I love a goofy high-school sports match! It really takes me back....
I feel there are too few genuinely relatable experiences depicted in youth "slice of life" Manga. Nostalgia is powerful because it can make readers feel old, or make them feel young (again). Shun not knowing what a cassette tape is (Ch. 15, p. 3) is an example of the former, while Shun's soccer game in Phys-Ed class is an example of the latter. I prefer the latter because I like to feel young, not old!
I'll just toss this question out there: Was anyone else afraid of goats as a child?
I never went near the goats at my local petting zoo, let alone went inside their enclosure and fed any.
EDIT: Is the bottom-right panel on page 9 a reference to
Heidi, Girl of the Alps (film, 1979)???