It's not unrealistic, though. For most ladies, once they get somewhat aroused, pushing them into sex is pretty easy. Getting them to lower their defenses so that you can start doing your work that is the hard part.She caved in so fast. That whole thing with her being intoxicated by his scent is pretty lazy writing but I’m not gonna complain. I’m more interested in how they’ll manage after since we all knew this was definitely going to happen eventually.
Well if I I'm not wrong the op by saying "mentally reversing genders" is trying to get us to think about how wrong it's be if it was a male teacher and female student. Or just bring cheeky ...idk. But that situation is just as "wrong" as this one (in real life like I said). That's what I meant. I think he's technically of age so it's legally not wrong.why would they be wrong? lol
sauce?For some reason that last page brought this image to my mind. It's been a long, long time since I watched this movie.