very...passionate one, to put it nicely), so I seriously doubt you did.

"and neither is it Tarou's fault, as she and seemingly the author would have us believe."
Then how did she get it? All evidence points to Tarou's headbutt.

"Ibusuki is clearly not against the idea of Eve going to sleep,"
Re-read the chapter. Yes, she is. You don't make a horrified face like that or silently apologize to Ebino behind her back if you didn't have a problem with it. She's against this plan, but is doing this because it's what Eve wants and, as you have deduced, it's what she thinks is best for Tarou (or at least fooling herself to think).

"seeing as she's attempting to manipulate Ebino into carrying out a plan with that purpose in mind - if Tarou falls for Ebino, Eve will go to sleep, and thus be removed as an 'obstacle' for him living a 'normal, happy, healthy' life."
Which is all EVE'S plan, I need to remind you, not Ibusuki's. Ibusuki is the henchman in this role. Eve is the mastermind. SHe is the one who discussed the plan and enlisted Ibusuki. You can't vilify Ibusuki and not put the same blame on Eve.

"So far, I've yet to see any growth from Ibusuki, which continues to cause problems and drama both for herself and for Tarou,"
I've pointed out this growth, several times, in previous conversations. From my perspective, it's just not in the direction you like. Gotta remember, she hated Tarou and wanted revenge ultimately enlisting him to help stop seeing FLZs. She re-kindled her love for him ending her grudge and hate, is on the path of ending the facade of pretending to be a guy to be true to herself, stopped seeing Eve as a tool and more like a sister, BUT when it comes to FLZs it's still a hellscape for her. The growth is there and I won't deny she's an idiot on multiple fronts, but seeing as she's also being jerked around by her Tarou's pseudo-detective sister and now Eve, it's better to think of her as gullible. The others know Tarou won't help (one of his faults is that he's trying to shoulder everything alone), so since Ibusuki is the only option (that the cast knows of), she's the go-to gal.
Jan 18, 2018
Maybe if you wouldn't act like such a coward, hiding your personal attacks against people under a Spoiler tag, then I wouldn't call you a coward, @TwilightFaze.

"Care to give examples of good things she's done for Tarou?"
"I did. Several times in our previous conversations. Even marked the chapters and pages for you. What did you do? Insult me! No counter-arguments, just insults. You want them, go back to our previous chats. I haven't deleted anything. I don't see why I should accommodate you any further if all you're going to be is 10 levels of rude for having a different opinion."
I looked through the comment section's archive, and you haven't listed any examples of Ibusuki doing good things for Tarou at any point in the comment section - so I guess that makes you a liar as well.

"Firstly, since when does love have anything to do about practicality?"
"By itself? Nothing. You are absolutely right on that front, but that's not what I was implying at all. Love may be irrational, but Tarou is both logical and irrational. A mental paradox, ie, truly in love."
So you admit that Tarou is truly in love with Eve - now imagine that Ibusuki's plan to make him unable to see & hear her anymore comes to fruition, and what his reaction would be.

"Eve disappearing is not a guaranteed, inevitable thing"
"Agreed, however, given the direction this manga is going and what the ultimate goal of Tarou and Ibusuki is, the probability is pretty good. Not 100%, certainly, but still a large chunk."
Tarou's ultimate goal is not to have Eve disappear.

(Being a hikkokimori, even if they have good actions, is still a bad thing) "That's debatable."
"in modern society it's bad." Why? How?
"Forget being a functioning member of the workforce or whatever."
Working from home is a thing.
"It's bad for your health, physically and mentally. It's also bad for you socially" Again, why and how?
"People can deny it, but we humans need to be around other people; and this is coming from an anti-social hermit, so let that sink in for a few minutes."
People need to socialize, yes, but you may have heard of something called the 'internet', where people can socialize with each other from across the world without needing to be in each other's physical presence. Kinda like what we're doing now.

