I Shaved. Then I Brought a High School Girl Home. - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - Barbecue and the Crush

Fed-Kun's army
Sep 8, 2018
@criver no...no it isn't. It's cowardly and immature. People who are confident and have their act together face their problems head on instead of deflecting them. What you call "calculating" is actually being devious and deceitful. If she wants nothing to do with him, tell him the truth and move on, don't give him mixed signals, that's the height of rudeness. If she likes him but wants to take it slower, then straight up tell him he is moving too fast. Children lie to get what they want, being deceitful is not mature. Mature people realize that being deceitful makes you untrustworthy and they will be less likely to want to deal with you.

As for your assertion that he is desperate...tell me why it took him 5 years to approach her then and tel me why he isn't going after the two women throwing themselves at him. As for liking her tits...so what. What's wrong with being physically attracted to someone? You have no evidence that's the only reason he likes her, in fact he specifically said he is attracted to her habit of asking people questions she knows the answer to.
Group Leader
Jul 16, 2018
I know this is common in romance stuff, but being stubborn and "only liking her" is dumb to me. The entire Gotou section had my eyes rolling.

I reconsidered:
I reread this, and I am reconsidering Gotou. She might be an okay character/person. I think what I don't like is the dynamic between her and the MC, i.e. what highlight about each other. The other characters highlight the MC's positives-- helping the lackadaisical office girl(makes him look responsible), sheltering the girl at his home (also puts him in a good light) -- while Gotou highlights the negatives more: the MC's infatuation with another(her boobs) and Goutou's infatuation with herself(jealousy/narcissism).

I guess another way of thinking of it is Gotou and the MCs are foils that bring out the worst in each other while the other characters are bringing out the best which makes me dislike their interactions. If the author started some arc that made their dynamic a focus on getting over these things, then I could find it interesting. For example, a little self-awareness on Gotou's parts on how jealous she's being would go a long way, and I would rather the MC be resolved to getting over her than reaffirming his obsession(with her tits) love.

TLDR: author needs to fix his(her? wtf name is Shimesaba google gives me **ing fish) shit or GTFO with the Gotou chapters and go all in with this novel's lovely young virgins. I aint got no time for these silicone sluts.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Imagine rejecting someone with a dumb excuse and then getting all flustered over that one getting with someone else. L M A O

I can't believe I dismissed co-worker words upon reading the fucking novel. he was right all along, Jesus.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
@HOOfan_1 Just because you postulate it's cowardly or immature won't make it so. Adults lie all the time. It's a pretty normal thing to do, you're naive if you have deluded yourself into believing that maturity somehow equals not lying, it's the other way around more often than not. Don't mistake naivety, honesty and harmlessness for maturity.
You're also assuming she doesn't want anything to do with him even though it's clear this is not so. She wants him to play her game. Here's how it works - she believes she has the upper hand in that interaction, and she in fact does, since the MC confirms it by his interaction with her. At that point she knows she has more (perceived) value than him. Through his confession, that he's been desperate to get in her pants for 5 years, he only dug his grave deeper. At this point she can test him and play with him (by sending mixed signals) to see how far he would go for her. And if at some point she finds a better man or she decides to settle for the MC that will be it. He's obviously not her ideal man, or you wouldn't have had this back and forth, he's simply the backup plan that she may settle for. On the other hand it's obvious she wouldn't want her prey getting snatched away, so the date acts as a test + deterrent to him actually finding another partner.
Now she's most likely not that much of a villain, and most of that behaviour may even be subconscious, but the end result is essentially the same.
As far as desperation goes - liking someone for 5 years without doing anything about it is pretty desperate, and he made sure she knew how desperate he was to boot. There's nothing wrong with him liking her body, but she knows very well that he doesn't like her that much for who she is but rather for her body. At the same time she realizes that she's a 11/10 for many men, so she knows her 'value', and obviously wouldn't want to settle straight away for our unremarkable MC.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 8, 2018
@criver you're not going to find any psychologist who agree with you that trying to start a relationship with deception and distrust is mature.


"3. Lies

When there's a situation that's uncomfortable, young children might lie to stay out of trouble. Grownups deal with reality, reliably speaking the truth."


"Emotionally mature people don’t lie in uncomfortable situations. Rather, they face the reality of them head-on."

Playing a game with people's emotions is not mature. Oh and your assertion that she knows she is out of his league points to narcissism...another sign of immaturity.


"8. Budding narcissism

In an earlier post I coined the term tall man syndrome for one way that narcissism can develop. If children—or adults— can get whatever they want because they are bigger, stronger, richer etc, they become at risk for learning that the rules don't apply to them. Whatever they want, they take. "It's all about me."

This narcissistic belief may look initially like strength. In fact, it reflects a serious weakness in being unable to see beyond the self.

Psychologically strong people listen to others, listening to understand others' feelings, concerns and preferences. Narcissists who hear only themselves are emotionally brittle. It's my way or the highway. They operate like children who want to stay out and play even though dinner is on the table and pitch a fit rather than heed their parent's explanation that the family is eating now. "It's all about me; no one else counts; and if I don't get my way I'll bully you with anger or feel overwhelmed and pout."

