The One Peace Book digital e-books of Hinamatsuri that I bought (Volume 2 to 8) and I pirated (Volume 1) have shit quality. I learned that the hard way because I thought it was the pirate ripper's fault for releasing shit quality Volume 1 book, turns out One peace books can't do digital e-books properly to save their online store. I hope their print version are better.
@4V29LN0n Itsuki was a character who was in love with Sensui a main antagonist of the show, because his strenght and purity. Leaving aside his twisted personality, the author probably means that Anzu has a crush for Hina.
God damn it, thanks for reminding me about Wanko ni Kuchizuke's author passing away... it's been 5 years but seems like it was yesterday.
Also, thanks editor for toning down some of those "ideas" author had, would've been a downer to deal some of that stuff.
edit: apparently people think editor was in the wrong lmao who wanted chapters dealing with someone's father getting killed and so on in a comedic series?
wow thank you, i really enjoyed reading this! i think i would love to see a "hinamatsuri: rejected" .. i think.
"i don't wanna see mami-chan anymore." LOL! so sad! i also forgot how spaced out hina used to look.
sakamoto kun too?? ok i'll stop!
Let us hope that, after a couple years, Otake and Harta decide that post-grad adult Hina (or one of the side characters) needs to have an extension. Until that day, though, I'll pine for the group like a Norwegian Blue parrot does for the fjords.