"What proof do we have that Eve's existence is responsible for causing harm to Tarou, aside from his father's dubious claim?"
"in direct response, Chapter 151 when first trying to rescue Eve opened his wound. His dad suffered the same effect (almost) when using his to try and keep a hold on Eve, as further evidence. This isn't the first time Tarou used his power to help Eve. Anytime he does, Eve becomes more "human" but at the cost of whatever's happening to Tarou's brain and definitely his wound. It's not fully understood yet, but it's clear using your FLZ takes a heavy mental strain on some level. If it's enough to open Tarou;s wound, it implies that is can also cause an aneurysm. Speculation, I know, but everything seems to point in that direction. I showed other evidence of Tarou using his power too in previous conversations as well."
So, essentially, when an outside party tries to forcibly separate Tarou and Eve in some way, it creates a mental strain on Tarou to fight it? Maybe those outside parties should just stop trying to separate them, then. This is like saying the relationship between a parent and their offspring is harmful to the parent when an outside party tries to remove the offspring from them. It's not evidence that the relationship between the two is harmful at all.

"Not once have I ignored or denied that Ibusuki suffers from being able to see the FLZs, nor made the claim that she hates Eve and is trying to kill her. "
"Yes. Yes, actually, you HAVE said that (especially the latter). I can pull up the previous conversations where you made such claims, unless you deleted/edited them."
Go ahead then.

"and neither is it Tarou's fault, as she and seemingly the author would have us believe."
"Then how did she get it? All evidence points to Tarou's headbutt."
Did Tarou know at the time of headbutting Ibusuki that it would give her the ability to see FLZs? No. Why did Tarou headbutt Ibusuki in the first place? Because he was upset that Ibusuki was leaving suddenly and didn't tell him about it until it was already time for her to go - a reasonable thing to be upset about. Looking deeper than the surface of the event shows pretty clearly that Ibusuki is mainly at fault for her situation, but I suppose that would subvert the narrative that you agree with, so you just gloss over it. And oh look, she's doing the exact same thing again in the story.

"Ibusuki is clearly not against the idea of Eve going to sleep,"
"Re-read the chapter. Yes, she is. You don't make a horrified face like that or silently apologize to Ebino behind her back if you didn't have a problem with it."
Ibusuki's horrified face was a reaction to Eve saying she wanted to go to sleep so she could at least stay by Tarou's side - it was a reaction to the sadness and purity of Eve's request. Ibusuki silently apologizes to Ebino behind her back because she's manipulating her into getting involved and using her as a sacrifice to solve the problem. If Ebino carries out this plan of winning over Tarou for the purpose of stopping him from seeing Eve anymore, how healthy do you imagine that relationship would be? And how convenient it would be for Ibusuki, for Ebino to take all the responsibility and blame, while she's gone overseas and removed from all of their lives and the consequences of her scheming and actions.

"seeing as she's attempting to manipulate Ebino into carrying out a plan with that purpose in mind - if Tarou falls for Ebino, Eve will go to sleep, and thus be removed as an 'obstacle' for him living a 'normal, happy, healthy' life."
"Which is all EVE'S plan, I need to remind you, not Ibusuki's." Eve's intentions with this plan are pure and unselfish - she's been led to believe that her relationship with Tarou is not only unsustainable but unhealthy for Tarou, and that she'll eventually not want to be around Tarou anymore, which goes against every fiber of her being.
"Ibusuki is the henchman in this role. Eve is the mastermind. She is the one who discussed the plan and enlisted Ibusuki. You can't vilify Ibusuki and not put the same blame on Eve." Ibusuki is the willing accomplice and facilitator, because separating Eve and Tarou goes along with her own selfish desires. She is not the innocent pawn you're deceitfully trying to paint her as. I can indeed vilify Ibusuki without doing the same for Eve because I actually read the story - both the surface and between the lines.

"So far, I've yet to see any growth from Ibusuki, which continues to cause problems and drama both for herself and for Tarou,"
"I've pointed out this growth, several times, in previous conversations." Another lie, just like your previous one relating to past comments in this forum.
"From my perspective, it's just not in the direction you like. Gotta remember, she hated Tarou and wanted revenge ultimately enlisting him to help stop seeing FLZs. She re-kindled her love for him ending her grudge and hate" Ah, and there's the first comment you've actually made on Ibusuki's growth.
"is on the path of ending the facade of pretending to be a guy to be true to herself" OH MY FUCKING GOD ARE YOU SERIOUS WITH THIS COMMENT?!?!
"seeing as she's also being jerked around by her Tarou's pseudo-detective sister - it's better to think of her as gullible." Seems to me like she's getting her just desserts for keeping her true gender hidden and all her own manipulations. She is by no means a gullible, innocent person in any of this, just because another character manages to get the upper hand on her.
"The others know Tarou won't help (one of his faults is that he's trying to shoulder everything alone), so since Ibusuki is the only option (that the cast knows of), she's the go-to gal." I don't understand what that comment has to do with the subject of Ibusuki's character growth, unless you meant for it to be part of another subject.
Aggregator gang
Feb 16, 2018
How is not wanting to deal with people who insult me cowardice? It's called avoiding confrontation. It's why I didn't tag you so you wouldn't be notified. It's why I put hidden in a spoiler tag so it wouldn't bother you. In a nutshell, I was trying to voice my opinion while leaving you alone.

