I Raised the Beast Well - Ch. 6

Apr 19, 2019
Is it bad that I want the whole royal family to burn and die? (excluding FL)

I don't care how they die, I just want them dead. They're all evil b*t***s! 👿

Edit: for ppl thinking it's wrong to wish death on a "child" (the prince), you're forgetting that he almost killed the FL and knew what he was doing. In reality, if that happened in the modern world, he would go to prison for attempted murder. Kids aren't dumb. They know what they are doing and they know the consequences no matter what environment they are in. My younger brother was abusive since elementary and knew what he was doing. He never stopped being manipulative and abusive as he grew older. (Note: my parents loved him a lot and even babied him even, he wasn't abused.) And because of that, he's no longer in my life and my families lives.

So, yes, kids can be manipulative evil b*t***s! Not all kids are completely innocent, if they have the intent to kill there OWN BLOOD RELATED SIBLING! Stop standing up to the preparator who abused (emotionally and physically in a way) and attempted to murder the victim. *smh* 😒
Oct 28, 2020
Does it really have to be golden?
Cuz I'm guessing that our fl is the gods descendant. But she has blonde tho.... Hhhmmmm
Apr 19, 2019
@Akera93 if this website had a upvote system on comments, I would upvote you! *claps x10* Finally someone who agrees that a child who attempts murder is not innocent! I 100000% agree that they should be prosecuted!
Active member
Jun 22, 2019
At first I thought: though she's good, she wouldn't allow people to (almost) harm her leave without scolding/punishment which I found very pleasing but then I realised that with the way she grew up she assumed that children needs to be punished for every wrong they did an then I felt pity for her
Thank you for the chapter
Dec 13, 2020
I somehow adore that young stupid prince. he is a bully but the thing he did is child level of harassment.

...his sister is the one I'm going to be careful.
Jun 24, 2020

CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT UPDATE AAA im actually so invested in this
Sep 8, 2019
@Piyox ...how is shooting a deadly weapon at someone child level harassment? Even if comments like "I wasn't actually going to shoot her" are made, if he made a mistake she would be injured or dead. But i do agree, the sister is going to be end-game evil, but that brother is just going to cause a lot of reckless harm. This situation was probably the first time he's been made privy to the consequences of his actions.
Oct 26, 2019
When the mc responds to the male lead using violence, instead of the usual generic white lotus "no don't violence!" you get a "pick a spot where the wound won't be visible" then you know she a top-tier girl.
Dec 13, 2020
you don't know how horrible children could go when they bully, right?

just to clear misunderstood. I didn't say "children level" as the way to look down, there's nothing about bully that make it less horrible just because you commit it when you were young..... I say it as level of headache that will cause

bully in children are often go into direction of "I did it because I can do it" due to their lack of moral and not aware of society's common sense. thing could go horrible even they are just a kid (look at murder case "Robert Thompson and Jon Venables" these 10 years old kids really just kidnap and kill a baby for no reason at all only because they can do it)

while bully in young teen are mixed with physical harassment and social bully. they know about how society work and know how to find loop hole in adult's power and how kids get special treatment. it really a pain... I think prince's sister going to be this type especially when she got big back up like her father.

adding more, bully in adult. if it not what send you straight to jail like "abusing, r4pe, sexual harassment" type of thing MC's previous dad did to her.... it going to be troublesome one that hard to deal with like "power harassment, law's loophole, etc." all type of thing that you have to play political game and building your power to deal with

.... when it children level, you just need stronger power to showing why "you can't do that"

(normally I'll just telling kid about jail and law. and how their mom won't be able to help them if they do something against the law. when I were young, adult around me teach me about hell and sin... I guess that work too.) in this story, have a black beast beating you black and blue seem to work best.

@koopatripper I don't know how to tag and reply, sorry. still new to this place.
Aug 31, 2020
@ntxhiav I understand where you're coming from, my gut reaction when I read this chapter was uh, not that pleasant,
but if we're going from real life standards, I believe that most of the behaviour of him and his sister is due to their environment.
The reason that many children don't go to jail for trying to shoot their sister with a shotgun nowadays is because society goes against it, everyone has almost the same standing and almost noone gets put on a pedestal like they are. I think the reason both of them act the way they do is because of this reason, they're being put above others, and their fathers behavior (curse him) has probably effected them aswell.
At the current I can't quite bring myself to hate them both as you do, as in my eyes they're just children.
Childrens thoughts, emotions and actions are that of an undeveloped brain, many unable to even slightly realize the damage of what they are doing, they oftenly act impulsive on a whim on feelings like jealousy and hatred. It is thanks to our current societies standards that your local neighbourhood doesn't go around with the AK-47 sniping their cousins, because most parents scold their children and teach them what is right and wrong.
It is because of these reasons that people in the real world don't go around calling twelve year olds manipulative little b****es, they cannot comprehend the weight of what they are doing.
I was when I was extremely young, I'd say around six perhaps? Quite the rude little rat child, but I couldn't realize that what I was doing was wrong, I hadn't learned that yet.
Of course, I realize now that I was extremely stupid, but my brain back then couldn't comprehend the weight of my actions. (This is also why children do not go to jail in most countries.)

