it's not because it doesn't have the guts. It just nisekoi is a very strong series troupe that even a very tiny bit resemblance is going to make people calling it 'imitating nisekoi'. It's very annoying topic to choose. This is already happening in the comment section of other mangas. Even your comment is what I am talking about. It's very obvious from the start that the author intend to make this series as a gag to the general troupe. Making this series a 'nisekoi' is just a wishful thinking from yoursImagine, nisekoi all over again and the series got 100+ chapters lol. Well, not really complaining if it will be that long but this one didn’t have any speck of balls to be nisekoi-type lol
I am waiting for the ojousama laugh. Please author.So when’s the super rich girl gonna come in?
the black hair girl who lives with the dude seems to either like him or she is starting to imoThis is why I love this manga, the girls are clearly not interested in having a romantic relationship with MC and Sakurako keeps puching the air while thinking she is losing.
Bro the 2nd worst girl in bokuben was a tomboy and she wonTomboys always the get short end of the straw. That fucking sucks.
Well everyone won as a ending was written for all but she was the first. Funny enough the two obvious winners had some of the weakest endings I suppose because their arcs were long solved and there wasnt much to go over with then.Bro the 2nd worst girl in bokuben was a tomboy and she won
He's super into her though, since he's been clearly shown to be in love with her and no one else.i still dont know if twintail will be chosen by mc. but im 100% sure tomboy girl wont. i will make a manga where the tomboy will be the fmc.
lol "everyone got an ending" cope. My fav thing to see in commentsWell everyone won as a ending was written for all but she was the first. Funny enough the two obvious winners had some of the weakest endings I suppose because their arcs were long solved and there wasnt much to go over with then.
But tanned tomboys usually dont win, she certainly didnt in Jiken Jaken and its very unlikely she will win here considering the story seem to go about the typical rom-com stereotypes and breaking then, its funny people mention Nisekoi that even if stereotype laden its did made several subversions too. Of course Hime will win or already won with the comedy being her self-destruction.
Judging you silently but still participating in your fucked up fetishThey are the best
They are the best