Since you are hell-bent on making like an American politician and twisting my words to suit your anti-Ibusuki propaganda, I'm ending it here. I've given evidence in the past yet you have CHOSEN not to see it. I've even given you chapter evidence on where to find it yourself yet you pretend they don't exist. I know you got some more insults and put-downs in the back-burner to get the last word in because of this, but hear me out:

You don't like the character? Cool. That's your opinion. Perfectly fine and no one can say otherwise! But don't be that 400 lb. otaku prick who thinks being an asshole to someone with a differing opinion is ok (not saying you are; for all I know you're chiseled, but you've seen the stereotypes in older mangas especially, I'm sure, so I think you understand the reference). I've given my viewpoint and instead of showing me evidence to the contrary, you decided to be a dick and continue to insult and lash out with your emotions instead of counter with evidence. I tried one last time to be friendly and even agreed with you on some parts and you STILL attack me like a rabid dog on a broken-legged squirrel.

Because of your toxic and aggressive attitude, you're not fun to converse or debate with and make coming here un-enjoyable as well. At least everyone else I spoke with who were also anti-Ibusuki gave their opinions were cool about it. You on the other hand act like you're the last word on the subject and how dare anyone say otherwise.

This is my last attempt at being nice: Let's agree to disagree and NOT comment on each other's statement. Leave each other alone? You don't comment on my responses, and I don't yours. Simple as that? Fair?
Jan 18, 2018
Talking shit about people while attempting to hiding it from them is cowardice. You're not trying to avoid confrontation, you're trying to avoid reprisals while you snipe from behind a Spoiler tag. If you have an issue with me or anyone else in this forum, either take it to a private conversation between them or have the decency and integrity to say it openly when you bring it up in public. If you don't want me to hound you for your shitty behavior, then either correct it or keep it in check. If you don't want me or anyone else to criticize your posts, then don't post them on a public forum. Speaking of which, way to fail to refute any of my points in my last post, and focus instead on your personal issues with me in attempt to save face and paint yourself out as an innocent victim, and me as a mean bully.
Aggregator gang
Feb 16, 2018
Fine, you know what, whatever. I was doing this thing you are completely incapable of: Trying to be nice. But now? I'm done.

You think being this abrasive shmuck of an asshole makes your point or makes you look cool? It doesn't. You come off as a narcissist. You made it clear only your opinions matter and anyone else's who doesn't match it gets your verbal abuse. Man up, little boy. You're not cool and you're not making a point. You're a just all about yourself and clog your ears to anything contrary. You are incapable of courteous speech and or friendly debate. I paint you as a bully? Because you ARE one! I already told you WHY I did all that (to AVOID a confrontation peacefully. I've said this how many times now?) and the fact you still can't grasp that is further evidence of your failed reading comprehension/listening skills.

When you can learn to talk like a person instead of a self-absorbed mirror-humper, I'll be more than glad to go over what you talked about (some were actually great point and topics). But as long as your fallback is insults, abuse, and the like as if you were President Trump, I see no reason why I should. Maybe verbal abuse is your bread and butter of life, but I have no obligation to make it mine. You want those answers? Do yourself a favor and have someone else ask them for you. I'm done talking to you in the meantime.

(Just watch, people, he's going to try to have the last word to make it seem like he has the moral high ground when the reality is neither of us do. Yeah, I've said some wrongs just now and I legit apologize for that. He got me heated, which is probably this troll's goal. Mission accomplished. So go ahead, narcissist: get your last words in. Make yourself feel good. It's all about you anyway.)
Apr 3, 2018
Can we have a mod looking into this messed up "discussion"? I'm getting sick and tired of these flame wars.

It's a fucking Rom-Com. Act like it is one and not as if it's the second bible or something.
Active member
Dec 1, 2018
I love this series, but it needs to end already. It's just going back and forth at this point!

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