I Shaved. Then I Brought a High School Girl Home. - Vol. 5 Ch. 22

Dec 15, 2018
There are so many comments saying MC is a cuck and whatnot, but the problem here is that regardless of the MC's intent he is a criminal. Any responsible adult would have called the authorities and turn in the girl. The entire manga has continuously stated as much, or at least insinuated, that harboring this girl could land him in a world of trouble. User @Lamer5799 said it better than I, but this is a crime and the girl is not worth potentially shooting your entire future in the foot for some bs reason. There is no benefit or advantage to this situation, and any person who knows of the MC's circumstances could out him at any point, including this dickwad in the latest chapter.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 27, 2020
Honestly, I've been facing many arguing scenes in manga, it's mostly that either both of them have strong personalities and are smart; or one of them is an extremely retarded person who only cares about themself and denies anything that doesn't work like they want.

Whichever of them, it'll always make me angry because mostly (not entirely) the MC will lose that arguing battle even if he/she is in the right side, it's twisted. But I'll be really happy if the MC can make an epic comeback and destroy the antagonist entirely and mercilessly,, I mean COME ON, AT LEAST PUNCH HIM BEFORE HE LEAVES!!
Oct 23, 2019
well I didnt read what they had to say for each other. But I see that they just talked and yelled at each other MC seems such a pretty "nice" guy no more to say.

Both are wrong morally and legally.

You dont keep a minor girl in your house for so long just because you are too nice HE EVEN COULD ASK ONE OF HISFEMALE FRIENDS TO KEEP HER AND HELP WITH HER FUNDS $$,. He had more options Im sure. but he just kept her there and didnt even show an ounce of trying to solve the problem just stagnating the situation just because he is TOO NICE and was just scared of "just trowing her out to the police without solving her problem".

And I dont even have to say anything for the other guy he is just plain scummy .

Anyway people that likes this manga just like these dark dramas... sigh Now Im really wondering just HOW BAD had to be her family backstory Im guessing something like getting raped by her step father with mother knowing, bullied at school, blackmailed, getting beaten, treated like literal shit... I dont know this author really likes these kinda things
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2019
What the fuck is this guy even talking about...These two are literarily nothing alike. Yes, obviously mc is committing a crime by keeping a runaway girl without notifying the police but he is literally nothing like this fuckboi...Seriously felt like this dude was just trying too hard to spout some stupid "We're not so different. You and I" bullshit. Also, I wish a punch would've been thrown. I feel like it would've been justified considering the attempted rape, but I guess he couldn't do anything since that would've gotten the police involved. Still, this is so frustrating
Nov 11, 2019

Villain - self centered narcissistic prick who thinks hes always right like hes the main character.

Mc - naive pussy shittalker.
May 20, 2019
Bruh.... THERE NO NEED TO BE A ADVANTAGE TO BEING KIND are you even kidding me why is it so hard for these characters to get it. While people do thing out of selfish too that doesn’t mean everyone do it allll because of themselves. Genuine kindness and empathy exist! Why is it so hard for people to believe
Jun 10, 2018
@Punniz This. Exactly this. Why don't they understand that there's nothing wrong with being kind. While MC may be wrong legally, he and this asshole senpai are clearly different, at least for me.
Aug 15, 2020
That's the one thing I don't like about this story so far. Everyone who finds out about Sayu are all being so self-righteous, saying things like "I would do things this way, so obviously that's the way everyone would do things." and "You're strange for thinking differently than I do." It's completely asinine. What's considered "common sense" for one person could be completely different for another. How one reacts to and deals with situations differs from person to person. You don't need a reason to help people. You don't need some reward for being kind.

Yes, what he's done is technically a crime, taking her in like that, but outside of the act of taking her in, he hasn't done a damn thing wrong and people are shitting on him for it.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 5, 2020
bruh, this drama is such good shit, I don't remember hating a character so much as that Yaguchi piece of shit
And MC is in deep shit man
Oct 18, 2018
why doesn't this MC just beat the living puss outta this idiot?

Welp, then again this is a J manga, where everyone is just unrealistically restrained and nice, and not a K manhwa where the males are more masculine (maybe thanks to their mandatory military service).
Jul 2, 2020
Antagonist:"I rape people"

Protagonist:"I had sex with my lover"

Antagonist:"We're not so different you and I"


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