@Dantrig "
She must have read book spoilers to know that you need to have an orgy to escape from Pennywise."
@Kirime "
Not an orgy, a train. Important distinction."
In its broader application, a "train" is a reoccuring sequence of identical or near-identical objects engaging in identical or near-identical actions [eg, such as with the individual wagons of a train]. That standard application of the term is also consistent when applied to, ah, the context in question. Unless there is an army of Pennywise involved ['cause one clearly just wasn't enough], I think what you're actually going for is the direct
opposite of a train. In that sense, orgy seems a better option, though "a reverse train" may be even more suitable. Well, given the context, I'm absolutely certain there's gotta be at least one other specific term for it but, I can't say my keenness towards language really goes overly far in that direction.
Well, I guess your application is correct if you're talking about a bunch of people pinning Pennywise down to have their way with him, but that seems like
quite the fetish.