Himari no Mawari

Oct 28, 2018
Keep up the discord conversations, they're a tasty little treat at the end!
Oct 28, 2018
@NZPIEFACE I also think so too the two character style feels very similar to the 'I want to eat your Pancreas' manga. In that manga it highlights the female MC through the perspective and experiences of the male MC.
Oct 28, 2018
Though I gotta say, the manga feels a bit stale. Honestly, I started reading this because Himari looked really cute.

And the fact that Himari does not have a tsundere attitude, maybe she is an unique replacement for some of my tsundere waifus.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2018
It's not about a specific manga, but more like reading a 2000's manga.
I mean, the plot is generic, the MC is generic, the female rival is generic.
I know, if it hits the spot, people will love this, or if the readers are new to the genre, they will love it.
But not me.
In the end, the whole critic is about how I feel, so don't take it too serious.
Active member
Nov 23, 2018
Don't really get why people are automatically assuming it's going the yuri route Himawari seems to be pleased by affection by anyone right now and theres been signs hinting the the guy will develop feelings for himawari.

@NZPIEFACE @BluePanda Think it's too early to say the last 2 chapters just had the childhood friend playing central to the chapter to likely establish a love rival for mc might do the cliche thing of 2 characters falling in love with main characters and with that they realize their feelings. Himawari is too much like a innocent little sister for me to want romance to happen with either of them even tho the tomboy is way to rude rather something build with them. But my instincts tell me it will be the main characters.
Active member
Nov 23, 2018
@NZPIEFACE I thought you guys were inferring that because so far the romance plots revolved around her so far. Still don't think the guy serves to only witness what will happen to himawari think we will see alot of character growth from him not wanting to do anything and deal with anyone to putting himself more out there for his sisters happiness. Tbh think the other characters so far serve for his character journey more than it serves himawari journey.
Active member
Nov 23, 2018
Something I just thought why did the tomboy pester the guy as a kid if she doesn't like spending time with him did they have a falling out or something. Also the tomboy might be confusing her affection for the little sister for love she might have feelings for the main guy and not realize it even tho it seems unlikely to be the case.
Aggregator gang
May 28, 2018
Thanks, I hate it. I was baited with the first two chapters :>
Active member
Dec 16, 2018
There's a missing tag. If you guys want to know what it is, check out the MangaUpdates link.

shoujo ai
Mar 5, 2019
If its updated on MangaUpdates I guess it really is Shoujo Ai... Oh well, I enjoyed the first 3 chapters but I'm gonna drop out of this one.
I know the latest chapter has set it up for future chapters/volumes but I'd be surprised if it lasts particularly long.
Mar 24, 2019
We don't have the shoujo ai tag because it's not shoujo ai yet. MangaUpdates isn't any further ahead than the average commenter here. We're only one chap behind raws. Chill, people. XD

If it turns into shoujo ai, we'll add the tag. For now, it's not even close.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
If its updated on MangaUpdates I guess it really is Shoujo Ai... Oh well, I enjoyed the first 3 chapters but I'm gonna drop out of this one.
Anyone who has an account on mangaupdates can add categories (or edit any of the information) to any series so it's most likely that someone who wants it to be shoujo ai (or has been reading the chapters with yuri goggles on) has added the category. It doesn't mean that it actually is.

There's a missing tag. If you guys want to know what it is, check out tht e MangaUpdates link.
See my comment, above. For all we know, it could've been you that added that category on mangaupdates.

Need to add shoujo ai and NTR tag
Comments like this make me wonder if the poster actually knows what NTR means...
Active member
Dec 16, 2018

For what it's worth, I can tell you I did not add the tag. As for why I brought it up in the first place, it's because of the developments in chapter 5 (maybe I read it wrong, but it sure as hell seemed like the childhood friend was in love with the little sister) (then again, it does feel pretty weird she fell in love so suddenly, so maybe the author was throwing a curveball, so who knows?). Then, there's the translator's comment revealed in the credit pages of chapter six (though it might've been a joke). After seeing all of that, I checked MangaUpdates and, lo and behold, there was a shoujo ai tag. Now, I could be wrong, sure, but so far I've seen three indications of it being shoujo ai (the ones I mentioned above) hence why I wrote my comment. Now, to begin with, I'm not hating against shoujo ai. Some of my favorite stories are shoujo ai/yuri. However, I like to know beforehand that what I'm reading IS such a story, instead of being suddenly hit with it midway. (However, if this one does turn out to really be shoujo ai, I'll probably drop it, as I find the childhood friend insufferable.)

Anyhow, I apologize for any trouble I may have caused (and for my admittedly early, yet reasonable (imo), judgement). I guess we'll have to wait for chapter 7 in order to find out what it really is.

EDIT: also, on an unrelated note, I completely agree. There's definitely no NTR, as none of the characters are in a relationship in the first place. Absolutely no reason to add a NTR tag (and it's not as if there's one in the first place, lol).

EDIT 2: On that note, what earns a story a shoujo ai tag? Does a romantic subplot parallel to the main story between two women suffice or must it be the main focus of the story in order to be tagged as such? Because it may be we just have different opinions of what should be tagged as shoujo ai and what shouldn't (and I could be wrong, as I don't have any experience in this sort of thing).
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@dummyaccount12345 Well, I can certainly understand not wanting to be suddenly surprised by a series inexplicably changing course or introducing developments that you weren't expecting and don't want to read (G.al Cleaning comes to mind), developments that were not indicated either in the description or by the selected categories. If this had a shoujo ai tag here on mangadex, I would not have started to read this to begin with.

Let's also not forget that not all "love" is romantic or sexual in nature.
Active member
Dec 16, 2018
Indeed, those sorts of surprises are far from welcomed (Gal Cleaning specifically). When I started reading this, I was expecting a sweet, drama-free slice of life story between an awkward, antisocial brother and a bright and cheerful sister who's just his polar opposite (with possible romantic developments in the future), and, while that was indeed what I got in the first few chapters, the story suddenly took a turn in a different way without any warning after the childhood friend appeared, and I didn't appreciate that. In any case, your comment on other kinds of love does make sense (although, I must also admit that, in manga, love is, more often than not, used in the romantic sense, when it's not between family members) so I went back and re-read chapter 5 in order to see if it could be interpreted in another way.

Reading it again, unless the author is trying to intentionally troll the readers, it really does seem like the childhood friend loves the little sister in the romantic sense. For example, take pages 13, 14, and 15. You usually wouldn't blush like that if someone you didn't feel romantic feeling for asked what you thought of them. Moreover, a non-romantic love wouldn't usually warrant a reaction like, "Aren't you afraid of knowing how I really feel?". The fact that she's so hesitant to convey her feelings is also strange; why would she hesitate so much if it was just non-romantic love? She's being really dramatic, and I think only romantic/sexual love could justify that. Then again, she IS a tsundere, so maybe I'm just reading too much into this and she just thinks the little sister is cute in a sisterly way and that's all.

With all that said, it's not as if it really matters (this is just how I interpreted it, after all). We'll find out the truth in a couple of chapters or so.

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