It's nice to see the viewpoint of someone other than my own though, it feels refreshing.
(jesus christ i have been writing full on grammar for way too long writing the bible at this point i should seriously stop taking mangas this seriously h)
Oct 31, 2019
Haha dumbasses have exactly what they’re searching for right under their noses but they’re treating her like a snot rag, right in front of her imprinted Shinsu too, lol. My favorite, albeit cliched, sort of development...

(Also to add to the discussion, no, most children don’t go to jail BUT if you have solid proof of the attempted murder with provable intent or, you know, they do actually kill a person; then they: a.) go to jail if they pass a certain cognitive standard/understanding of the concept of right vs. wrong; or b.) go to a mental hospital or youth counseling/correctional facility if they can’t. Children aren’t just allowed to run free on murder/violence sprees even if they don’t understand the weight of their actions)
Sep 8, 2019
@piyox I agree on a lot of the points you made, it was just the original wording of "child level harassment" without context or explanation can be easily interpreted in a light "oh, kids just bully each other" to "kids literally have no morality or sense of good and bad unless they are taught."

From personal experience, yeah I've had kids bullying/retaliating with deadly weapons and them thinking it was a valid response because they have not had any type of lesson in morality (whether it be lectures of rules of society, religious morality, etc.)

Yeah, I've dealt with bullies who have attacked me to cause serious harm whether they meant it as deadly or not, and knew that I had to defend myself or get hurt. (for sure, having an all powerful beast defend me would've made all bully interactions much easier lol.

Sorry if my original message was more combative. It was unintended, but I did want to converse since this chapter was... Kinda squicky in different ways (like how she was reminded of her previous caregiver while watching her evil step bro get kicked and beaten.)

tl;Dr I wanted to engage further on your definition of child level harassment because it came off as vague to me (no offense meant). I agree that children are very capable of causing serious harm without regret, especially if they are without morality, and methods do become more devious with age/experience.
Dec 13, 2020
@koopatripper I'm sorry to hear that. it must be very hard for you to getting through all those bullies. I truly wish you have someone you can talk and rely on. if you still dealing with mental trauma from all those horrible experience, do not force yourself too hard. it's ok to take it slow or stop sometime and be kind to yourself. you are very strong for staying alive until now. good job staying alive and breathing!

if you ever have a time when you don't know about who you are or lost in negative feelings. just know that the moment and conversation I shared with you was very meaningful to me. I'm glad that you are exist and here with me today. you are nice person who care about other, you can get angry for things you think it wrong and you listen to other with open minded. I'm glad there's people like you around in this weird wide world.

and it's ok I understand. English is not my first language. things like this happen sometime. it's my bad. I picked wrong word and due to social standard and basic knowledge of me and reader are different. things get taken in different way. I'm glad we can understand and agree on this important topic.

bully in children is thing we should take it seriously. sure it can be hard sometime when you see kid just grab and tearing frog's body apart or slingshot cat and small animal while they seriously don't why they shouldn't do it...

it's my personal feeling but I truly hate type of adult who acting all high and mighty, bossing around children how they should live... but yet stay out of trouble when children are suffering and need someone who can take them out of hell hole, or get angry at children for couldn't be just a "cute cheerful smart child who make adults proud". that's why I wish to be adult who can at least help those children and have conversation with them equally in their shoes and not just spank their butt or punish them while they don't understand why... and not be type of adult who ignore wrong doing just because they are children or it's a pain to deal with.

ah, look like I taking it too long.... anyways, have a nice day. it was good to have conversation with you 🌸 stay cool!
Aggregator gang
Sep 5, 2019
This fucking son of a bitch. I really fucking hate the emperor. “I wanted to protect her and her baby.” BULL-FUCKING-SHIT. MOTHERFUCKING SON OF A BITCH I— AARRGGGHHHH

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