Beef tongue, yuck. Tried eating that grilled once, I kept munching and munching and it never became soft in my mouth. Had to gulp it down with water.
Never again.
I'm not sure what style of beef tongue you had but thinly sliced beef tongue, which is also what's shown in this manga, is very tender and full of flavor when cooked lightly on high heat.
You see the chemicals used in teflon can cause very bad birth defects was a big thing a decade or 2 ago. It also has a tendency to kill birds cause chemicals in it
NTR and isekai, both are different flavors of power fantasy. Which one is more infuriating? Depends on you. Do people feel inadequate and thus like power fantasies? Yes, and that's normal. But people that swear and live by it? Maybe take a step back from whatever you're reading and git gud.
Anyways, happy waifu happy laifu. And get yourself a person that makes you yummy foods. A meal so revitalizing that Chihiro is shining by the end of it.
People these days are disturbing. They keep trying to force degeneracy onto everyone and everything. This manga is pure and wholesome and let's keep it this way.