@Thoxi1026 Gross? you mean she being a hopeless teen prostitute ? And why would he adopt a prostitute in the first place when theres a perfectly normal fine woman of his age waiting for him?
The author is doing a very bad job of redeeming the main girl here lol...
I mean at this rate when she get's older she might commit suicide knowing she ruined her life... btw as far as tags go, this needs psyhological,sexual violence and several tags of sorts.
This is impossible to experiance as slice of life when we are being bombarded with the most disturbing shit you can only find on nhentai.
Oh and the main guy is the worst kind of hypocrite simp that ever walked
Anyways... this is similar to Bitter Virgin where the girl was raped so much over time by her father in law she aborted her first baby, and gave the second one up for adoption cause she was still like 15 or so... in the end the main guy and girl never got togeather cause well... he deserves a normal girl he can be happy with.
I think this manga will end up like that as well. No way in hell she gonna get any romance for quite a while that's for sure, even tho she never had one,maybe she never will. Who knows.
The main guy here is not even worth mentioning. Completely worthless weak pushover betamale simp.