Oh yeah, and let's not forget her pouting when she thought he was going out with another girl.

"1. Emotional escalations

Young children often cry, get mad, or look petulant and pouting. Grownups seldom do."
Nov 9, 2018
I'm surprised he went back out with her. And then the question game really didn't get anywhere. It seems she might be lying about the boyfriend and now that she knows how he really feels, maybe she'll go with him. I'm not sure. It's just weird now that he told her his feelings for her and it might not change anything, but she can't get mad if he stops liking her eventually and moves on. She literally got mad the next day when he was talking to the other girl, so there's definitely something wrong with her.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
@HOOfan_1 Well then we simply disagree on the definition of mature. You got to decide what mature is for yourself, while I am using the standard definition. You can go ahead and twist it into emotional maturity or whatever, but it's essentially arguing semantics and a no true scotsman fallacy.
Also you might want to pick your sources better, blog posts do not constitute a peer reviewed journal paper.
Also you are postulating she's narcissistic based on the fact that she knows her perceived value and uses this to her advantage, that's not the same as narcissism. There's no reason to believe (yet) that she's drunk on egotistic admiration for herself. She simply weighs her options, as I said - calculating (possibly not fully consciously).
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 8, 2018
@criver you're welcome to find me a peer reviewed paper that says a woman stringing a guy along until she can find better is mature.
Feb 4, 2018

No one actually, because the story is far from over.n in the novel.
But the endgame should be obvious.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
@HOOfan_1 It's almost as if you didn't read my reply. I would neither try to prove your point for you, nor would I argue over semantics as I said. That's how the majority of mature people act - they lie - that's how real life works, and note that the lying here is not the childish immature lying you are trying to misrepresent it as.
Consider the fact that our MC is not a lot better either, it takes two people to play this game. He knows very well what he's getting into, but him being spineless, without self confidence, and desperate, he's going for her. And notice that he in fact likes her 'habit of asking people questions to which she knows the answers' - he simply somewhat enjoys how he's being treated. I say he deserves everything that comes his way. If he enjoys playing her game, who am I to question it. Everybody makes decisions, some better, some worse.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 12, 2018
@Criver Sure mature people lie as do immature people and just about everyone. Being a liar does not make you either. What's immature which you called "calculated" is being pouty and possesive of someone you clearly rejected. It can be mature to weigh your options to choose the best one but it is not to be upset when things don't go your way.
Active member
Jun 1, 2018
@Celize https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/avt1if/i_shaved_then_i_brought_a_high_school_girl_home/ehht1bg/
Like @Siqual says, the edgame is probably with the JK but the story made me drop it. Honestly doesn't feel like im missing anything, just tired of it.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
@Ryrie I didn't see her throwing a tantrum. She invited him out, he accepted. So no immature behaviour here, just him deciding he wants to play her game. On the other hand your assertion that it's not mature to be upset is ridiculous, it's not mature throwing a tantrum because you are upset, but you surely do realize that being upset or not has nothing to do with maturity. These are grown up people, they both know what they are doing at some level. The MC just decided to shoot out of his category obviously, since he has neither the confidence nor the spine for it. It's no wonder that the central point of this manga is a jk, since it symbolises in some form the fact that our MC is so pathetic that the only partner that would be adequate for him is a gullible school kid. It's the same reason isekai protagonists get slaves. The works are targeted at the lowest common denominator, so it stands to reason that the MC should be given some kind of 'advantage' over his partners (whether that would be contractual/power/experience or whatever). Note that I am unsure whether the author planned that far ahead, or whether it naturally developed like this, if it's the latter it's even more ironic.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 12, 2018
@Criver These are grown up people they should both know what they're doing AND that their actions/responses have consequences. She should know that if she rejected him then it is entirely okay for him to find another love interest in fact she said it herself but instead she lets jealousy get the better of her and tried to force the issue. Not exactly a tantrum but she did it based more off her emotions rather than any calculation and such. Sure it's natural to be upset much like it is natural to lie so I suppose both assertions aren't quite valid and don't actually correlate to maturity. Maturity itself is kind of an iffy topic as everyone's definition is slightly subjective and may vary depending on who you ask.
Active member
Nov 2, 2018
>people hating on his boss
Wow, its like everyone here is a saint.
I bet no ones here tell lies, be jealous , have envy etc, like a normal human would.
O.. wait,
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
@Ryrie She knows "it's okay for him to find another love interest", that's precisely why she called him out, to find out whether he has a new girl, or whether she can keep playing. And our MC, as dumb as he is, told her everything + the fact that he has been desperate for her affection for 5 years. I would consider his behaviour immature rather than hers, or at the very least unwise. I don't see how her acting partly upon her emotions is an issue either, he could very well have refused her invitation, so "forcing the issue" is putting it strongly.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 29, 2018
I-cup is just an attention whore. She gets jealous whenever MC is too close to other females, even he's not her boyfriend (She rejected him).
She also want's him to wait however many years until she's ready to start dating him and not get with other women.
It's better he gets with the JK.

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